Activation of seismicity in Central and South Asia after the Makran earthquakes: Possible acceleration of preparation of large seismic events in the Tien Shan region



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Two zones of seismicity (ten events with Mw = 7.0–7.7) stretching from Makran and the Eastern Himalaya to the Central and EasternTien Shan, respectively, formed over 11 years after the great Makran earthquake of 1945 (Mw = 8.1). Two large earthquakes (Mw = 7.7) hit theMakran area in 2013. In addition, two zones of seismicity (M ≥ 5.0) occurred 1–2 years after theMakran earthquake in September 24, 2013, stretching in the north-northeastern and north-northwestern directions. Two large Nepal earthquakes struck the southern extremity of the “eastern” zone (April 25, 2015, Mw = 7.8 and May 12, 2015, Mw = 7.3), and the Pamir earthquake (December 7, 2015, Mw = 7.2) occurred near Sarez Lake eastw of the “western” zone. The available data indicate an increase in subhorizontal stresses in the region under study, which should accelerate the possible preparation of a series of large earthquakes, primarily in the area of the Central Tien Shan, between 70° and 79° E, where no large earthquakes (Mw ≥ 7.0) have occurred since 1992.


Yu. Kopnichev

Schmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth

俄罗斯联邦, Moscow, 123242

I. Sokolova

Institute of Geophysical Research

哈萨克斯坦, Almaty, 050020

版权所有 © Allerton Press, Inc., 2017