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Volume 54, Nº 1 (2018)


Interactive Correction of the Long-Period Trend in the Deconvolution Algorithm of Seismic Records

Kalinyuk I., Yaroshenko A., Boyko V., Pankov F.


Ground displacement reconstruction is an ill-posed problem. Therefore, additional assumptions that ensure the stability of the resulting solution have been used to solve it. Interactive correction of the trend in the time domain, which makes it possible to remove a group of long-period trends from the seismic record without repeating the procedure, can be used as an alternative to the regularization of the solution in the deconvolution algorithm. Interactive trend correction is used within the proposed criterion. In the paper, the algorithm for calculating accelerograms from velocigrams with an integrated procedure for the interactive correction of the long-period trend has been given. The efficiency of the algorithm, which is based on the relationship of the differential equation of motion of the velocimeter pendulum to the true acceleration of the foundation bed, has been shown experimentally.

Seismic Instruments. 2018;54(1):1-7
pages 1-7 views

Deep Artificial Neural Networks as a Tool for the Analysis of Seismic Data

Kislov K., Gravirov V.


The number of seismological studies based on artificial neural networks has been increasing. However, neural networks with one hidden layer have almost reached the limit of their capabilities. In the last few years, there has been a new boom in neuroinformatics associated with the development of third-generation networks, deep neural networks. These networks operate with data at a higher level. Unlabeled data can be used to pretrain the network, i.e., there is no need for an expert to determine in advance the phenomenon to which these data correspond. Final training requires a small amount of labeled data. Deep networks have a higher level of abstraction and produce fewer errors. The same network can be used to solve several tasks at the same time, or it is easy to retrain it from one task to another. The paper discusses the possibility of applying deep networks in seismology. We have described what deep networks are, their advantages, how they are trained, how to adapt them to the features of seismic data, and what prospects are opening up in connection with their use.

Seismic Instruments. 2018;54(1):8-16
pages 8-16 views

Broadband Registration of High-Frequency Seismic Noise for Studying Tidal Effects

Cherepantsev A., Saltykov V., Kugaenko Y., Voropaev P.


The possibility of registering high-frequency seismic noise in a broadband frequency range (f = 5–400 Hz) has been considered. The use of an accelerometer on based on the S mode of bending vibrations increases the sensitivity and expanses the frequency range. The operating principle of the accelerometer and its main technical characteristics have been described. Pilot registration of seismic noise was organized at Nachiki seismic station in Kamchatka. The comparative results of tidal effects in seismic noise have been presented according to the data of the broadband accelerometer (f = 5–400 Hz) and resonance sensor (f0 = 30 Hz) during long-term registration on a common base.

Seismic Instruments. 2018;54(1):17-27
pages 17-27 views

Short-Period Seismometers in Seismology

Kabychenko N., Besedina A., Volosov S., Korolev S., Kocharyan G.


This paper reviews the methods of correcting the frequency response of short-period seismometers and geophones, i.e., the multiplication of the transfer sensor functions by the transfer function of the secondorder correction filter and the provision of a considerable attenuation in the oscillating system (h = 5–10) followed by correcting the frequency response with the first-order filter. The correction device circuit developed by the authors for expanding the frequency range of the GS-20DX geophone has been described. The proposed method has been proved to be effective according to the laboratory tests of the geophone with the frequency response correction according to this circuit.

Seismic Instruments. 2018;54(1):28-42
pages 28-42 views

The Results of Integrated Modeling of the Oceanic Gravimetric Effect

Spiridonov E., Vinogradova O.


The implications of a broad range of factors for the intensity of the oceanic gravimetric effect has been estimated. These factors include dissipation, mass correction, the selection of the oceanic tidal model and Earth’s density model, and discarding the near-zone approximation, as well as allowance for the ellipticity of the Earth and the relative, Coriolis, and inertial accelerations. It has been shown that, with the presentday requirements to computational accuracy, the joint effect of these factors, rather than the separate contributions of each individual factor are of primary importance. The load Love numbers are calculated up to degree n = 50000.

Seismic Instruments. 2018;54(1):43-53
pages 43-53 views

The 1914 Earthquake in the Altai Region

Tatevossian R., Mokrushina N.


The data on the earthquakes of April 13 and 25, 1914 in Altai from (Novyi katalog…, 1977) have been summarized. Based on an analysis of the earlier publications and the new data from the initial sources, it has been shown that the only seismic event occurred on April 25 (12 old style), 1914. The weak differentiation of macroseismic effects over the area does not allow us to reliably locate the epicenter; the best spatial accuracy is ±50 km. Based on the entire data volume, the magnitude is estimated at 5.5 ± 0.3 which is slightly higher than was believed earlier.

Seismic Instruments. 2018;54(1):54-77
pages 54-77 views

Estimation of Stress/Strain State of Tectonic Structures Using VP/VS Ratios: A Case Study of Seismically Active Zones of the Greater Caucasus, Kura Depression, Transcaucasia, and the Western Caspian Region

Slavina L., Kuchay M., Likhodeev D., Abdullaeva R.


Earthquakes, which result from tectonic movements within the bowels of the Earth, reflect spatiotemporal changes in the stress field of the geologic medium. Weak regional earthquakes indicate the activation of some elements of seismotectonic zones and preparation of strong earthquakes. The travel times of Pand S-waves and VP/VS ratios are also a source of information on the regional tectonic setting; sometimes this information helps to reveal blind faults. The paper analyzes local earthquakes in a seismically active region, which comprises the Greater Caucasus, the Kura Depression, Transcaucasia, and the western Caspian Region. Based on a large database of hypocenter parameters, P- and S-wave travel times, and areal VP/VS ratio distributions, we identified seismotectonic zones with characteristic anomalous features and outlined gradient zones where VP/VS anomalies reverse sign. It is found that the VP/VS ratio field complies with the regional stress field and deep seismotectonic setting. Zones where anomalies reverse sign (gradient zones) are most likely confined to blind faults. Areas of the high gradient of the field can be put down to blind tectonic structures (faults) or the incipient sources of future strong earthquakes. VP/VS ratio monitoring and mapping will make it possible to identify the source zones of forthcoming earthquakes.

Seismic Instruments. 2018;54(1):78-100
pages 78-100 views

Change in the Physical Properties of Rocks Resulting from Quarry Blasts in South Yakutia

Grib N., Syasko A., Imaev V., Grib G., Kachaev A.


In order to estimate the influence of seismic effects from quarry blasts on the state of rock massif by means of electrotomography, magnetometry, and seismological observations, the variations in the physical properties of rocks before and after massive blasts have been studied. Experimental monitoring along the geophysical profile directed across one of the regional faults crossing the quarry field of the Neryungri open-pit coal mine has revealed no significant changes in the magnetic field after blasts. The revealed features include an increase in the electrical resistivity of rocks in the blast-directed wall of the tectonic fault and a decrease in the fault zone; the change in electrical resistivity in the hanging wall is insignificant. It has been found that the change in physical properties of the rock massif is determined mostly by the state (frozen or thawed) of the rocks, rather than by the power of the blast.

Seismic Instruments. 2018;54(1):101-112
pages 101-112 views

Entropy, Seismicity Monitoring in the Armenian Highlands and Dynamics of the Akhurian Reservoir Filling

Akopian S.


The Armenian seismic system, which has a threshold magnitude of 6.2, has been identified based on the method of seismic entropy, makes it possible to monitor nucleation of strong earthquakes in the magnitude range of 6.2 ≤ M < 6.6, as well as to assess the seismic situation in Armenia and neighboring countries. A study of energy and track diagrams has revealed a fan-shaped tectonic pattern of stress concentrations with an apex in the Kurdistan knot. The analysis of entropy accumulation in seismic cycles carried out for the hierarchy of seismic systems of the Armenian Highlands helped in the identification of prognostic criteria. The results have been compared to the dynamics of Akhurian reservoir filling in 1983–2016.

Seismic Instruments. 2018;54(1):113-120
pages 113-120 views

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