
Determination of the Temperature Dependence of the Shielding of Water Protons and a Method for Estimating the Temperature of Living Tissues
Neronov Y.
Determining the Induction Motor Degradation State Based on Rundown Characteristics
Lisov A., Chernova T., Gorbunov M.
Development of a Reference Framework for the Measurement of Magnetic Induction of a Constant Field in the Range of Geomagnetic and the Hypo-Geomagnetic Values
Shifrin V., Kalabin V., Belyakov D.
Measuring and Primary Processing of Signals of a Sensor of Magnetic Induction in the Working Zone of an Electromechanical System
Andreev А., Kolesnichenko D., Kolesnichenko N.
Calibration of Multicomponent Magnetic Measuring Systems as an Inverse Problem of Magnetometry
Batalov L., Nesterov V.
Multifunctional Vibration-Frequency Measuring Transducer of Force with Cylindrical Resonator
Taranenko Y., Oliynyk O.
GET 198–2017, State Primary Standard of Unit of Power of Magnetic Losses and Unit of Magnetic Induction of Constant Magnetic Field in Range from 0.1 to 2.5 T and Magnetic Flux from 1·10–5 to 3·10–2 Wb
Volegova E., Malygin M., Maslova T., Volegov A.
Development of the Standards Base in the Field of Measurements of Magnetic Induction and Magnetic Flux
Belyakov D., Khorev V., Shilov A., Shifrin V.
Comparative Analysis of Search Methods for the Source of a Magnetic Field of a Dipole Model
Ivanov Y., Semenov V.
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