
Sukhov, A. V.

栏目 标题 文件
卷 58, 编号 11 (2016) Article Use of the Method of Predetermined Currents to Calculate the Parameters of Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields with Rise Time Up to 10 psec in the Time Domain
卷 58, 编号 11 (2016) Article Metrological Assurance of Measurements of Pulsed Lightning-Strike Currents
卷 58, 编号 11 (2016) Article Methods and Means of Probing Radio-Absorbing Materials with Ultrashort Electromagnetic Pulses
卷 59, 编号 2 (2016) Article Metrological Assurance of Devices Intended to Measure the Parameters of Pulsed Electric and Magnetic Fields of Natural and Artificial Origin
卷 60, 编号 1 (2017) Article Processing of Signals and Analysis of Errors in Measurements of Electromagnetic Parameters of Radar-Absorbing Materials in the Time Domain
卷 60, 编号 11 (2018) Radio Measurements Interlaboratory Standard for Calibrating the Primary Standards of the Unit of Pulsed Electric Field Strength
卷 60, 编号 12 (2018) Radio Measurements Choice of Window Function in Pulsed Spectroscopy of Microwave Radiation-Absorbent Materials
卷 60, 编号 12 (2018) Article Measurement of the Reflectivity of Radiation Absorbent Materials by Pulsed Spectroscopy
卷 61, 编号 6 (2018) State Standards GET 178–2016: State Primary Special Standard of the Units of the Intensity of Pulsed Electric and Magnetic Fields with Length of Pulse Front in the Range from 10 to 100 psec
卷 61, 编号 6 (2018) Electromagnetic Measurements Microwave Photonic Detector for Measuring Pulsed Electric Field Strengths in the Sub-Nanosecond Region
卷 61, 编号 10 (2019) Article Get 148–2013: State Primary Special Standard of Units of Electric and Magnetic Pulse Field Strengths with Pulse Rise Time in the Range from 0.1 to 10.0 ns