Characterization of B1-cells during experimental leukomogenesis

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Background. Bovine leukemia causes a significant polyclonal expansion of CD5+ , IgM+ B lymphocytes, known as persistent lymphocytosis (PL), in approximately 30% of infected cattle. However, it is not yet clear what happens to this subpopulation of B cells in the early period of infection of animals.

Purpose. Quantitative characterization of IgM+ and CD5B cells during the immune response, which can provide important information on the mechanisms of lymphocyte priming in BLV infection.

Material and methods. The experiment used BLV-negative calves of black-motley breed at the age of 8 months (n = 11). Animals (n = 8) were intravenously injected with blood of a BLV-positive cow. Control calves (n = 3) were injected with saline. Studies were performed before and after infection on days 5, 7, 14, 21, 28 and 65 of the immune response. The determination of the number of B-lymphocytes in the blood was carried out by the method of immunoperoxidase staining based on monoclonal antibodies to IgM, CD5.

Results. As a result of the studies, it was found that the level of CD5+ B cells increases on the 14th day of the primary immune response, characterized by polyclonal proliferation of CD5+ B cells, which are the primary target for BLV. Our research data confirm that in the lymphocytes of experimentally infected cattle, surface aggregation of IgM and CD5 molecules on B-lymphocytes is absent.

Discussion. It is known that the wave-like nature of IgM synthesis, which was shown in previous studies, depends on a subpopulation of B1 cells. After 7 days of the immune response, IgM+ and CD5+ cells do not correlate, which shows their functional difference. The increase in CD5+ cells is probably not associated with B cells, but with T cells differentiating under the influence of the virus.

Conclusions. A subset of B1 cells is the primary target of cattle leukemia virus. The 65th day of the immune response is characterized by the expansion of IgM+ B cells, a decrease in the number of CD5+ cells and a uniform distribution of receptors around the perimeter of the cells.

About the authors

I. Yu. Ezdakova

All-Russian Scientific and Research Institute of Experimental Veterinary Medicine named after K.I. Scriabin and Ya.R. Kovalenko of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-8467-4920

Irina Yu. Ezdakova, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Head Laboratory of Immunology.

Moscow, 109428

Russian Federation

O. V. Kapustina

All-Russian Scientific and Research Institute of Experimental Veterinary Medicine named after K.I. Scriabin and Ya.R. Kovalenko of the Russian Academy of Sciences

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-7382-8656
Moscow, 109428 Russian Federation

M. I. Gulyukin

All-Russian Scientific and Research Institute of Experimental Veterinary Medicine named after K.I. Scriabin and Ya.R. Kovalenko of the Russian Academy of Sciences

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-7489-6175
Moscow, 109428 Russian Federation

T. V. Stepanova

All-Russian Scientific and Research Institute of Experimental Veterinary Medicine named after K.I. Scriabin and Ya.R. Kovalenko of the Russian Academy of Sciences

ORCID iD: 0000-0001-9092-8045
Moscow, 109428 Russian Federation


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Copyright (c) 2020 Ezdakova I.Y., Kapustina O.V., Gulyukin M.I., Stepanova T.V.

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