On the Solvability of a Periodic Problem for a System of Ordinary Differential Equations with the Main Positive Homogeneous Nonlinearity




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We study the solvability of a periodic problem for a system of ordinary differential equations in which we separate the main nonlinear part that is positive homogeneous mapping (of order greater than unity), with the rest called a perturbation. It is proved that if the unperturbed system of equations has no nonzero bounded solutions, then the periodic problem is solvable under any perturbation if and only if the degree of the positive homogeneous mapping on the unit sphere is nonzero. The result obtained is of interest from the point of view of the application and development of methods of nonlinear analysis in the theory of differential and integral equations.


E. Mukhamadiev

Vologda State University, Vologda, 160000, Russia

Email: emuhamadiev@rambler.ru

A. Naimov

Vologda State University, Vologda, 160000, Russia

Email: naimovan@vogu35.ru


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