Voprosy Jazykoznanija

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Bimonthly peer-review journal founded in January 1952 is the leading Russian academic journal devoted to linguistics.


  • Russian Academy of Sciences
  • V.V. Vinogradov Russian Language Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences


  • Russian Academy of Sciences

The journal is published under the auspices of Department of Historical and Philological Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

About the journal

The journal welcomes original research on linguistic theory, areal, typological, and comparative linguistics, sociolinguistics, computational and corpus linguistics, psycholinguistics, and related fields. 

Preference is given to papers that make a theoretical contribution or present new empirical data of general interest. Papers assessing minor language-specific descriptive problems, as well as those dealing with “cultural concepts”, “linguistic consciousness”, literary science, and folklore studies are generally discouraged; the editorial board reserves the right to decline such articles without further consideration.

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Current Issue

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No 2 (2023)

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Gender variation and gender markedness in Russian nouns
Magomedova V.D., Slioussar N.A.

In this paper, we analyze diff erent factors aff ecting gender assignment in Russian nouns. We conducted two studies combining experimental, dictionary, and corpus data (relying both on traditional corpora and on the web-as-a-corpus approach). The fi rst study is dedicated to gender assignment to expressive nouns in a situation when the gender of the base noun and the expressive suffix give contradictory cues. We demonstrated extensive gender variation in these cases and estimated the role of different factors affecting it. The gender of the base noun and the inflection associated with the expressive suffix appeared to be the most important. Animacy is also relevant (certain options are possible only for nouns denoting people) but statistically insignifi cant. The second study is on gender assignment to nouns that have a zero inflection in nominative singular and a palatalized, alveolo-palatal, or postalveolar stem-final consonant. In the previous studies, it was noted that the phonological properties of this consonant affect the gender distribution in these nouns. Our data confirmed this generalization and provided several new insights. We also demonstrated that native Russian speakers are sensitive to it. We discuss the implications of our results for different approaches in theoretical morphology and focus on gender markedness analyzing a special status of masculine gender.

Voprosy Jazykoznanija. 2023;(2):7-28
pages 7-28 views
The structure of the semantic domain of modality in Russian: Modelling systemic relations between constructions (based on the Russian Constructicon)
Mordashova D.D.
This paper proposes an analysis of systemic relations between constructions with modal semantics in Russian. Based on the data from the Russian Constructicon resource, I build a classification of 124 constructions expressing root (dynamic and deontic) and epistemic meanings. The classification relies on the taxonomy of constructions, which is being developed in recent studies in Construction Grammar and constructicography. This taxonomy involves groups of constructions of various size (namely, families, clusters, and networks of constructions). A constructional family comprises modal constructions with similar semantic (and often also morphosyntactic) properties. Families form larger units — constructional clusters and networks, which have a radial category structure, where more central and more peripheral members can be identified. This paper pinpoints that some semantic domains are better described in terms of scalar rather than radial structures, and epistemic modal constructions serve as an example of such domain. I establish conceptual links between the families of constructions, such as specification vs. generalization strategies, contrast, intensification vs. attenuation of particular semantic components, etc. The classification proposed in the paper contributes both to typology in that it refines the existing view on the structure of modality and its linguistic expression, and to constructicography, which is concerned with the mechanisms of constructional interaction within the system of a given language.  
Voprosy Jazykoznanija. 2023;(2):29-55
pages 29-55 views
Northern Russian intonation: Prosodic breaks
Knyazev S.V.
This paper analyzes prosodic phrasing in Northern Russian dialects spoken in the Pinezhsky, Plesetsky, Verkhnetoemsky, Mezensky, Leshukonsky, Konoshsky, and Vinogradovsky districts of Arkhangelsk Oblast based on the material of dialectal speech corpora and the author’s tape recordings of dialectal speech made in 1987–1999 (49 hours in total). It deals primarily with the issues related to the local markers of prosodic phrasing, their hierarchy and phonetic means of realization. Based on the performed analysis, I suggest the following break index scale in Arkhangelsk dialects: 0 — break index showing strongest cohesion (absence of prosodic break), typical of boundaries internal to prosodic words (e.g., boundaries between clitics and hosts); 1 — break index marking prosodic word boundaries: marked on the right edge of a prosodic word followed by another prosodic word within the same accentual phrase (by means of reset of the word’s rhythmical structure); 2 — break index marking accentual phrase boundaries: marked on the right edge of an accentual phrase followed by another accentual phrase within the same intermediate phrase (phonetically manifested as a signifi cant — more than 1.5 semitones — tonal drop on a voiced consonant and/or on a poststressed vowel); 3 — break index marking a boundary between an intermediate phrase with nuclear pitch accent and an accentual phrase with non-nuclear pitch accent within the same intonational phrase (using a long, 300–1500 ms, interruption in articulation and high or low boundary tone); 4 — break index marking intermediate phrase boundaries: marked on the right edge of an intonational phrase (by means of high or low boundary tone and an optional pause); 5 — break index marking intonational phrase boundaries: marked on the right edge of an intonational phrase (by means of low boundary tone and an optional pause). The most characteristic features of Arkhangelsk dialects from the perspective of prosodic phrasing are 1) the accomodationof microprosodic features (tonal drop on voiced consonants) for macroprosodic purposes (marking accentual phrase boundaries); 2) the use of lasting physical breaks in articulation to mark prosodic phrasing within an intonational phrase; 3) the absence of a sraightforward correlation between the pause duration and the depth of prosodic breaks.
Voprosy Jazykoznanija. 2023;(2):56-88
pages 56-88 views
Ossetic verbal paradigms in a cross-linguistic perspective
Vydrin A.P.
The article discusses Ossetic verbal paradigms. Ossetic data is compared with the data of other New Iranian languages (both East and West Iranian). The study is based on the synchronic approach. Ossetic verb has a number of features atypical of other New Iranian languages — in particular, morphological Future, Impersonal, morphological transitivity, and special forms for the third person Imperative. The person-number endings play a key role in the formation of the tense and mood forms in Ossetic. On the contrary, in other New Iranian languages, verbal roots or special affixes perform the main function in the building of tense and mood forms, while the person-number endings rarely convey any other meanings besides person and number. Ossetic lacks some of the categories and grammatical features typical of New Iranian languages (Perfect and Pluperfect, aspectual forms, analytical or complex forms). This study contributes not only to the grammar of Ossetic, but also to the typology of verbal categories of New Iranian languages.
Voprosy Jazykoznanija. 2023;(2):89-113
pages 89-113 views
Beyond syntacticocentric and lexicalist: Event-structural force-dynamic approach to noun incorporation and promotion to direct object in Amguema Chukchi
Vinyar A.I.

There are two most common approaches to analyzing noun incorporation: syntacticocentric, which derives this construction via syntactic movement, and lexicalist, which argues that this complex verbal stem is formed by compounding in the lexicon via rules operating in a verbal lexical entry. Without discussing the general theoretical possibility of such analyses, in this paper I advocate a much less widespread analysis of noun incorporation. I argue that noun incorporation rules are directly derivable from the event structure. Taking W. Croft’s approach to argument and event structure, I review previous studies and provide some new field data which point towards event-structural analysis of noun incorporation and promotion to direct object formulated in concepts of force dynamics, affectedness and subevents’ ordering. I also argue that the force-dynamic analysis I propose does not postulate idiosyncratic rules: the restrictions I formulate for noun incorporation and promotion in Amguema Chukchi are simultaneously cognitively and diachronically grounded.

Voprosy Jazykoznanija. 2023;(2):114-143
pages 114-143 views


Linguistic studies of computer-mediated communication
Khazova A.B.
The article presents an overview of the work of Russian and foreign authors concerning the phenomenon of computer-mediated communication in linguistic perspective. We describe the features of the digital communication channel that can infl uence different levels of language, with special attention to the studies focusing on vocabulary, morphology, syntax, and punctuation of texts generated during Internet communication. We consider specific quantitative studies of these levels of language and note the special lability of the lexical level. We also demonstrate the mixed nature of borrowing morphological, syntactic, and punctuation features from spoken and written language and highlight the role of the linguistic economy principle at each level. The paper gives a detailed description of the corpus studies by I. Karpov and A. Bodomo, and also draws on the material from the Russian National Corpus. In addition, the works dealing with the issues of speech patterns of communication and code-switching are described. Further, we address the problem of inheritance of features of spoken and written language by computer-mediated communication: we show how many elements are borrowed and transformed at different levels and explain which extralinguistic factors can influence those changes. Special attention is paid to such constructions as well-wishes and appeals, as well as their functioning in various Internet spaces (e-mail, messengers, social media, forums). The final part of the article summarizes the results, concludes about the intermediate position of computer-mediated communication between oral and written communication, and discusses the prospects for studying Internet communication using quantitative methods.
Voprosy Jazykoznanija. 2023;(2):144-156
pages 144-156 views


pages 157-166 views

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