Evolution of magnetic tunnel junction’s modes for different directions of an external magnetic field




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We present the investigation of the behavior of magnetic tunnel junction’s (MTJ) modes for the different magnitude and the directions of the external magnetic field by the ST-FMR method. We have found an insensitive mode of MTJ to the direction of the external magnetic field. Using macrospin modeling, we show that the behavior of the uniform mode of a free layer of MTJ is like the insensitive mode.


M. Shkanakina

New Spintronic Technologies LLC, Russian Quantum Center; National Research University “Moscow Institute of Electronic Technology”

Email: m.shkanakina@nst.tech
Russia, 143026, Skolkovo; Russia, 124498, Moscow

G. Kichin

New Spintronic Technologies LLC, Russian Quantum Center

Email: m.shkanakina@nst.tech
Russia, 143026, Skolkovo

P. Skirdkov

New Spintronic Technologies LLC, Russian Quantum Center; Prokhorov General Physics Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Email: m.shkanakina@nst.tech
Russia, 143026, Skolkovo; Russia, 119333, Moscow

M. Putrya

National Research University “Moscow Institute of Electronic Technology”

Email: m.shkanakina@nst.tech
Russia, 124498, Moscow

K. Zvezdin

New Spintronic Technologies LLC, Russian Quantum Center; Prokhorov General Physics Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Email: m.shkanakina@nst.tech
Russia, 143026, Skolkovo; Russia, 119333, Moscow


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版权所有 © М.Д. Шканакина, Г.А. Кичин, П.Н. Скирдков, М.Г. Путря, К.А. Звездин, 2023
