
Functional Connectivity of Cortical Fields at Rest as a Mechanism of Brain Preparation to Purposeful Activity
Stankova E., Shepovalnikov A.
Physiological mechanisms of simulated purposeful activities of patients with epilepsy
Zorin R., Zhadnov V., Lapkin M.
Sources of electrophysiological and foci of hemodynamic brain activity most relevant for controlling a hybrid brain–Computer interface based on classification of EEG patterns and near-infrared spectrography signals during motor imagery
Bobrov P., Isaev M., Korshakov A., Oganesyan V., Kerechanin J., Popodko A., Frolov A.
Prediction of Successful Personal Cognitive Performance Based on Integrated Characteristics of Multichannel EEG
Trifonov M., Panasevich E.
Relationships between the EEG θ- and β-parameters and heart rate variability during human cognitive performance
Dzhebrailova T., Korobeinikova I., Karatygin N., Dudnik E.
Cognitive brain–Computer interface and probable aspects of its practical application
Atanov M., Ivanitsky G., Ivanitsky A.
Pulsed Light Stimulation in a System of the Aviation Specialist State Correction
Chuntul A., Kozlovsky A.
Ventricular Repolarization of the Heart of Cross-country Skiers at Different Stages of the Annual Training Cycle
Panteleeva N., Roshchevskaya I.
Integration of Functional, Psychophysiological, and Biochemical Processes in Athletes after Audiovisual Stimulation
Golovin M., Balioz N., Krivoschekov S., Aizman R.
Visual and oculomotor activity of first-grade school students during reading texts of varying complexity
Bezrukikh M., Adamovskaya O., Ivanov V.
Chronobiological assessment of habitual physical activity in humans in Western Siberia
Kolpakov V., Tomilova E., Bespalova T., Larkina N., Stolbov M., Tkachuk A.
Comparative Efficiency Analysis of Prophylactic Measures Counteracting Negative Effects of Reduced Physical Activity on Human Physical Performance during a 520-Day Isolation Experiment
Uskov K., Fomina E.
Neuronal Activity of the Subthalamic Nucleus in Patients with Parkinson’s Disease
Belova E., Nezvinskiy A., Usova S., Semenova U., Medvednik R., Popov V., Gamaleya A., Tomskiy A., Sedov A.
Investigation of Blood Biochemical Indices during Bicycle Ergometry
Davydov B., Stepanova G., Krivitsina Z., Vorontsov A., Voronkov Y.
Age-related parameters of spinal inhibition of skeletal muscles in regulation of voluntary movements in men
Chelnokov A., Gladchenko D., Fedorov S., Gorodnichev R.
The changes in the hemodynamic activity of the brain during motor imagery training with the use of brain-computer interface
Frolov A., Husek D., Silchenko A., Tintera J., Rydlo J.
Visual Perception and Oculomotor Activity during Reading Tasks of Varying Complexity in Children Aged Seven to Ten Years
Bezrukikh M., Adamovskaya O., Ivanov V., Filippova T.
Autonomic Regulation of Heart Rate and Distinctive Features of Oculomotor Activity in Eight- to Nine-Year-Old Boys and Girls during the Reading of Texts of Different Complexities
Bezrukikh M., Komkova Y., Ivanov V.
Effectiveness of Different Training Programs for Physical Performance Maintenance under the Condition of Low Motor Activity
Fomina E., Uskov K.
Evaluation of the liver functional changes in modeling the hemodynamic effects of microgravity in bed rest studies
Afonin B., Sedova E., Tikhonova G., Solovieva A., Valuev V.
Dynamics of oxidation stress markers during long-term antiorthostatic hypokinesia: A retrospective study
Juravlyova O., Markin A., Kuzichkin D., Loginov V., Zabolotskaya I., Vostrikova L.
Brain Bioelectrical Activity and Cerebral Hemodynamics in Athletes under Combined Cognitive and Physical Loading
Kapilevich L., Yezhova G., Zakharova A., Kabachkova A., Krivoshchekov S.
Technologies of Nonlinear Stimulation: Role in the Treatment of Diseases of the Brain and the Potential Applications in Healthy Individuals
Zueva M.
β2-adrenergic receptor maladaptations to high power resistance exercise overreaching
Sterczala A., Fry A., Chiu L., Schilling B., Weiss L., Nicoll J.
Functional activity of the liver under the conditions of immersion and effects of countermeasures
Solovieva A., Sedova E., Tomilovskaya E., Shigueva T., Afonin B.
1 - 25 的 35 信息 1 2 > >> 


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