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Том 42, № 3 (2016)


Cognitive brain–Computer interface and probable aspects of its practical application

Atanov M., Ivanitsky G., Ivanitsky A.


A new type of brain-computer interface was elaborated. It considers a variety of brain activity parameters to determine the type of mental operation being performed at the moment. The corresponding algorithm previously developed in the lab was modified for real-time application. The possibility of interface application for cognitive skills training was investigated. In the proposed paradigm, as soon as the EEG spectral pattern was adequate for the current task, some clue to the solution was presented. As we supposed, such positive biofeedback should facilitate memorization of the current brain state. After just one learning session, the differences in EEG spectra, corresponding to two types of tasks, were concentrated in more narrow frequency ranges. It indicates a decrease in mental effort. Moreover, the majority of subjects succeeded in solving the tasks faster, which is evidence of increased efficiency. The developed interface could be used for the new type of training, based on objective features of brain activity.

Human Physiology. 2016;42(3):235-240
pages 235-240 views

Sources of electrophysiological and foci of hemodynamic brain activity most relevant for controlling a hybrid brain–Computer interface based on classification of EEG patterns and near-infrared spectrography signals during motor imagery

Bobrov P., Isaev M., Korshakov A., Oganesyan V., Kerechanin J., Popodko A., Frolov A.


A method is described for joint use of electroencephalography and near-infrared spectrography to locate sources of electrophysiological and foci of hemodynamic brain activity during motor execution and imagination. The sources of electrophysiological and foci of hemodynamic brain activity most relevant for controlling a hybrid brain-computer interface based on motor imagery are revealed and discussed.

Human Physiology. 2016;42(3):241-251
pages 241-251 views

Evaluation of changes in the cortical gait control in post-stroke patients induced by the use of the “Regent” soft exoskeleton complex (SEC) by navigated transcranial magnetic stimulation

Poydasheva A., Saenko I., Chervyakov A., Zmeykina E., Lukmanov R., Chernikova L., Suponeva N., Piradov M., Kozlovskaya I.


The mechanisms underlying the locomotion recovery in poststroke patients remain unknown. Navigated transcranial magnetic stimulation (nTMS) is a new method to evaluate the functional state of the motor system. Using of the “Regent” soft exoskeleton complex (SEC) allow to correct walking pattern significantly. The aim of this study was to evaluate the capability of nTMS to assess changes in gait cortical control using SEC in poststroke patients. 14 patients of the subcortical stroke (the mean age was 53.0 years, the mean time from stroke onset was 14.2 months) received 10 training sessions with SEC. The patients received nTMS before and after the sessions, as well as they were clinically evaluated by the Fugl–Meyer scale section for lower extremity and a 10-m walk test. Whereas a reliable reduction in the time of walking for 10 m was recorded after the sessions with the application of SEC, the Fugl-Meyer scale assessment remained unchanged. During nTMS, a reduction was recorded in the average latency of evoked motor response from the affected hemisphere, as well as various patterns of changes in the size and localization of cortical representations of the leg muscles. We have concluded that the nTMS method allowed us to identify the individual patterns of changes in the cortical representations of leg muscles as a result of the use of SEC in post-stroke patients with injuries in a group of locomotor system elements, thus identifying not only the fact of the undergoing neuroplastic processes, but also their direction.

Human Physiology. 2016;42(3):252-257
pages 252-257 views

Evaluation of lumbar enlargement motor neuron excitability: Comparison between H-reflex and transcutaneous spinal cord stimulation

Emeliannikov D., Shapkova E., Moshonkina T., Gerasimenko Y.


Multisegmental muscle responses (MMR) are reflexes in the leg muscles evoked by transcutaneous electrical spinal cord stimulation over the Th11–Th12 vertebrae. We have used MMR to evaluate the excitability of lumbosacral motor neurons in individuals having paraplegia of low limbs. Ten individuals were tested using H-reflexes and MMR bilaterally before (n0 = 20) and during 4-weeks course of rehabilitation (n=76). The H-reflex and MMR of m. gastrocnemius lateralis were obtained in: 15 and 13 cases out of 20, respectively. Both reflexes were recorded in 11 and were absent in 3 cases, matched up to 70% of recordings. In dynamic, the both methods were 100% reproducible and the responses’ amplitude varied in similar directions in 67% of records. The data confirm the validity and reproducibility of the MMR for evaluation of the motor neurons excitability in lumbosacral cord. The H-reflex magnitude shows moderate correlation with MMR in m. gastrocnemius lateralis (r = 0.59, p < 0.001), and weak correlation with MMR in mm. rectus femoris, biceps femoris, and tibialis anterior (r < 0.40, p < 0.001). These findings do not allow extrapolate the results from the H-reflex measurement on the state of lumbosacral cord on the whole. At the same time, measurements of the MMR allow estimate simultaneously the excitability of motor pools innervating several muscle groups. This gives the possibility to assess the functional state of the motor neurons in the lumbosacral cord for clinical and experimental studies, including the spinal cord damage.

Human Physiology. 2016;42(3):258-261
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Effect of locomotor training and functional electrical stimulation on postural function in children with severe cerebral palsy

Nikityuk I., Moshonkina T., Shcherbakova N., Vissarionov S., Umnov V., Rozhdestvenskii V., Gerasimenko Y.


Cerebral palsy (CP) considerably impairs the ability to maintain upright stance. The effects of locomotor training and functional electrical stimulation (FES) on postural control were determined in 27 children aged 6–12 years with severe CP. The severity level of the clinical manifestations of CP was classified as 3 according to the Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS). All patients participated in 15 30-min mechanical therapy sessions using robot-assisted passive stepping. In 12 out of 27 children, the locomotion therapy was accompanied by FES. Stabilometry and plantography tests were performed in 23 healthy age-matched children. Postural control in children with CP differed from the stabilograms of healthy children in a forward shift of the center of pressure (COP) projection; higher values of the COP trajectory area and length, the mean amplitude of the COP oscillations, and the absence of COP response to the eyes closed condition. After treatment, the posturographic characteristics tended to normalize in relation to the values obtained in neurologically intact children. The improvement was observed in 43% of children without FES and in 75% of children in the group with FES. Analysis of plantograms revealed normalization of footprints in children who received FES. Thus, it was demonstrated that FES combined with locomotor training resulted in the improvement in vertical posture control in children with severe CP.

Human Physiology. 2016;42(3):262-270
pages 262-270 views

Features of parkinsonian and essential tremor of the human hand

Dick O., Nozdrachev A.


Using spectral, wavelet, multifractal, and recurrence analyses we examined the features of involuntary shaking (tremor) that occur during the performance of a given motor task. The task was to maintain the efforts of fingers under isometric conditions by a healthy subject, a patient with primary bilateral parkinsonism, and a patient with essential tremor syndrome. The physiological tremor was characterized by the lowest amplitude, a broad power spectrum, the lowest energy of the wavelet spectrum, the highest degree of multifractality, the lowest degree of determinism, and the highest entropy of the recurrence time density. In the case of the essential tremor we observed a significant enhancement of the wavelet spectrum energy and a decrease of the oscillation complexity. This was evident via the occurrence of clear peaks in the power spectra, a decrease in the degree of multifractality, the emergence of a quasi-periodic structure in the recurrence diagrams, an increase in determinism and a decrease of the entropy of recurrence time density. All these trends were increased for the parkinsonian tremor data. These characteristics enable us to quantitatively estimate the degree of deviation of motor function from the healthy case.

Human Physiology. 2016;42(3):271-278
pages 271-278 views

Cortical functional connectivity during the retention of affective pictures in working memory: EEG-source theta coherence analysis

Machinskaya R., Rozovskaya R., Kurgansky A., Pechenkova E.


The pattern of cortical functional connectivity in the source space was studied in a group of righthanded adult participants (N = 44:17 women, 27 men, aged M = 29.61 ± 6.45 years). Participants retained the traces of realistic pictures of positive, neutral, and negative emotional valences in their working memory (WM) while performing the same-different task. Within the framework of this task, participants had to compare the initial picture against a target picture that followed after a specified delay. The coherence (COH) between the pairs of cortical sources chosen in advance according to fMRI data was estimated in the theta frequency range for the period preceding the initial stimulus, during the retention of the initial stimulus in WM, and during the rest interval between successive trials. Two distinct sets of functional links were found. The links of the first type that presumably reflected the involvement of sustained attention were between the dorsal anterior cingulate cortex, the prefrontal areas, and temporal areas of the right hemispheres. When compared to the rest period, the links of this type showed strengthening not only during the retention period but also during the period preceding the initial picture. The links of the second type presumably reflected a progressive neocortex-to-hippocampus functional integration with increasing memory load and strengthened exclusively during the retention period. These links were between the parietal, temporal and prefrontal cortices in the lateral surface of both hemispheres with the additional inclusion of the posterior cingulate cortex and the medial parietal cortex in the left hemisphere. The impact of emotional valence on the strength and topography of the functional links of the second type was found. In the left hemisphere, the increase of strength of cortical interaction was more pronounced for the pictures of positive valence than for the pictures of either neutral or negative valences. When compared to the pictures of neutral valence, the retention of pictorial information of both positive and negative valence showed some extraneous integration of the cortical areas for the theta rhythm. This finding might be related to the additional load exerted by emotionally colored pictures onto the mechanisms of short-time retention of visual information.

Human Physiology. 2016;42(3):279-293
pages 279-293 views

Characteristics of invariant recognition of visual objects in preschool children with typical and atypical development

Cherenkova L., Sokolova L.


The invariant recognition ability of five- to six-year-old children with typical and atypical patterns of development in terms of the shape of visual images varying in color, size, and location has been studied. It has been shown that the typically developing children of this age are able to identify the invariant form of a visual object regardless of any changes in its color, size, or location. The children with neurodevelopmental disorders have difficulties with identifying the shape of a visual object when its location among a large number of figures is changed. The children with early infantile autism exhibit different degrees of visual perceptual deficit. The children with the milder forms of autistic disorders have difficulties only with recognizing the shape of an image when its location is changed; the children with more severe forms of disorders showed a serious impairment of invariant recognition regardless of image color, size, and location.

Human Physiology. 2016;42(3):294-300
pages 294-300 views

Visual–manual tracking after long spaceflights

Kornilova L., Glukhikh D., Habarova E., Naumov I., Ekimovskiy G., Pavlova A.


This study presents the results of the pre- and postflight clinical and physiological examination (CPE) and scientific experiment “Sensory Adaptation-2” at the Gagarin Research and Test Cosmonaut Training Center, which involved 14 Russian cosmonauts, crewmembers of long-term international spaceflights ISS-28/29 to ISS 36/37, who were in microgravity from 159 to 195 days. The cosmonauts were aged 35–50 years. The studies were conducted twice before the spaceflight (the background), as well as on days R+1(2), R+4(5), and R+8(9) after landing. In the study of visual–manual tracking (VMT), eye movements were recorded by the electrooculography method (EOG), and hand movements were recorded by a joystick (the screen represented the current tilt angle of a joystick handle). The examinations were conducted using stimulation computer programs, were presented to an examined subject on the screen of the Sensomotor hardware–software complex. The examinations took place in the dialog mode and included the EOG calibration; VMT within ±10° on the screen with blank background (the smooth linear and sinusoidal movement of a point target with a frequency of 0.16 Hz in the vertical and horizontal directions). The study estimated the time, amplitude, and velocity characteristics of visual and manual tracking (VT and MT), including the effectiveness (ec) and gain (gc) coefficients as the ratios of the amplitude and velocity of eye/hand movements to the amplitude and velocity of the visual stimulus. The study of the vestibular function (VF) was performed before and after the spaceflight using videooculography. The static torsion otolith–cervical–ocular reflex (OCOR), dynamic vestibular–cervical–ocular reactions (VCOR), vestibular reactivity, and spontaneous eye movements were assessed. The study of VF in the first postflight days has shown a sharp decrease (up to its complete absence) of static vestibular excitability accompanied by the increased dynamic reactivity of the vestibular system. The study of VTM in the first postflight days has shown a significant decrease in the ec and gc of VT as well as correlations between the parameters of VT and MT and between the parameters of VF and VT and has not found a correlation between the parameters of VF and MT. The conditions of the spaceflight have been revealed to affect the accuracy of VT more strongly than the accuracy of MT. A complete return of the characteristics of VMT and VF to the baseline was observed on R+8(9) days after the spaceflight.

Human Physiology. 2016;42(3):301-311
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Noise effect on the recognition of fragmented contour images

Bondarko V., Bondarko D., Chikhman V.


We compared the results of recognition of fragmented contour images in the presence of noise and without noise. Both the contour images and the visual noise were synthesized with Gabor elements. The spacing between fragments in contour images and between noise elements, as well as the sizes of images, varied irrespective of one another. The percentage of recognition did not depend on the size of stimuli, but it differed for various objects in the presence and absence of noise. The percentage of recognition was higher for images with lots of turns in the absence of noise and, on the contrary, for images with lengthy contours with a lightly varying curvature in the presence of noise. The thresholds of recognition in noise depended, in general, on the ratio of the spacing between the elements in noise to the spacing between contour fragments.

Human Physiology. 2016;42(3):312-319
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Severity of depressive symptoms and oscillatory responses to emotional facial expressions

Knyazev G., Bocharov A., Savostyanov A.


Differences in oscillatory responses to emotional facial expressions were studied in 40 subjects (19 men and 21 women aged from 18 to 30 years) varying in severity of depressive symptoms. Compared with perception of angry and neutral faces, perception of happy faces was accompanied by lower Δ synchronization in subjects with a low severity of depressive symptoms (Group 2) and higher Δ synchronization in subjects with a high severity of depressive symptoms (Group 1). Because synchronization of Δ oscillations is usually observed in aversive states, it was assumed that happy faces were perceived as negative stimuli by the Group 1 subjects. Perception of angry faces was accompanied by α desynchronization in Group 2 and α synchronization in Group 1. Based on Klimesch’s theory, the effect was assumed to indicate that the Group 1 subjects were initially set up for perception of negative emotional information. The effect of the emotional stimulus category was significant in Group 2 and nonsignificant in Group 1, testifying that the recognition of emotional information is hindered in depression-prone individuals.

Human Physiology. 2016;42(3):320-325
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Physiological mechanisms of simulated purposeful activities of patients with epilepsy

Zorin R., Zhadnov V., Lapkin M.


In order to look into the physiological mechanisms providing the efficiency of purposeful activity of patients with epilepsy, 102 patients with symptomatic, cryptogenic, and idiopathic forms of this disease were examined. Three clusters of patients were formed using the Gorbov–Shulte performance test. Patients from the low-efficiency cluster were characterized by the lack of the habituation mechanisms in the activity of afferent systems and the mechanisms of motor response; a high level of activity of stress adaptation systems; as well as a higher intrasystemic tension during preparation for purposeful activity compared to patients from the intermediate and high-performance clusters.

Human Physiology. 2016;42(3):326-334
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Search for associations between G/A polymorphism of the EPAS1 gene and the maximal oxygen consumption in Russian athletes

Bondareva E., Bleer A., Godina E.


This study investigates associations between G/A polymorphism of the epithelial PAS domain protein 1 (EPAS1) gene (rs1867785) and the maximum rate of oxygen consumption (VO2max) in male Russian athletes. The study engaged 241 male athletes from different sports; the control group of nonathletes included 92 subjects. Increased frequencies of the AA and AG genotypes of the EPAS1 gene (χ2 = 14.16, p = 0.03) were found in the cohort of male athletes. The frequencies of these alleles in the subgroups with moderate (EPAS1*A 38.1% and EPAS1*G 61.9%) and high (EPAS1*A 41.8% and EPAS1*G 58.2%) VO2max values significantly differed from those in the control group (χ2 = 7.53, p = 0.006 and χ2 = 6.58, p = 0.01, respectively). The higher aerobic capacities are probably associated with the presence of at least one minor A allele of the EPAS1 gene in the genome.

Human Physiology. 2016;42(3):335-338
pages 335-338 views

Sex-related differences in the interrelations between the level of 25-hydroxyvitamin D and blood lipids in healthy young subjects

Kozlov A., Vershubsky G., Negasheva M., Ryzhaenkov V.


The correlations between the serum concentration of 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D) and the blood levels of total cholesterol (TC), high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, triglycerides (TG), and apolipoprotein E were analyzed in young non-overweight men (n = 40) and women (n = 61) aged 14–23 years having no acute or active chronic diseases. The measured variables were standardized within sex and four local groups. Spearman rank correlation was observed between the concentration of 25(OH)D and TC in women (Rsp = 0.306, p = 0.017), and between the concentrations of 25(OH)D and TG in men (Rsp =–0.372, p = 0.018).

Human Physiology. 2016;42(3):339-342
pages 339-342 views


Physiological basis of the pathogenesis of alcohol-induced skeletal muscle injury

Zinovyeva O., Emelyanova A., Samkhaeva N., Shcheglova N., Shenkman B., Nemirovskaya T.


Alcohol-induced muscle damage (AIMD) is an umbrella term that includes all forms of alcoholic myopathy developing in acute or chronic alcohol intoxication. The most common form of destruction of skeletal muscles in alcoholism is chronic alcoholic myopathy, which develops independently of other alcohol-induced disorders, such as polyneuropathy, the malabsorption syndrome, and liver damage, but may be combined with them. The atrophy of muscle fibers underlies skeletal muscle destruction in chronic AIMD. Type II muscle fibers are affected to a greater degree than type I muscle fibers. To date, the pathogenesis of chronic alcoholic myopathy has been studied insufficiently. The imbalance between protein synthesis and proteolysis, as well as increased apoptosis rate, is discussed.

Human Physiology. 2016;42(3):343-349
pages 343-349 views

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