Pentecostalism and Social and Political Changes in Sub-Saharan Africa




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The first Pentecostal missionaries arrived in Africa in the early 20th century, and the new doctrine began to spread rapidly in the second half of the 20th century. By now Pentecostals have become the largest Protestant denomination, comprising about 7.5% of the population of Africa. There were two branches of Pentecostalism: conservative and Reformed, in which the prosperity gospel spread, promising the believer the achievement of material prosperity as a reward for faith and observance of the commandments. The Pentecostal movement is mosaic, decentralized, and does not lend itself to clear categorization. Pastors, some of whom became dollar multimillionaires, were of great importance in the new type of churches. The spread of Pentecostalism promoted a departure from the communal system that hindered economic development, increased the role of women in the church and family, and helped first-generation city dwellers and people with addictions adjust to the new life. Predictions that Pentecostalism would contribute to economic growth in African countries did not materialize.


Nikolay Myazin

Tsiolkovski Kaluga State University

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-9819-0732
Russian Federation, Kaluga


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