
Improvement of construction of a chisel plow
Shchirov V., Khizhnyak V., Nesmiyan A., Khlystov E., Bobryashov A.
Estimation of soil compaction by ВТ-150 tractor equipped with different types of caterpillars
Revenko V., Kupryunin D., Beynenson V., Fedotkin R., Bely I., Veselov N., Zverev N.
Investigation of stiffness in tension and bending of rubber-reinforced tracks of agricultural tractors
Fedotkin R., Beynenson V., Kryuchkov V., Sharipov V., Schetinin Y.
Results of research of moving stability of wheeled tractor under high traction load
Schetinin Y., Yesenovskiy-Lashkov M., Klimova Y.
New compact potato harvester with separator acting in ascending and descending manner
Maksimov L., Maksimov P., Strunov A., Bushmakin Y.
Research of new working organs for graded subsurface tillage in arid conditions of the South of Russia
Parkhomenko G., Bozhko I., Gromakov A., Maksimenko V.
Analysis of the results of field testing of the spring-wave roller
Proshkin V., Kurdyumov V., Proshkin E., Kurushin V., Bogatsky R.
Warm-up of tractor systems and units with exhaust gases during the operation in conditions of low temperatures
Orlovsky S., Kulikov M.
A multiparameter fuel characteristic of the Cummins diesel
Gorodetskiy K., Golnev V., Yershov Y., Raskin A., Prischepenko A., Shuvayev D.
Comparing the main parameters of agricultural tractors’ trackdrivers
Kupryunin D., Scheltsyn N., Beynenson V., Fedotkin R., Bely I., Revenko V.
Selection of the optimal system of differentiated fertilizer application and the laboratory research results in Northern Kazakhstan
Tokarev I., Kuvayev A., Derepaskin A., Bobkov S.
Improvement of subsurface tillage with combined chisel plough and subsoil cultivator
Khizhnyak V., Nesmiyan A., Schirov V., Khlystov Y., Bobryashov A.
The working body for the application of mineral fertilizers
Ovchinnikov V., Ovchinnikova A.
Development of information technologies in the field of agricultural machinery testing
Buklagin D.
1 - 14 的 14 信息


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