Determination of the effect on the energy intensity of granulation of the radii of the working bodies of the press granulator

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Previously unknown properties of the pressing mechanism of the press granulator with one largediameter pressing roller were revealed. Using the method of a computational experiment taking into account a previously conducted experimental study of the granulation of a semifinished product of plant origin, the energy intensity of the granulation process is determined using a mathematical model of the stress state of the semifinished product pressed in the working space of a press granulator. The dependences of the geometric parameters of the working space of the pressing mechanism are determined. Using the methods of plasticity theory, the forces of useful resistance to the motion of the annular matrix are determined. Based on them, the power of useful resistance forces is determined. Based on the calculation of the stress state of the pressed semifinished product in the pressing mechanism, the boundaries of the zone of extrusion of the semifinished product into the die plate are determined. Based on the calculation of the mass flow rate of the semifinished product at the entrance to the extrusion zone and at the exit from it, the productivity of the pressing mechanism on the unit width of the working bodies is calculated. The energy intensity of the granulation process is determined by the ratio of the power of the forces of useful resistance to the productivity of the pressing mechanism on the unit width of the working bodies. In a computational experiment, a comparison was made of the energy intensity of the pressing mechanism of the PGM-05 press granulator and the design of the pressing mechanism with the working tool radii increased proportionally by 20 %. It is shown that an increase in the radii of the matrix and roller of the press granulator by 20 % increases productivity and reduces the energy consumption of granulation. If the energy intensity of the process is the same, then productivity increases by 60...89 %. With an increase in energy intensity, an increase in productivity decreases. If the productivity is the same, then the energy intensity is reduced by 31...38 %. With increasing productivity, the drop in energy intensity decreases. Thus, we can conclude that it is advisable to increase the radii of the working bodies of the PGM-05 press granulator by 20 %.

About the authors

V. Y.U Polishchuk

Orenburg State Univerisity

DSc in Engineering Orenburg, Russia

E. I Panov

Orenburg State Univerisity, Orenburg Institute of Railway Transport, branch of Samara State University of Railway Transport

PhD in Engineering Orenburg, Russia

S. P Vasilevskaya

Orenburg State Univerisity

PhD in Engineering Orenburg, Russia


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Copyright (c) 2019 Polishchuk V.Y., Panov E.I., Vasilevskaya S.P.

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