Development of a method for obtaining a section of reduced stiffness on the elastic characteristic of a vehicle tire

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This article is devoted to the development of a method for obtaining a section of reduced stiffness on the elastic characteristic of a pneumatic tire of a wheeled vehicle. A way is proposed to reduce the radial stiffness of a tire by obtaining a section with reduced stiffness on the elastic characteristic of pneumatic tires, which, unlike the known ways, can significantly reduce the radial stiffness of a pneumatic tire with-out increasing its static radial deformation and rolling losses. The essence of the method for obtaining a section with reduced stiffness is to reduce the air pressure in the pneumatic tire while increasing its radial deformation using original internal devices located inside the tire. An algorithm has been developed that includes four stages; the elastic characteristic of the pneumatic tire 8.40-15 with a section with reduced rigidity by 4 times is obtained. This ensures a decrease in the natural frequency of vertical oscillations of the sprung mass on the bus by almost 2 times from 3,5 to 1,8 Hz. On the basis of the developed method, the dependences of the length of the reduced stiffness section and the force change in this section on the natural frequency of the sprung masses on the tire realized in this section are determined. For the tire 8.40-15, the dependence of the change in force in the section with a given reduced stiffness on its length was determined, which showed that with increasing length of this section there is a progressive change in the load on the tire in the same section. In addition, the dependences of the pressure change in the tire on its radial deformation in areas of reduced stiffness were obtained for various given frequencies of natural oscillations of the mass of the load on the tire. Structural diagrams of vehicle wheels are presented, in which the tire contains internal structural elements that implement the proposed method for reducing the radial stiffness of a vehicle tire and, in addition, possessing internal hydraulic or air damping of the vertical vibrations of the wheel.

About the authors

I. M Ryabov

Volgograd State Technical University

DSc in Engineering Volgograd, Russia

A. V Pozdeev

Volgograd State Technical University

PhD in Engineering Volgograd, Russia

V. V Erontaev

Volgograd State Technical University

Volgograd, Russia

E. V ZHdamirova

Volgograd State Technical University

Volgograd, Russia


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Copyright (c) 2019 Ryabov I.M., Pozdeev A.V., Erontaev V.V., ZHdamirova E.V.

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