Road tests of an electromechanical wheel tractor motion control systemctor

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Precision farming systems implementation is one of the most efficient ways to increase labour productivity in agriculture. Key elements of such systems include auxiliary thrust devices and auto-piloting systems. Altai State Technical University specialists conduct researches to develop vehicle wheelbase motion control systems for farm vehicles featuring satellite radio navigation systems. One of the most important parts of those research projects takes place during system testing in real road conditions. At the initial stages of the research, the structure of the firmware of the electromechanical control system was developed and its laboratory testing was carried out in real time mode. The control system consists of: brushless motor with a control unit, DAC/ADC device, navigation receiver, steering angle sensor and PC with a control program. On-road test of the control system were on the tractor MTZ-1221.2. Required trajectories had been set up before the experiment with a radio navigation receiver GLONASS/GPS. After that, the vehicle was directed along the trajectories with an electromechanical control system. On-road tests have confirmed a reasonably good efficiency of the developed system. On a rectilinear trajectory, at an average speed of 1,5 m/s maximum error made 0,23 m, standard deviation made 0,09 m. On a curved trajectory, at an average speed of 1,3 m/s maximum error made 0,61 m, standard deviation made 0,27 m. In future it is planned testing of the developed electromechanical system under actual operating conditions during the field work.

About the authors

V. I Poddubny

Altai State Technical University

DSc in Engineering

A. S Nenaydenko

Altai State Technical University


R. R Baybasarov

Altai State Technical University



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Copyright (c) 2019 Poddubny V.I., Nenaydenko A.S., Baybasarov R.R.

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