Testing of the protective device ROPS of the industrial tractor B10

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According to the requirements of the technical regulations, all protective devices of tractor units are subject to obligatory certification. One of the main protection frame of the operator when overturning is the ROPS system. According to the requirements of State standard (GOST), the test for a compliance with protective structures ROPS should be carried out on the basis of full-scale tests. The aim of the investigation was to develop the experimental procedure and to obtain the result of the assessment of the compliance with the safety requirements of the ROPS safety device of the bulldozer compartment B10 (B12) manufactured by the Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant. The tests were carried out at the Ural Test Center NATI. For this purpose, a special stand was used, allowing to test the protective cabs of tractors with a total mass of up to 110 tons. For this purpose, a special test bench was used, allowing to test the protective cabs of tractors with a total mass up to 110 tons. The hydraulic system of the test bench allowed to carry out the process of lateral loading ROPS step by step, where each step corresponded to the deformation of the construction 10 mm. At each step, the acting forces and deformation of the construction were registered. The accumulated energy of the construction was calculated as the area under the stress-strain curve. The required GOST force Fy = 212,4 kN was achieved with a deformation of 180 mm. However, the lack of the accumulated energy at that time required a continuation of the lateral loading of the construction. The required energy according to GOST U = 40867 J was collected during the lateral deformation ∆ = 270 mm. The force at that was Fy = 243. After removing the lateral load, the construction was subjected to vertical static and longitudinal loading. During the whole experiment of the protective device ROPS repair, correction of deformations and bringing the construction into order were not allowed. The results of tests of the ROPS cab construction of bulldozer B10 (B12) have showed the compliance with the GOST safety requirements. During the ROPS deformation, the penetration of the elements of the protective construction into the zone of a limited volume of the driver's seat was not observed.

About the authors

S. I Serov

South Ural State University

D. I Naradovyj

Ural Test Center NATI

PhD in Engineering

I. P Troyanovskaya

South Ural State University; South Ural State Agrarian University

Email: tripav63@mail.ru
DSc in Engineering


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Copyright (c) 2018 Serov S.I., Naradovyj D.I., Troyanovskaya I.P.

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