Resource-saving technology and technical devices for restoring of operational features of lubricating and cooling fluids

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Today, one of the main tasks is to develop and create resource-saving machines and technologies for cleaning of lubricating and cooling fluids. The subjects of research are regularities of processes of cleaning of these fluids from metal magnetic particles in an electromagnetic separator, development of technical means and technologies of the electromagnetic cleaning of lubricating and cooling fluids. Existing techniques and methods for cleaning of lubricating and cooling fluids are very energy-intensive. They require complex and expensive installations, have low productivity and do not allow to obtain a high degree of cleaning from metal magnetic particles. According to the analysis of existing constructions, the electromagnetic separator UMS-4M (УМС-4М) designed for cleaning of fluid materials from metal magnetic impurities has been developed in the Kurgan State Agricultural Academy. The distinctive feature of this installation is that for extracting of metal magnetic particles, the magnetic field concentrators are used. They enable to create high-gradient inhomogeneous magnetic field. The separation zone is located in closed contour of direct-current. The separator is installed on the process line for cleaning of lubricating and cooling fluids. New constructive technical devices are developed. These are netlike concentrators of inhomogeneous magnetic field which help to ensure efficiency of cleaning from metal magnetic particles up to 98%; the installation performance is 40 l/h. The scheme of the process line for cleaning of lubricating and cooling fluid for enterprises of agroindustrial complex is proposed. The base of the process line consists of the electromagnetic separator and storage tanks to collect lubricating and cooling fluids.

About the authors

V. I Charykov

Kurgan State Agricultural Academy

DSc in Engineering Kurgan, Russia

S. A Sokolov

Kurgan State Agricultural Academy

PhD in Engineering Kurgan, Russia

A. A Evdokimov

Kurgan State Agricultural Academy

Engineer Kurgan, Russia


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Copyright (c) 2016 Charykov V.I., Sokolov S.A., Evdokimov A.A.

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