Changing of nitrogen oxides formation in the cylinder of diesel engine operating on methanol

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The article presents the results of research of methanol use influence on nitrogen oxides content in the cylinder of 2Ч 10,5/12,0 diesel engine with binary system of fuel supply. Diagrams of methanol use influence on combustion process indicators, volume content and mass concentration of nitrogen oxides in the cylinder depending on change in crankshaft angle of engine are given.

About the authors

V. A Likhanov

Vyatka State Agricultural Academy

д-р техн. наук

A. A Anfilatov

Vyatka State Agricultural Academy

канд. техн. наук


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  4. Анфилатов А.А. и др. Исследование процессов образования и разложения оксидов азота в цилиндре дизеля 2Ч 10,5/12,0 путем применения метанола с двойной системой топливоподачи: Монография / Под общ. ред. В.А. Лиханова. - Киров: Вятская ГСХА, 2008.

Copyright (c) 2015 Likhanov V.A., Anfilatov A.A.

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