Justification of the parameters of pulling sections of units with transverse channels

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BACKGROUND: In modern harvesting technologies, the main technological operation is mechanized crops pulling. The flax-pulling machine with transverse band-disc channels is the most promising. However, the basic design parameters of pulling sections are not justified sufficiently, the peculiarities of their layout are not considered, the processes of moving plants through sections and pulling short-stemmed flax are not sufficiently studied, which reduces the effectiveness of its use.

AIMS: Theoretical and experimental justification of the parameters and operation modes of pulling sections of the device with transverse band-disc channels.

METHODS: Experimental studies to justify the parameters and operation modes of experimental pulling machines were carried out according to known and developed methods, and the assessment of flax products was carried out according to current GOST standards. The influence of the velocity of the unit and the width of the grip of pulling sections on the indicators of the agrotechnical and technological assessment of the operation of pulling device was determined.

RESULTS: Dependences for determining the design parameters of a pulling section and the minimum height of plant stand suitable for mechanized harvesting were obtained, the conditions for finishing and moving plants in the zone of fixed guides were established. The structures of the experimental pulling machines were used to assess the unit velocity, the effect of the width of a pulling section and the elimination of the separation of technological currents of plants during processing on improving agrotechnical performance and increasing the yield and number of long fiber. The frame elements of the TLN-1.9P unit, are placed above the pull pulleys, and the operating width of a section is 0.38 m. In the TLN-1.9M and the TLN-1.9K units, they are located behind the pull pulleys, with the operating width of a section of 0.35 and 0.31 m respectively. As a result, the flax straw had higher quality indicators: 1.5 numbers for the TLN-1.9M and the TLN-1.9K and 1.25 numbers for the TLN-1.9P; the average yield of long fiber of these units was 13.41, 13.1 and 12.59% respectively.

CONCLUSIONS: When assembling pulling machines with transverse band-disc channels, the elements of the frame structure should be positioned behind pulling drums, technical solutions should be used to ensure the kinematic operation mode equal to one, with the operating width of a section of 0.31 m for harvesting seed breeding and 0.35 m for harvesting commercial crops.

About the authors

Roman A. Rostovtsev

Federal Research Center for Bast Fiber Crops

Email: info@fnclk.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-0368-1035
SPIN-code: 9513-1220

Corresponding Member of RАS, Professor, Dr. Sci. (Tech.), Director

Russian Federation, Tver

Mixail M. Kovalev

Federal Research Center for Bast Fiber Crops

Author for correspondence.
Email: m.m.kovalev@mail.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-2424-4205
SPIN-code: 6189-8619

Dr. Sci. (Tech.), Chief Researcher of the Agroengineering Technologies Laboratory

Russian Federation, Tver

Gennady A. Perov

Federal Research Center for Bast Fiber Crops

Email: vniiml2@mail.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-5830-6817
SPIN-code: 4478-4991

Cand. Sci (Tech.), Leading Researcher of the Agroengineering Technologies Laboratory

Russian Federation, Tver

Sergey V. Prosolov

Federal Research Center for Bast Fiber Crops

Email: tver.dep.sela@rambler.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-5879-905X
SPIN-code: 9704-6380

Junior Researcher of the Agroengineering Technologies Laboratory

Russian Federation, Tver


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. Schemes for determining the parameters of pulling sections of the unit with transverse band-disc channels: a fragment of three sections of the apparatus — a and the location of the frame above the pulling pulleys — b and below them — c.

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3. Fig. 2. General view of flax pulling machines: TLN-1.9Р — a; TLN-1.9M — b; TLN-1.9K — c.

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4. Fig. 3. Diagrams for analyzing the process of interaction of a moving body with a stationary surface through an intermediate body.

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5. Fig. 4. The scheme for determining the conditions of stem pretreatment.

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6. Fig. 6. Dependence of the minimum height L0 min of the flax stem on the operating b of a pulling section: θ is the angle between lines АЕ and АВ (fig. 5, а); Zê is the height of pulling ЕЕ1; 1 — Zê =0,06 m; 2 — Zê =0,14 m; 3 — Zê =0,22 m; 4 — Zê =0,06 m; 5 — Zê =0,14 m; 6 — Zê =0,22 m; 7 — Zê =0,06 m; 8 — Zê =0,14 m; 9 — Zê =0,22 m.

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7. Fig. 7. The dependence of the pilling purity of aT , the seed loss of bC , the tape stretching Cë and stem damage dë on the unit velocity υ ì for the pulling units of the machines: 1 — TLN- 1.9P; 2 — TLN-1.9M; 3 — TLN-1.9K.

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8. Fig. 5. Schemes for determining the possibility of pulling short–stemmed flax: a) the position of plants and the projection of the stem leads of the divider D1'D1Е and ЕD2 H′ on a horizontal plane; b, c, d) an elementary bundle of plants when they are exposed to dividers; 1 — a pulling belt; 2 — a pulling disk; 3, 4 — outer stems; 5 — the central stem.

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