
Измерение стволового сокодвижения как инструмент оценки транспирации в исследованиях водного баланса речного бассейна
Губарева Т., Лупаков С., Шамов В., Гарцман Б.
Artificial Groundwater Replenishment in the Republic of Kalmykia: The Sources, Problems, and Perspectives
Rybnikova L., Morozov M., Rybnikov P., Frolova N., Komin A.
A FCM Runoff Model for Small Rivers with Rainfall Recharge. 1. The Concept and Algorithms
Gartsman B.
Parameterization of Water Transparency in Natural Water Bodies
Golosov S., Zverev I., Terzhevik A.
Assessing Inundation Risks and Protection of Residential Territories in River Floodplains
Belikov V., Borisova N., Rumyantsev A.
The Applicability of Various Pedotransfer Functions to the Description of Soils
Ryazanova A., Bogomolov V., Medvedev A.
Simulating Dynamic of Suspended Sediment Flow Based on Data of Primorskaya Water Balance Station
Bugaets A., Lupakov S., Pshenichnikova N., Krasnopeyev S.
Utilization of Remote Sensing Data in the Simulation of the Water and Heat Regime of Land Areas: A Review of Publications
Muzylev E.
Numerical Study of Interaction between the Climate System Components and Their Role in Arctic Amplification of Climate Change
Platov G., Golubeva E., Krupchatnikov V., Kraineva M.
Evaluating Inundation Characteristics under Climate Changes
Krylenko I.
Simulating Runoff Regime in a Glaciated High-Mountainous Basin: A Case Study of the Baksan River (Caucasus, Russia)
Kornilova E., Krylenko I., Rets E., Motovilov Y., Atabieva F., Kuchmenova I.
A FCM Runoff Model for Small Rivers with Rainfall Recharge. 2. Parameterization and Verification
Gartsman B., Gubareva T., Shamov V., Lupakov S.
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