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Vol 50, No 6 (2023)

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Changes in Water Balance Elements in the Basins of the Largest Tributaries of Lake Baikal in the Late XX–Early XXI Century

Chalov S.R., Denisova I.S., Grigor’ev V.Y.


Long-term variations in the water balance were analyzed in the basins of 20 largest tributaries of the Baikal. The values of river runoff were derived from actual data on the period from 1976 to 2019, and those of evaporation, precipitation, and potential evaporation, from ERA5-Land reanalysis since 1976 to 2020. Data were obtained to show an increase in the potential evaporation in all analyzed drainage basins by values from 0.39 to 0.62% per year since 1976 to 2020. A moderate or statistically insignificant decrease is typical of precipitation (0.25 to 0.59% per year) and water discharges, mostly due to a decrease in the summer runoff at a rate of 5.6%/10 years. The possible role of changes in vegetation cover in these processes was studied by evaluating NDVI parameter in 2019 compared with 2002 by data of space surveys MOD13A3 and MYD13A3 with MODIS spectroradiometer of Terra and Aqua satellites. A conclusion was made about the key role of precipitation in the decrease in the maximal runoff in Lake Baikal basin.

Vodnye resursy. 2023;50(6):635-642
pages 635-642 views

The Present-Day Structure of the Temperature and Current Fields in Lake Sevan

Poddubnyi S.A., Gabrielyan B.K., Tsvetkov A.I.


Long-term features of the vertical and horizontal structure of water temperature field in Lake Sevan are discussed. It is shown that the climate warming has led to an increase in epilimnion temperature in Bol’shoi Sevan in July by 2.0‒3.0°C. The increase in water temperature in hypolimnion was not greater than 1.1°C. In autumn (October), the epilimnion became 1.2°C warmer, while hypolimnion temperature practically has not changed on the average over years. Temperature fields were used to calculate the density currents in summer and autumn periods. A dominating cyclonic water circulation was revealed all over the lake, confirmed by chlorophyll distribution by satellite image data. In the case of large horizontal gradients of water density, the flow velocity can reach 50 cm/s. Autonomous buoy stations revealed a wide range of water temperature variations due to internal waves of different nature. The reversible vertical mixing of water mass by internal waves plays an important role in the distribution of nutrients and plankton within the water mass. The water level rise by ~3 m, unlike it drop by 1981 by 18.48, has not caused any significant changes in lake hydrological regime.

Vodnye resursy. 2023;50(6):643-650
pages 643-650 views

Artificial Groundwater Replenishment in the Republic of Kalmykia: The Sources, Problems, and Perspectives

Rybnikova L.S., Morozov M.G., Rybnikov P.A., Frolova N.L., Komin A.V.


The Republic of Kalmykia is located in the northwestern part of the Caspian Region and belongs to arid regions. The issue of water resources availability is extremely relevant here. Groundwater plays an important role in this aspect as a main and often the only source of drinking water supply. However, its use is limited because of its low natural quality. An approach to an increase in the operational groundwater reserves is its artificial replenishment. The Russian Research Institute for Integrated Use and Protection of Water Resources in 2020–2021 studied the possibility of replenishing water resources of subsurface water bodies in the Republic of Kalmykia by the accumulation of surface water. The results of the studies suggested a conclusion that the artificial replenishment of groundwater in the territory of the Republic of Kalmykia is inexpedient, because even in years with the surface runoff volume with 50% exceedance probability, the volume of surface runoff will be not enough for freshening groundwater within a year to the standard level (TDS ≤1.0 g/dm3). The formation of a permanent freshwater lens (the presence of which is of particular importance in dry years) in an aquifer within the system including infiltration basin and water well is impossible because its full drawdown will take place every year.

Vodnye resursy. 2023;50(6):651-663
pages 651-663 views

Comparison of Runoff Components, Water Balance, and the Parameters of Conceptual Models HBV and GR4J: Case Study of the Upper Ussuri Basin (South of Primorsky Region, Pacific Russia)

Lupakov S.Y., Bugaets A.N., Gonchukov L.V., Sokolov O.V., Bugaets N.D.


The efficiency of runoff simulation, the values of parameters, and the dynamics of the estimated runoff components were analyzed for two conceptual hydrological models GR4J and HBV for 17 watersheds in the Upper Ussuri River (Primorsky Krai, Russia) with areas from 138 to 24 400 km2. Both models demonstrate an increase in the simulation efficiency (based on NSE criterion) with an increase in the catchment area up to 1–2 thousand km2, after which they stabilize within the interval of 0.75–0.85 for the calibration period and 0.70–0.80 for the verification period. The estimates obtained for the HBV model were 5–10% higher than those for the GR4J model. Analysis of the measured and calculated annual runoff maximums over the warm season suggests the conclusion that GR4J model is on the average 5–6% more efficient than the HBV model in calculating the maximal values of rain flood discharges. At the same time, the obtained values of the relative error BIAS demonstrate a more accurate reproduction of the annual average runoff by the HBV model. The main distinctions determining the efficiency of simulation in the study region are as follows: the method of considering the precipitation height increments within altitude belts, the specific features of the calculation of model evapotranspiration, the method for calculating the outflow from conceptual runoff-forming storages in the GR4J and HBV models.

Vodnye resursy. 2023;50(6):664-673
pages 664-673 views

Floods in the Vistula Mouth Area and Their Effect on Changes in the Delta Hydrographic Network

Mikhailova M.V.


A general geographic characteristic of the Vistula basin and mouth area is given; brief data on the modern hydrological regime of the river mouth are presented. The history of floods in the Vistula delta and their studies is considered in detail, as well as delta evolution and the dynamics of its hydrographic network.

Vodnye resursy. 2023;50(6):674-685
pages 674-685 views

Assessing Hazardous Manifestations of Horizontal Channel Deformations in Rivers of the Ob–Irtysh Basin

Kurakova A.A.


Bank erosion is a hazardous manifestation of channel processes, which are widespread on the rivers of the Ob–Irtysh basin and pose both real and potential danger. The most widespread form of channel transformation in the rivers of the basin is the development of channel bends, bends of branches of a bifurcated channel and bends of branches of floodplain–channel bifurcations, as well as branches of channel (insular) bifurcations due to bank erosion, which leads to a directed change in their morphological parameters. The channel stability is a key characteristic for assessing the hazard of channel processes. The largest rivers of the basin (the Ob and Irtysh) have relatively stable channels, corresponding to a moderate hazard. The medium and large rivers, in which the hazard of channel processes was evaluated by points, show a relatively low level (mostly, 1–2 points), which increases downstream to reach 3 points in the lower parts of large rivers (the Tom and Chulym). Overall, the intensity of shore erosion, and, accordingly, the hazard of horizontal channel deformations, in the rivers of the Ob–Irtysh basin decrease northward and toward the Ob–Irtysh interfluve. The obtained results can be used for the safe use of water ways and near-river areas as well as for the effective management of hazardous manifestations of channel processes.

Vodnye resursy. 2023;50(6):686-700
pages 686-700 views


Factors of Degradation, Transformation, and Distribution of Medicinal Substances in the Water–Bottom Sediment System

Kozlova M.A., Shchegol’kova N.M.


English-language scientific publications on the natural degradation and transformation of medicinal substances in the aquatic environment under the effect of various factors are reviewed. The medicines that are most common in water are listed. The main source of pollution is shown to be poorly treated municipal sewage. The factors that affect the fate of substances in the medium and are considered in the article are the dilution or concentration due to changes in the hydrological regime or the conditions of the use of medicines, water pH, wind-wave roiling, photodegradation, bioaccumulation, etc. The analysis of foreign studies of drug contamination was used to make conclusions about the prospects of the development of these areas for use in Russian studies.

Vodnye resursy. 2023;50(6):701-709
pages 701-709 views

Характеристика нефтепродуктов в донных отложениях оз. Пясино методом ГХ/МС

Kudryavtseva A.D., Mir-Kadyrova E.Y., Brodsky E.S., Shelepchikov A.A.


Обычно применяемые интегральные методы определения нефтепродуктов, такие как гравиметрический, ИК-фотометрический, флуоресцентный, не учитывают природу определяемых соединений и вклад биогенных углеводородов, для суждения о которых необходим более детальный анализ, который можно осуществить методом ГХ/МС. Для нефтепродуктов в донных отложениях оз. Пясино характерно наличие н-алканов со значительным преобладанием н-алкана С17 и небольшим преобладанием н-С12, н-С14, н-С16 и н-С18, свидетельствующими о вкладе микроорганизмов и водорослей, а также с преобладанием С23, С25, С27, С29, С31, обусловленным вкладом наземных высших растений. На хроматограмме имеются два максимума неразделенных соединений в областях С10–С21 и С22–С33. Нефтепродукты в них представляют собой смесь алканов, циклоалканов с 1–4 кольцами в конденсированной системе и ароматических и нафтено-ароматических углеводородов с 1–3 бензольными и 1–2 насыщенными кольцами в конденсированной системе, с алкильными заместителями, содержащими 0–12 (преимущественно 2–8) атомов С.

Vodnye resursy. 2023;50(6):710-718
pages 710-718 views

Расчет индекса качества воды и его использование для оценки качества воды озера Севан

Бабаян Г., Жукова А., Верес Ю.


Приведен пример выбора и реализации метода оценки качества воды для крупного высокогорного озера с многолетним нестабильным уровневым режимом и переменной морфометрией (искусственное понижение уровня на 19 м и последующий подъем на 4 м и более). Выбор методологии для оценки качества воды такого водоема требует нестандартных решений. Для этого использована современная модификация метода экспертной панели Дельфи. Метод обеспечивает количественную оценку качества воды по отношению к исходному/желательному состоянию, к которому стремятся менеджеры для достижения и поддержания качества воды. Индекс качества воды оз. Севан SWQI основан на семи приоритетных показателях с учетом веса каждого из них. Многолетняя динамика индекса подтвердила управленческое воздействие повышения уровня озера на качество воды: “плохое” качество воды (минимальное значение SWQI = 20) классифицировано в годы наименьшего (1976–1990 гг.), a “хорошее” (максимальное значение SWQI = 69) – наибольшего (2016–2020 гг.) уровня (коэффициент корреляции – 0.82). Среди преимуществ использованной модели SWQI можно отметить относительно небольшую зависимость индекса от наличия базы данных и возможность по результатам оценки сбалансировать экологические и социально-экономические интересы. Общий подход к модели SWQI может быть использован для оценки качества воды подобных озер по всему миру.

Vodnye resursy. 2023;50(6):719-726
pages 719-726 views

Содержание микропластика в донных осадках озер особо охраняемых природных территорий на примере Кижских шхер ОНЕЖСКОГО ОЗЕРА и Водлозеро

Зобков М., Ефремова Т.


Определено содержание микропластика в донных осадках водных объектов особо охраняемых природных территорий – Водлозерского национального парка (оз. Водлозеро) и Музея-заповедника “Кижи” (Кижские шхеры Онежского озера). Пробы были отобраны на четырех станциях, расположенных в Кижских шхерах Онежского озера и пяти станциях на оз. Водлозеро. Экстракция микропластика (≥200 мкм) из проб проводилась путем плотностного разделения. Идентификация частиц проводилась при помощи бинокулярного микроскопа. Для случайной выборки частиц проведен анализ химического состава с помощью микро-Фурье-спектрометрии. Во всех пробах обнаружен микропластик. В Кижских шхерах среднее содержание частиц составило 3413 ± 1965 шт/кг сухого веса осадка, что несколько выше, чем ранее было определено для Петрозаводской губы и открытой части Онежского озера. По данным химического анализа, на синтетические полимеры приходится 55% частиц, 21% – представлены модифицированной целлюлозой, 24% – частицы природного происхождения. Максимальное содержание микропластика обнаружено рядом с главным пассажирским причалом музея-заповедника “Кижи”. Среднее содержание частиц в донных осадках оз. Водлозеро было ниже, чем в Кижских шхерах, и составило 1506 ± 845 шт/кг, из которых 81% – синтетические полимеры, 9% – модифицированная целлюлоза, 10% – полимеры природного происхождения. Меньшее содержание частиц антропогенного происхождения в оз. Водлозеро по сравнению с Кижскими шхерами согласуется с показателями посещаемости этих природных территорий туристами.

Vodnye resursy. 2023;50(6):727-738
pages 727-738 views

Chemical and Microbiological Composition of Tom River Bottom Sediments (Yurginskii District, Western Siberia)

Ovsyannikova V.S., Russkikh I.V., Strel’nikova E.B., Kadychagov P.B.


Data of chemical and microbiological analyses of bottom sediment composition of the Tom R. near Yurga Town, Kemerov oblast, are given. All samples of bottom sediments were found to contain organic compounds of mixed, biogenic, and anthropogenic origin with the predominance of the latter. Clayey and silty bottom sediments show a higher content of ash-free substance, heavy metals, practically all classes of identified hydrocarbons, except for oxygen-containing and acyclic compounds. Bottom sediments with sand composition contain minimal concentrations of organic pollutants, and the proportions of hydrocarbons of different origin in them are comparable. Microbiological analysis showed the predominance of hydrocarbon-oxidizing bacteria in bottom sediments composed of clays and silty sand.

Vodnye resursy. 2023;50(6):739-750
pages 739-750 views


Changes in the Global Water Exchange by the Results of Historical Experiments on Climate Models under CMIP-6 Project

Dobrovolskii S.G., Yushkov V.P., Solomonova I.V.


Long-term (up to 165 years) series of globally averaged values of the main water exchange components, obtained as the result of historic experiments on several dozen (from 34 to 41) climate models of CMIP-6 project, are analyzed. The examined characteristics include variations of evaporation from ocean surface, precipitation over the ocean, effective evaporation from the ocean (total horizontal moisture transfer in the atmosphere from the ocean to land), and total model river runoff from the continents. It is shown that the model precipitation over the ocean effectively filters out the monotonic positive trend in evaporation from the ocean and, therefore, increases the stationarity of the total chain of global water exchange, including long-term changes in the global river runoff.

Vodnye resursy. 2023;50(6):751-766
pages 751-766 views

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