
Structure and functioning of plankton communities оf the Rybinsky Reservoir under the conditions of climate change
Mineeva N., Lazareva V., Poddubny S., Zakonnova A., Kopylov A., Kosolapov D., Korneva L., Sokolova E., Pyrina I., Mitropolskaya I.
Features of the under ice development of phytoplankton in northern lakes
Sharov A., Berezina N., Maximov A., Maximova O.
Long-term changes of the primary production of phytoplankton in the ecosystem of the Vistula Lagoon of the Baltic Sea
Aleksandrov S.
Seasonal Dynamics of Growth and Production Monoporeia affinis (Amphipoda: Pontoporeiidae) in a Subarctic Lake: the Role of Temperature and Trophic Conditions
Maximov A., Maximova O., Usov N.
Impact Algae Blooms on the Coastal Zone of the Curonian Lagoon of the Baltic Sea
Aleksandrov S., Smirnova M.
The Current Trophic State and Water Quality of Lake Onego
Tekanova E., Kalinkina N., Makarova E., Smirnova V.
Horizontal Heterogeneities of Functioning of Phyto- and Zooplankton in a Lake With Wind Currents
Tolomeev A., Dubovskaya O., Kravchuk E., Anishchenko O., Drobotov A.
Pigment Characteristics of Macrophytes from the Rybinsk Reservoir
Sigareva L., Timofeeva N.
Abiotic Factors and Their Role in the Development of Phytoplankton in the Lower Volga
Mineeva N., Poddubny S., Stepanova I., Tsvetkov A.
Responses of Unio pictorum to the Presence of Toxic and Non-Toxic Strains of Microcystis aeruginosa
Sharov A., Zaytseva T., Medvedeva N.
Content of Pigments in the Bottom Sediments in a Small Valley–Channel Reservoir
Sigareva L., Timofeeva N., Zakonnov V.
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