
Checklist of Syngnathidae Parasites in the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov
Polyakova T., Kornyychuk Y., Pronkina N.
Some Species of Gobies of the Genus Pomatoschistus Previously Unknown in the Black Sea as Identified by the Data on the 16S rRNA Mitochondrial DNA Gene Variability
Slynko E., Karpova E., Mironovsky A., Slynko A., Kozhara A., Mavrin A.
New Data on the Distribution of the Bulgarian Spined Loach Cobitis strumicae (Teleostei: Cobitidae) in Turkey
Ozpicak M., Yilmaz S., Saygin S., Polat N.
Tendency of an Increase in the Abundance of Macrozoobenthos Species in the Sevastopol Bay (Black Sea)
Shalovenkov N.
Regional Differences in the Infection of the European Anchoy Engraulis encrasicolus with the Nematode Hysterothylacium aduncum in the Winter Period of the Crimea and the Caucasus Coasts
Zavyalov A., Samotoi J., Sibirtsova E.
Mollusc Anadara kagoshimensis, Allien Species, in Structures of the Benthic Communities on the Crimea Shelf
Shalovenkov N.
Composition and Content of Carotenoids of Gastropod Tritia reticulata in Black Sea
Borodina A., Zadorozhny P.
Communities of Fungi on Plates Coated with Antifouling Paint Modified by Nanoparticles
Kopytina N., Andreeva N., Sizova O., Mosunov A., Evstigneev V., Bocharova E.
Stable Differences in Growth Rates of Juvenile Triploid Oysters Crassostrea gigas
Vialova O.
The Invasion of the Alien Species Bonnemaisonia hamifera Hariot in Coastal Phytocenoses Near the Southern Coast of Crimea (the Black Sea)
Sadogurskiy S., Belich T., Sadogurskaya S.
The Influence of Abiotic Factors on the Structural and Functional Characteristics of the Diatom Algae Cerataulina pelagica (Сleve) Hendey
Stelmakh L.
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