Ашық рұқсат Ашық рұқсат  Рұқсат жабық Рұқсат берілді  Рұқсат жабық Тек жазылушылар үшін

№ 4 (2023)


Бүкіл шығарылым

Ашық рұқсат Ашық рұқсат
Рұқсат жабық Рұқсат берілді
Рұқсат жабық Тек жазылушылар үшін


Biological Indicators of Water Quality of Drenova Reservoir (Bosnia and Herzegovina)1

Golub D., Dmitrović D., Lolić S., Šukalo G., Dekić R., Tošić R.


This paper presents the state of biota of Drenova reservoir in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) as water quality indicator. The Drenova reservoir has a multiple role: protection of the Vijaka river basin from floods, provision of water for the Prnjavor fishpond, as well as sport fishing. Bearing in mind the multifunctionality of this reservoir, but also the scarcity of data on the biota of this water body, in 2017, research on phytoplankton, zooplankton, macrozoobenthos and ichthyofauna was performed. Based on the obtained results (qualitative and quantitative composition, saprobic index according to Pantle Buck, Shannon index), it was established that the water of Drenova reservoir, as far as phytoplankton and zooplankton community is concerned, corres-ponds to the transition from oligosaprobic to β-mesosaprobic waters while macrozoobenthos and ichthyofauna refer to β-mesosaprobic water. A small number of representatives of phytoplankton (both qualitatively and quantitatively) is noticeable, as well as the absence of species common to this type of aquatic ecosystems in the observed period. The state of macrozoobenthos taxa is expected considering the properties of the substrate of this accumulation. Ichthyocenosis is characterized by a small number of species, but also by a small number of individuals within those species.

Biologiâ vnutrennih vod. 2023;4(4):433
pages 433 views


Broadening the Taxonomic Composition of Diatoms (Bacillariophyta) in Tundra Water Bodies of Adjacent Territories of the Lena Delta Wildlife Reserve (Yakutia, Russia) Using Electron Microscopy1

Genkal S., Gabyshev V.


Using the electron microscopy, 435 diatom algae from 78 genera of 14 different types of tundra water bodies located in the vicinity of the Ust-Lensky State Reserve, north of the Arctic Circle, on the northern exposure of the slope of the Primorsky Ridge (the eastern spur of the Kharaulakh Range of the Verkhoyansk Mountain system) 435 diatom algae from 78 genera were revealed. Among them, 24 taxa of the species rank and 1 of the generic rank are new to the flora of Russia. Most of the identified species, which are new to the flora of Russia, are found in Europe and are characteristic of oligotrophic water bodies and watercourses. Of all the species under study, 66 species belonging to 28 genera have been identified to the genus, with the largest number of them belonging to the genera Planothidium (7) and Gomphonema (10).

Biologiâ vnutrennih vod. 2023;4(4):434
pages 434 views


Hofmaenneria baikalensis sp. n. and Paratrilobus longisomus sp. n. (Nematoda) from Lake Baikal

Naumova T., Gagarin V.


Illustrated descriptions of two new species of free-living nematodes Hofmaenneria baikalensis sp. n. and Paratrilobus longisomus sp. n. found in the Lake Baikal (Russia) are given. Hofmaenneria baikalensis sp. n. is close to H. keoladeoensis Khan et al., 2005, H. niddensis (Skwarra, 1921) Schneider, 1940 and H. sitnikovae Gagarin, Naumova, 2010. It differs from these three species in a presence of crystals in the body cavity and presence of three oval cardial glands. Paratrilobus longisomus sp. n. is close in the body size to P. expugnator (Tsalolichin, 1976) and P. rapis Gagarin, 1991 but it has a relatively shorter and slenderer tail and presence of subterminal seta at the tail end.

Biologiâ vnutrennih vod. 2023;4(4):435-443
pages 435-443 views

Patterns of Phenetic Diversity and Taxonomy of the Ide Leuciscus idus (Cypriniformes, Cyprinidae) from Water Bodies of Russia and Adjacent Countries

Kozhara A., Mavrin A., Slynko E., Mironovsky A.


Using the methods of population morphology, we studied the structure of phenetic diversity of the ide Leuciscus idus (L.) from the water bodies of the Russian Federation and some neighboring countries. We analysed our own collection and literature data on meristic characters of external morphology, axial skeleton, as well as the pharyngeal teeth formula. The main features contributing to population differentiation were the number of lateral line scales, total vertebrae count, caudal and pre-caudal vertebrae ratio. It was shown that the strong positive relationships of the first two features with the geographical latitude of fish habitats is associated, first of all, not with the direct influence of physical factors functionally dependent on latitude, but with particular (sub)speciation processes in river basins and dispersal of evolutionarily derived forms to the north. The results obtained are discussed in terms of evolutionary trends in the subfamily Leuciscinae and call for a taxonomic revision of the L. idus species in its current volume with elevation of the former subspecies L. idus oxianus to a species rank.

Biologiâ vnutrennih vod. 2023;4(4):444-454
pages 444-454 views

Some Species of Gobies of the Genus Pomatoschistus Previously Unknown in the Black Sea as Identified by the Data on the 16S rRNA Mitochondrial DNA Gene Variability

Slynko E., Karpova E., Mironovsky A., Slynko A., Kozhara A., Mavrin A.


Using the analysis of the 16S rRNA of mtDNA nucleotide sequences, the taxonomic composition of gobies of the genus Pomatoschistus of the Black Sea was refined. Among the 12 individuals of the genus Pomatoschistus studied in the Black Sea (Odessa Bay and Kazachiya Harbour, Sevastopol), the species P. marmoratus and P. quagga are reliably identified by haplotypes of the 16S gene. When comparing the parameters of the genetic variation of the most abundant species P. marmoratus from the Black Sea with populations of the Mediterranean Sea, it was found that the Black Sea population of P. marmoratus has all the features of a marginal population, which is probably due to the relatively recent naturalization of this species in the Black Sea. The species P. quagga is for the first time indicated for the Black Sea.

Biologiâ vnutrennih vod. 2023;4(4):455-456
pages 455-456 views

Relationship between Fecundity and the Number of Vertebrae in the Roach Rutilus rutilus of the Rybinsk Reservoir

Komova N.


The data on the number of vertebrae in the vertebral column regions in different relative fecundity groups of roach are given. The average value of the number of vertebrae in the abdominal region turned out to be the smallest in low fecundity fishes. When comparing the average values of relative fecundity in females with different numbers of vertebrae in the vertebral column, a group of low fecundity fishes was identified. In it, individuals with 17 vertebrae in the abdominal region had a statistically significantly lower relative fecundity, and those with 16 in the caudal and a total of 40 vertebrae in the vertebral column had a significantly higher fecundity than individuals with a different number of vertebrae in these regions. In highly fecundity females, no differences in fecundity between fish with different numbers of vertebrae in regions were noted.

Biologiâ vnutrennih vod. 2023;4(4):457-463
pages 457-463 views


Communities of Fungi on Plates Coated with Antifouling Paint Modified by Nanoparticles

Kopytina N., Andreeva N., Sizova O., Mosunov A., Evstigneev V., Bocharova E.


In the Sevastopol Bay (Black Sea), in the autumn period of 2021, fungal complexes were studied on plexiglass plates painted with anti-fouling enamel Bioplast-52 (control) and coatings based on it modified with nanoparticles (NP) Zn-FeO, ZnO and Fe-SiO. 16 species of fungi belonging to seven genera, five families, five orders, three classes of the Ascomycota division have been identified. The species composition was dominated by representatives of the genera Aspergillus (7 species) and Alternaria (4 species). The total number of fungal species isolated on substrates varied from 3 (with ZnO NP) to 8 (Bioplast-52) and with Zn-FeO NP), and by exposure time – from 3 (fourteenth day) to 14 species (sixty-first day). There were no representatives of the genera Aspergillus and Alternaria on the coating modified with Fe-CuO NP; only species of the genus Aspergillus were found on the coating with ZnO NP, the smallest number and number of fungal species were found on these coatings. Fe-CuO and ZnO nanoparticles enhanced the antifouling properties of Bioplast-52 enamel.

Biologiâ vnutrennih vod. 2023;4(4):464-472
pages 464-472 views


Impacts of the High-Pressure Bratskoye Hydroelectric Power Station on the Zooplankton of the Bratskoye Reservoir

Gerasimov Y., Poddubnaya N., Vakhnenko A., Semenova A., Zhdanova S., Tsvetkov A., Pavlov D., Bolotov S., Borisenko E.


During the growing season of 2022, the studies were carried out in the water area of the Bratsk Reservoir (the Angara River) and in the near-dam site of the Bratsk high-level hydroelectric power station. The ecological effects of the hydroelectric dam on the zooplankton in the regulated section of the river were studied and the impact of the zooplankton downstream drift on the feeding conditions of the fish in the Bratsk Reservoir was assessed. It is established that the water column stratification is a significant factor in the ecological differentiation of plankton communities in the upper reaches of the hydroelectric power station. Unlike the warmed-up layer of the epilimnion, a specific, poor in species, low-abundant and low-productive plankton develops in the cold-water hypolimnion, which enters the dam intakes. A rigorous analysis does not reveal a transformation of the community composition, a statistically significant decrease in abundance and productivity, increased mortality of invertebrates during their passage through the dam, deterioration of the water ecological quality in the lower reaches of the hydroelectric power station. Both live and dead zooplankton drifting downstream from the reservoir makes up a significant proportion of the diet of fish, which during the feeding period come as close as possible to the hydroelectric power station and form aggregations exceeding those in the water area of the Bratsk Reservoir in density. The data obtained testify to the effective adaptation of lake-river planktocenosis to the specific natural and technogenic mode of operation of a large hydraulic structure. The local impact of the Bratsk hydroelectric power station has no ecologically significant negative effect on the plankton of the Bratsk Reservoir and the Angara River ecosystems and has a positive effect on the fish population in the lower reaches through the enrichment of its forage base.

Biologiâ vnutrennih vod. 2023;4(4):473-490
pages 473-490 views

Mollusc Anadara kagoshimensis, Allien Species, in Structures of the Benthic Communities on the Crimea Shelf

Shalovenkov N.


The frequency of occurrence of the mollusc-invader, Anadara kagoshimensis (Tokunaga, 1906), increased from 5 to 17–23% in zoobenthos of the South Coast of the Crimea Shelf for the last fifteen years. At the same time, the rate of the non-native mollusc was not significant and fluctuated: 0.73–23.29% from the biomass and 0.19–2.20% from abundance of the macrozoobenthos in the benthic communities. The mollusc A. kagoshimensis has been registered in the three communities: Chamelea gallina, Gouldia minima–Pitar rudis and Gouldia minima. The mollusc Anadara has not formed an independent community here. Influence of this alien species on bottom communities of the Crimean Coast was not such considerable as on bottom communities in northwest or in east parts of Black Sea Shelf. The structure of benthic communities had no significant changes on the shelf of the Southern Coast of the Crimea, compared with 70–80 of the last century. The first registration and the settlement of the mollusc-invader on the Crimea Shelf coincides with salinity decrease and temperature rise of coastal waters which are observed during last decade.

Biologiâ vnutrennih vod. 2023;4(4):491-500
pages 491-500 views

The Benthic Macroinvertebrates of the Kızılırmak River (Nevşehir, Turkey) and Their Relation with Environmental Variables

Aras S., Findik O.


Turkey has many ecological characteristics due to its geographical location, allowing it to have a rich biodiversity in freshwater ecosystems. This study was carried out on the Kızılırmak river, the longest river (1.355 km) in the country; it originates and empties into the sea within its borders. The Kızılırmak river serves various agricultural, industrial, drinking water-related, and recreational purposes and greatly contributes to the region’s economy. This study aimed to determine the distribution of the river’s macroinvertebrate fauna and evaluate the impact of environmental variables on species distribution. In addition, using species-based biodiversity indices such as the Biological Monitoring Working Party (BMWP), Average Score per Taxon (ASPT), the Shannon–Wiener index, and evenness analysis, spatial and temporal similarities and differences were determined. According to the results, the ten taxonomic groups in the Kızılırmak river belong to the following categories: Gastropoda (81.5%), Gammaridae (9.8%), Oligochaeta (6.2%) Chironomidae (2.1%), Hirudinea (0.3%), and various others (0.1%). The Shannon–Wiener and evenness indexes were 0.29–1.9 and 0.46–0.14, respectively. TR-BMWP scores are in the poor to very poor water quality classes, and the ASPT ranges from moderate to poor water quality. Correlation analysis between species and physicochemical parameters indicated that the benthic macroinvertebrate fauna diversity of the river is affected by natural and anthropogenic factors.

Biologiâ vnutrennih vod. 2023;4(4):501-502
pages 501-502 views


Diversity Methods of the Strike Teleostei in Connection with Morphology Their Jaw Apparatus (Review)

Gromova E., Makhotin V.


The paper provides a review features of the strike Teleostei methods – suction, ram and bite, in different representatives at the definitive stage of development with characteristic morphology traits their feeding apparatus at qualitative level. In the paper we describe new traits of construction jaw apparatus some Teleostei species, those testifie in favour application them several methods of the strike separately or at a time during feeding.

Biologiâ vnutrennih vod. 2023;4(4):503-526
pages 503-526 views

Status of Local Populations of Isolated Mountain Lakes in the Altai by Histological Parameters and Elemental Composition of the Eye Lens of Peled Fish Coregonus peled

Nikiforov-Nikishin A., Nikiforov-Nikishin D., Kochetkov N.


This paper examines the state of the population of a native fish species in three lakes of the Altai Mountains. Analysis of the age and weight composition showed that in the studied water bodies in conditions of oligotrophic mountain lakes the pelad Coregonus peled Gmelin, 1788 population showed different growth dynamics. The age distribution of fish varied in different lakes, so in Lake Kedelu-Kol individuals of four age groups (1+ …4+) were present, and in Lake Kidelu only yearlings were caught. Histological examination of the liver and gills of fish showed the absence of significant abnormalities, both of parasitic and toxicological nature. Calculation of the histopathological index showed that the prevalence and severity of pathological abnormalities were significantly lower (p < 0.05) in Lake Kidelu. The analysis of the elemental composition of peled lens confirmed the absence of a significant level of pollution in the studied water bodies and the high quality of the aquatic environment. The presence in some samples of trace amounts of heavy metals may be associated with the geomorphological features of the region involved in the formation of the hydrochemical composition of the water of the studied lakes. The data obtained in the study indicate that the peled populations in the isolated mountain lakes of the

Biologiâ vnutrennih vod. 2023;4(4):527-540
pages 527-540 views


Regional Differences in the Infection of the European Anchoy Engraulis encrasicolus with the Nematode Hysterothylacium aduncum in the Winter Period of the Crimea and the Caucasus Coasts

Zavyalov A., Samotoi J., Sibirtsova E.


The main indicators of infestation of European anchovy Engraulis encrasicolus (L.) with larvae of the nematode Hysterothylacium aduncum (Rudolphi, 1802) in winter were studied in two areas of the Black Sea: off the coast of Crimea and the Caucasus. Regional differences in the indicators of invasion intensity and abundance index in two-year-old and three-year-olds were revealed. When analyzing the values of the extensiveness of invasion, no significant differences were found. Three main factors that determine regional differences in anchovy infestation in the studied areas are analyzed.

Biologiâ vnutrennih vod. 2023;4(4):541-546
pages 541-546 views


Content of Sodium, Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium in Organism of Larva of Sibling Species Сhironomus balatonicus and Сhironomus plumosus in Dependence on Salinity1

Martemyanov V., Markiyanova M.


The tolerant salinity ranges are 0.008–6 and 0.09–9.3 g/L, respectively, for Ch. plumosus L., 1758 and Ch. balatonicus Devai, Wülker et Scholl, 1983. In the tolerant range of salinity, the level of sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium in the body of Ch. balatonicus was regulated within 33.9–77.1, 7.7–13.7, 11.9–37.6, 54.7–110.6 mmol/kg wet weight, respectively. The concentration of sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium in the body of Ch. plumosus was maintained within of 62.7–80.8, 10.6–18, 6.7–12, 2.9–6 mmol/kg wet weight in stage III larvae and 49.6–62.3, 9.7–14.8, 42.5–62.2, 47.9–83.4 mmol/kg wet weight in individuals of IV age. In the optimal salinity range of 0.8–5.3 g/L, the sodium concentration in the body of Ch. balato-nicus was maintained at a constant level, decreased in the critically low zone of 0.8–0.09 g/L, and increased in the critically high zone of 5.3–9.3 g/L. In the critically low and high salinity zone, the organism’s ability to survive is reduced. The content of sodium in the body of freshwater aquatic organisms serves as a reliable criterion for assessing the optimal, critically low and high salinity zones.

Biologiâ vnutrennih vod. 2023;4(4):547-548
pages 547-548 views

Cases of Spontaneous Increase of Methemoglobin Concentration in Fish Blood during the Annual Cycle

Soldatov A.


The dynamics of the content of erythrocytes number and concentration of methemoglobin in the blood of the thermophilic mullet (Chelon auratus Risso, 1810) and the cold-loving flounder (Platichthys flesus L., 1758) during the annual cycle was studied. The degree of maturity of the circulating erythrocyte mass was judged on the basis of acid erythrograms construction. A pronounced negative relationship was found between the number of red blood cells and the concentration of methemoglobin in the blood of both types (r = –0.681; –0.778). It has been shown that the youngest generation of red blood cells appears in the peripheral bed of both species in the post–spawning period (1.5–2.0 months), which reflects the active production of erythrocytes by hematopoietic tissue. The rest of the time, there is a gradual aging of the circulating erythrocyte mass. This leads to a decrease in the number of red blood cells in the blood and is accompanied by an increase in the concentration of methemoglobin. The latter, apparently, determines the production of erythropoietins in the kidneys and activates the processes of erythropoiesis in hematopoietic tissue (pre-spawning period).

Biologiâ vnutrennih vod. 2023;4(4):549-556
pages 549-556 views


The Effect of Morphophysiological Changes in Immune Organs on Lysozyme in Male Pike Esox lucius

Subbotkin M., Subbotkina T.


The concentration of lysozyme in liver, kidney, spleen and serum, as well as the size of immune organs in male pike Esox lucius L. vary in different seasons of year. The enzyme concentrations in organs and serum are weakly interrelated. The organs by the absolute values of mass show a strong relationship with each other, while the correlation between their somatic indices is very weak. The size of the organs affects the concentration of lysozyme in the organs and serum. The liver plays a major role in annual fluctuations of lysozyme concentration in all the organs and serum. Kidney has a leveling effect on the concentration of the enzyme in liver and serum, whereas liver has the opposite effect. The most profound morphophysiological changes in organs and lysozyme as an indicator of nonspecific immunity coincide with the reproduction period of fish.

Biologiâ vnutrennih vod. 2023;4(4):557-562
pages 557-562 views

Distribution of Topmouth Gudgeon Pseudorasbora parva (Cyprinidae) in Waterbodies and Watercourses of Republic of Dagestan, Russia

Barkhalov R., Stolbunov I., Artaev O., Turbanov I., Rabazanov N., Khlopkova M., Karabanov D.


The study provides information on the modern distribution of a species alien to the ichthyofauna of Republic of Dagestan, topmouth gudgeon Pseudorasbora parva (Temminck et Schlegel, 1846) (Cyprinidae). It has been established that this species is found in the rivers Manasozen, Gamriozen, Ulluchay, Rubas, Avar Koisu (a tributary of the Sulak River, in the area of the Gotsatlinskaya HPP), as well as in Lake Mochokh. The wide distribution of P. parva is associated with ecological plasticity, migratory activity, high growth rate, accelerated puberty and high level of survival of the offspring of this species of fish.

Biologiâ vnutrennih vod. 2023;4(4):563-569
pages 563-569 views

Comparison of Cryoresistance of Testicular and Urinal Spermatozoa of the Toad Bufo bufo (Amphibia, Anura, Bufonidae) during Slow Freezing

Shishova N., Kaurova S., Uteshev V., Gakhova E.


A comparative study of the morphofunctional parameters of testicular (non-activated) and urinal (activated) spermatozoa of the common toad Bufo bufo (L., 1758) before and after cryopreservation was carried out. Cryopreservation was performed by a slow method. Sucrose (10%) and dimethylformamide (12%) were used as cryoprotectants. It was shown that the pool of testicular spermatozoa contains significantly more cells with abnormal morphology both before and after cryopreservation. The osmoticity of the base medium for the cryoprotective solution (Ringer’s solution for amphibians – 230 mOsm or urinal plasma – 45 mOsm) had little effect on the survival of testicular and urinal spermatozoa during cryopreservation. Comparison of the morphological and functional characteristics of spermatozoa before and after freezing-thawing indicates that the cryoresistances of testicular and urinal spermatozoa differ slightly.

Biologiâ vnutrennih vod. 2023;4(4):570-574
pages 570-574 views

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