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Fetal growth retardation as a predictor of health during the future life

Gumeniuk E., Ivshin A., Svetova K.


Fetal growth retardation continues to be an important issue in obstetrics and neonatology due to the high level of perinatal morbidity and mortality.

The narrative review of the literature provides the information on a new paradigm in modern perinatology, namely, on the concept of placental or great obstetric syndromes, which include fetal growth retardation. The review highlights the complex process of understanding intrauterine programming, starting with the assumptions and hypotheses made by D.J. Barker. The tragic experience of the impact of famine in wartime on fetal development and morbidity in adulthood is analyzed. The concept of the thrifty phenotype as an adaptation process is presented. The concepts of possible mechanisms of intrauterine programming are discussed. The article provides the information on the concept of “The first 1000 days” (from conception to two years after birth) and developmental plasticity, which play an important role in the formation of long-term health.

The analysis of the literature showed that newborns with fetal growth retardation are at high risk of diseases in the postnatal period. This diagnosis in the patient’s history is a risk factor for the development of chronic non-communicable diseases in adulthood (hypertension, insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, abdominal obesity, dyslipidemia, chronic kidney disease). There is an increased risk for the diseases of the bronchopulmonary system, brain damage, and impaired psychosocial adaptation. There is an adverse effect of fetal growth retardation on the male reproductive system in the future, in particular, infertility.

The review presents the analysis of preventive measures aimed at reducing chronic diseases in patients with a history of growth retardation.

Conclusion: Fetal growth retardation plays a key role in increasing the risk of short- and long-term health effects; therefore, it is necessary to carry out further research and development of preventive and therapeutic measures.

Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2024;(3):5-12
pages 5-12 views

COVID-19-associated placental damage

Pilkevich N., Markovskaya V., Khabibullin R., Yavorskaya O., Smirnova A.


Modern society has faced the coronavirus disease (COVID-19), which has become a serious global threat to public health. This infection had a significant impact on the healthcare systems around the world. The article analyzes the literature sources on the pathogenesis of placentitis in COVID-19.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the World Health Organization (WHO) identified pregnant women as a vulnerable group in terms of morbidity, and pregnancy was recognized as a risk factor for the severity of the infection.

SARS-CoV-2 placentitis is a severe and rare damage to the placenta, which is due to the infectious and immunological factors. They can cause severe and diffuse placental parenchymal destruction that can affect >75% of the placenta.

Viral particles attach to the villous trophoblast and destroy it. There is a complement activation, which contributes to the activation of hemostasis and leads to coagulopathy, as well as microvascular damage. The infected syncytiotrophoblast is damaged through complete or incomplete apoptosis. The persistent high level of the virus in the syncytiotrophoblast can lead to prolonged generation of complement fragments, cytokines of inflammatory origin and other chemotactic factors; it may cause a monocyte-macrophage inflammatory reaction, which further exacer-bates placental dysfunction.

Conclusion: COVID-19 infection can lead to the development of placental damage, pregnancy complications, including premature birth, preeclampsia, miscarriages, fetal growth retardation and stillbirth.

SARS-CoV-2 placentitis occurs due to direct cytotoxicity after virus replication in the syncytiotrophoblast and manifests in three ways: histiocytic intervillositis, perivillous fibrin deposition and trophoblast necrosis.

Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2024;(3):13-19
pages 13-19 views

Risk factors for uterine fibroids

Ponomarenko M., Reshetnikov E., Ponomarenko I., Churnosov M.


Uterine fibroids are the most common benign tumors in women. Among other gynecological conditions, the prevalence of uterine fibroids is high, ranking second only to inflammatory diseases of the female reproductive system. This disease has a significant impact on the female reproductive health, and it also decreases the quality of life. In addition, uterine fibroids have a negative economic effect on health systems around the world; this impact is estimated at hundreds of billions of dollars annually. According to the literature, risk factors play an important role in the development of this disease.

The analysis of the literature data showed that the risk factors for uterine fibroids are numerous and may include heredity, vitamin D3 deficiency, race (African Americans), obesity, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, early menarche, absence of childbirth in the patient’s history, alcohol, eating habits, stress, low physical activity.

Conclusion: Despite the large amount of evidence on the issue of risk factors for uterine fibroids available in the literature, not all the mechanisms underlying the relationship of certain risk factors with the disease are currently clear and therefore it is necessary to carry out further research on this issue.

Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2024;(3):20-27
pages 20-27 views

The use of botulinum neuropeptide in gynecology

Sokolova A., Ushakova K., Apolikhina I.


Botulinum toxin is a high-molecular protein complex produced by bacteria of the Clostridium genus. It is one of the most powerful organic poisons. Nevertheless, botulinum toxin has become widely used in medical practice due to its unique properties. There are several serotypes of the neurotoxin: BT-A, BT-B, BT-C, BT-D, BT-E, BT-F, BT-G, B-X, and non-clostridial nature: BT-Wo, BT-En. The most common one is botulinum toxin type A which blocks the release of certain neurotransmitters at the neuromuscular junction and leads to a temporary decrease in muscle activity. Botulinum toxin type A has been used for more than 20 years for the symptomatic treatment of various conditions associated with excessive muscle activity. Moreover, botulinum toxin is known as an effective and fast-acting substance in the treatment of chronic pain due to its antinociceptive (analgesic) and anti-inflammatory properties. Recently, the researchers have become particularly interested in the use of botulinum toxin in gynecology, especially in the treatment of diseases such as pelvic floor muscle hyperactivity and vaginismus, vulvodynia and chronic pelvic pain, when first-line therapy is ineffective. Despite the fact that these diseases are not life-threatening, they significantly reduce the quality of patients’ lives. For clinicians who regularly deal with these clinical cases, botulinum toxin type A becomes a valuable medication in the treatment of difficult patients when traditional methods are ineffective.

Conclusion: Different mechanisms of botulinum toxin action as well as the latest research in the field of neurogynecology are considered in this article. The literature review includes publications confirming the effectiveness and safety of the use of this neuropeptide for the treatment of conditions associated with increased tone of the pelvic floor muscles. However, it is necessary to conduct further research for determining the optimal dosages, treatment regimens and evaluation of the long-term efficacy and safety of botulinum toxin in gynecology.

Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2024;(3):28-34
pages 28-34 views

Uterine fibroids: does the current paradigm of treatment require modernization?

Levakov S., Kaviladze M., Guseynova S.


Uterine fibroids are common monoclonal tumors of the uterus. Fibroids have components of both smooth muscle and fibroblasts, in addition to a significant amount of fibrous extracellular matrix, and all of them contribute to the pathogenetic process. Fibroids are extremely heterogeneous in their pathophysiology, size, localization and clinical symptoms. They partially refer to a number of diseases, which have aspects of malignant behavior in some cases, but are generally benign. The risk factor for fibroids is associated with race: black women have a higher risk of developing fibroids at an earlier age than white patients, and they also have more severe forms of the disease. In clinical practice, one-third to one-half of all hysterectomies are performed due to fibroids; there is also a significant morbidity and increased health care costs for women of reproductive age. In fact, modern treatment of uterine fibroids includes mainly surgical and interventional methods: about three quarters of all methods of fibroid treatment are hysterectomies. However, there are clinical innovations in the use of progesterone receptor modulators as drug therapy. To date, the information about the genetic subgroup that leads to the formation of fibroids is quite relevant; it can contribute to further understanding of the clinical heterogeneity of this disease and lead to individual treatment. This information is extremely important, as currently there is no high-quality evidence which can be used to base therapeutic decisions.

Conclusion. The prospects for the clinical treatment of uterine fibroids should change dramatically in the next decade, therefore, the current paradigm of treatment requires modernization. The direction for further research is clear: it is necessary to move towards determining predictors of the fibroid prognosis and developing individual therapy, which can be followed by early intervention, as well as strategies for primary and secondary prevention.

Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2024;(3):35-48
pages 35-48 views

Gene expression features in patients with genital prolapse

Cheremin M., Smolnova T., Krasnyi A., Chuprynin V.


Genital prolapse is a serious problem affecting the female population due to its high prevalence and absence of prerequisites to the decrease in its rate at the moment. Since the genetic aspect is critically important for understanding the pathogenesis of genital prolapse, the databases and services, namely PubMed, Google Scholar, and eLibrary have been searched for the findings on the features of the gene expression of connective tissue components in patients with genital prolapse, as well as epigenomic influence and interactions of extracellular matrix components. The development of genital prolapse can be influenced by the following factors: mRNA expression of collagen and elastic fibers, homeostasis of these fibers among the components of the interstitial substance, and the state of the interstitial substance itself (decorin (DCN), biglycan (BGN), fibromodulin (FMO) and lumican (LUM)), as well as modeling, degradation and remodeling of other components of the extracellular matrix. The review also highlights the important role of the smooth muscle component and the effect of the expression level of a number of genes on its functionality.

Conclusion: The review identified a wide range of links in molecular genetic and biochemical processes and their changes which can result in genital prolapse. However, most of these processes are not specific; therefore, in the future it is necessary to continue the search for molecular genetic causes that play a role in the pathogenesis of genital prolapse.

Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2024;(3):50-56
pages 50-56 views

Original Articles

Balance of pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines of fetal membranes of patients with prelabor rupture of membranes at term

Kaganova M., Spiridonova N.


Objective: To investigate the mRNA expression levels of pro-inflammatory (IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8, IL-17A, IL-18, IL-23, TNF-α, and IFN-γ) and anti-inflammatory (IL-4, IL-10, TGFβ) cytokines in the membranes of patients with prelabor rupture of membranes at term (PROM).

Materials and methods: During a clinical study at the Samara State Medical University, 40 pregnant women with full-term pregnancies were studied. The inclusion criteria were singleton pregnancy, gestational age 37.0-41.0 weeks without non-obstetric comorbidities, exacerbation of chronic and acute inflammatory diseases, and obstetric complications (placental insufficiency, preeclampsia). All patients delivered via cesarean section. Indications for planned surgery were abnormal fetal position and presentation, and postoperative uterine scar (control group, n=16). An additional indication for emergency cesarean section was premature rupture of the membranes (study group, n=24). The mRNA expression levels of IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8, IL-17A, IL-18, IL-23, TNFα, IFN-γ, IL-4, IL-10, and TGF-β were determined using RT-PCR (RT-PCR DNA technology).

Results: Expression of the mRNA genes IL-1β, IL-8, IL-18, and TNFα was observed in almost all subjects in both groups. The expression of IL-17 mRNA was not determined in any patient; IL-23 – in 7/24 (29.2%) of the study group and 3/16 (18.8%) of the control group; IL-4 expression – in 5/24 (20.8%) and 4/16 (25.0%), respectively, at an extremely low level. Expression of IL-6 and IFN-γ mRNA genes was observed slightly more often in 16/24 (66.7%) and 17/24 (70.8%) patients in the study group and in 6/16 (37.5%) and 7/16 (43.7%) patients in the control group. Significant differences between the groups were observed only for the expression of IL-8 gene mRNA – 105.44 (23.7; 648.93) RU and 33.49 (20.0; 116.6) RU and TGFβ – 216.63 (129.5; 329.9) RU and 112.5 (36.7; 182.4) RU in the study group and control group, respectively.

Conclusion: In patients with PROM, the main changes in the fetal membranes are a 3.1-fold increase in the expression of the IL-8 gene mRNA, which ensures the migration of immunocompetent cells (p=0.022), and a 1.9-fold increase in the expression of the TGFβ gene mRNA, which is responsible for epithelial-mesenchymal transition and thinning of the fetal membranes (p=0.024),

Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2024;(3):57-62
pages 57-62 views

Clinical and immunological characteristics of women in labor with COVID-19 and their newborn babies

Inviyaeva E., Tysyachnyi O., Kosolapova Y., Vtorushina V., Baev O., Zubkov V., Krechetova L.


Objective: To characterize the course of pregnancy, immune status of women in labor with SARS-CoV-2, as well as health and immune status of their newborn babies.

Materials and methods: The study included 72 pregnant women. The main group (n=27) consisted of women in labor who tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 with a mild course of the disease during childbirth. The comparison group (n=45) comprised of women in labor without coronavirus infection during pregnancy and childbirth. Expression of T-cell markers CD3, CD3/CD4, CD3/CD8, CD19, CD3/CD56, CD16, CD19/CD5; as well as regulatory T (Treg) cells with the CD4+CD25+CD127low/- phenotype was analyzed by flow cytometry.

Results: Predominant diseases in women infected with SARS-CoV-2 during childbirth were gastrointestinal diseases, external genital endometriosis and ovarian cysts. Spontaneous pregnancy occurred in these women. The method of delivery was determined by obstetric factors. Timing and frequency of cesarean delivery were higher in the main group. Reduction in lymphocyte subpopulations of T cells and B cells, but not NK cells and NKT cells, was in women in the main group.

In the main group, five babies were born at 246 (1.1) days [35 weeks 1 day] (p=0.006). In the comparison group, all babies were born at full term. Anthropometric parameters of newborns were comparable between the groups.

In babies born to mothers in the main group, the lower number of leukocytes, absolute content of lymphocytes, neutrophils and their phagocytic activity were found, while the values of these indicators in newborns in both groups remained within the reference values.

Conclusion: No differences were found in the course of pregnancy in puerperant women with SARS-CoV-2, and not differences were found in their babies’ anthropometric indicators and Apgar scores. The changes identified in immune status of mothers and their newborn babies were within the reference range, and cannot be associated with SARS-CoV-2 infection in women in labor.

Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2024;(3):63-72
pages 63-72 views

Association of polymorphic variants RS699517 and RS2790 of the maternal TYMS gene with newborn birthweight

Reshetnikova Y., Ponomarenko I., Churnosov M., Reshetnikov E.


Objective: To investigate the associations between maternal folate cycle gene polymorphisms and newborn birthweight, as well as evaluate their functional effects.

Materials and methods: A molecular genetic study was conducted on five polymorphic gene loci involved in folic acid and methionine metabolism (rs699517 TYMS, rs2790 TYMS, rs1979277 SHMT1, rs1805087 MTR, and rs1801394 MTRR) using the genomic DNA of 317 pregnant women.

Results: The birthweight of newborns with different maternal genotypes for the loci studied showed slight changes, but no significant differences were observed (p>0.05): rs699517 TYMS (3449.63 vs. 3551.44 g), rs2790 TYMS (3441.82 vs. 3511.29 g), rs1979277 SHMT1 (3484.05 vs. 3527.66 g), rs1805087 MTR (3477.50 vs. 3522.08 g), rs1801394 MTRR (3464.74 vs. 3550.98 g). Among the haplotypes, the TA haplotype (rs699517-rs2790 TYMS) occurred at a frequency of 0.13 and showed a significant association with birthweight (β=0.14, p=0.02, pperm=0.03). However, the TG haplotype (frequency 0.17) and the CA haplotype (frequency 0.70) were not significantly associated with birthweight.

Conclusion: The TA haplotype rs699517–rs2790 of TYMS may be associated with higher birthweight.

Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2024;(3):73-78
pages 73-78 views

Pain syndrome features in different forms of external genital endometriosis: a cross-sectional study

Pronina V., Chernukha G., Filatova E., Solopova A.


Objective: To assess pain syndrome in patients with different forms of external genital endometriosis.

Materials and methods: The one-stage study was conducted at the V.I. Kulakov National Medical Research Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology & Perinatology of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation from 2021 to 2023, involving 200 patients (age 32.03 (7.15) years) with confirmed endometriosis through expert ultrasonography and magnetic resonance imaging of the pelvic organs. Patients were categorized into three groups based on the form of endometriosis: with peritoneal endometriosis (SUP), endometriomas (OMA), and deep endometriosis (DE); in case of combined pathology inclusion in one or another group was carried out according to the most severe form. The targeted history collection of women was conducted through questioning. The intensity of the pain syndrome was evaluated using the visual analog scale (VAS), followed by calculation of the pelvic pain index (PPI). The level of central sensitization (CS) was assessed using the CSI scale, and quality of life and sexual function were evaluated using the SF-12 questionnaire and 5-point Likert scale, respectively. Neuropathic components were assessed based on the results of the PainDetect questionnaire.

Results: Data analysis revealed that patients with OMA were predominantly not characterized by pain syndrome. The severity of dysmenorrhea, chronic pelvic pain, and PPI, according to VAS indicators, was minimal in isolated endometriomas, with a tendency for higher PPI when endometriomas were combined with SUP, DE, and all three forms of endometriosis, respectively. PPI determination revealed that a threshold score of ≥3.8 points can indicate the presence of DE. Additionally, a significant level of sensitization (≥40 points) was observed in nearly one in two women with DE, one in three women with SUP, and one in six women with OMA. The presence of a neuropathic component was generally less common in patients with endometriosis (5.0%).

Conclusion: The study results demonstrated that not only the presence of pain but also the degree of its severity play a significant role in the diagnosis of endometriosis. PPI can serve as a tool to identify women at risk of endometriosis at the outpatient examination stage. A PPI score ≥3.8 points may indicate DE. The study results led to the conclusion that CS significantly contributes to pain genesis in patients with endometriosis-associated pelvic pain, while the neuropathic component plays a lesser role.

Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2024;(3):80-88
pages 80-88 views

Vasoactive endothelial factors in women with poor and suboptimal ovarian response during infertility treatment using assisted reproductive technologies

Perfilova V., Muzyko E., Tikhaeva K., Kustova M., Mukhina A., Fokina A., Zhuravleva E.


Objective: To investigate the levels of vasoactive endothelial factors, endothelin-1, and final metabolites of nitric oxide in the blood and follicular fluid, along with the expression levels of endothelial and inducible nitric oxide synthase (eNOS and iNOS) in cumulus cells of women with varying outcomes of hormonal ovarian stimulation during assisted reproductive technology (ART) for infertility treatment.

Materials and methods: In a simple open comparative clinical trial with parallel groups, markers of endothelial dysfunction were analyzed in 71 women from the Volgograd region, aged up to 42 years, undergoing ART for infertility treatment. The control group, with a normal and high response to ovarian stimulation using gonadotropins, included 31 women (≥10 oocytes retrieved). Two groups were formed with suboptimal (5–9 oocytes retrieved) and poor responses (4 or fewer oocytes retrieved), each containing 20 women. All patients had anti-Müllerian hormone levels greater than 1.2 ng/mL. Endothelin-1 levels in the blood and follicular fluid were determined using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, while the levels of eNOS and iNOS were assessed in cumulus cell lysates. The concentration of final nitric oxide metabolites (nitrite and nitrate ions) in the blood serum and follicular fluid was determined using the method described by Metelskaya V.A. and Gumanova N.G. (2005).

Results: Women with a poor response had significantly higher levels of endothelin-1 and end metabolites of nitric oxide in the blood serum than those with a high and normal response. The amount of iNOS in cumulus cell lysates from women with suboptimal and poor responses was greater than that in the control group. This, combined with the increased concentration of nitrite and nitrate ions, may indicate the formation of a potent oxidant, peroxynitrite, potentially causing irreversible damage in the cells of patients with a poor response.

Conclusion: Changes in vasoactive endothelial factor levels may contribute to a reduced response to ovarian stimulation with gonadotropins during ART for infertility treatment. Further research into the mechanisms that determine oocyte quality and quantity can enable personalized approaches to infertility treatment, potentially increasing pregnancy rates.

Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2024;(3):89-95
pages 89-95 views

Application of various machine learning techniques to the analysis of clinical, anamnestic, and embryological data of patients undergoing assisted reproductive technologies

Drapkina Y., Makarova N., Vasiliev R., Amelin V., Frankevich V., Kalinina E.


Data analysis using machine learning (ML) enables more accurate and targeted identification of the most important modifiable and non-modifiable predictors of pregnancy in assisted reproductive technology (ART) programs for patients across different age groups. Predicting the performance of an ART program using ML can be achieved through various algorithms, depending on the data type and specific task at hand.

Objective: This study aimed to analyze the processing of clinical, anamnestic, and embryological data from patients undergoing ART using different ML methods. It also seeks to determine the accuracy of ART outcome prediction using various algorithms, and to select the ML model that holds the greatest practical value for predicting the onset of pregnancy.

Materials and methods: This retrospective study included 854 married couples. It analyzed data from clinical and laboratory examinations, as well as parameters of the stimulated cycle, depending on the effectiveness of the ART program using the gradient boosting algorithm over decision trees (CatBoost).

Results: Key factors that significantly influence the effectiveness of ART include the presence or absence of a history of pregnancy, the concentration of sperm in the ejaculate, and the number of embryos with arrested development. A software product based on the gradient boosting algorithm was developed to predict the individual effectiveness of the ART programs.

Conclusion: Enhancing the prediction of the effectiveness of ART programs requires better mathematical models with an integrated approach to the problem and additional markers to improve the accuracy of the software product. Constructing a model that includes not only the couple’s history but also molecular markers using ML methods will allow for the most accurate determination of the most promising groups of patients for in vitro fertilization programs, and it will increase the efficiency of ART programs by selecting the highest-quality embryos for transfer.

Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2024;(3):96-107
pages 96-107 views

Satisfaction of young women with Estradiol Valerate/Dienogest in real clinical practice in Russia: results of prospective multicenter observational study Q-SWAN

Prilepskaya V., Andreeva E.


Objective: To evaluate satisfaction in young women (18–35 years old) with a drug containing estradiol valerate/dienogest (E2V/DNG) over a 6-month period in real clinical practice in Russia.

Materials and methods: This was a prospective multicenter study that assessed satisfaction of 504 women (average age is 27.8 years) with the contraceptive containing E2V/DNG. The characteristics of menstrual bleeding, sexual function, and women’s decision to continue using the contraceptive were evaluated in two subgroups: in the presence and absence of abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB). The satisfaction of doctors with this method of contraception was also assessed.

Results: It was found that 98.4% of women and 100% of doctors were “very satisfied” or “satisfied” with this method of contraception, regardless of the presence or absence of AUB. There was a significant decrease in the intensity, duration of menstrual bleeding and pain, and in the frequency of intermenstrual bleeding compared with the baseline indicator. Normalization of the parameters of the FSFI questionnaire was observed in most of the patients (89.7%), although initially these parameters could indicate sexual dysfunction in almost half of the patients (46.0%). The contraceptive E2V/DNG was well tolerated by women, and the overall rate of adverse events was 7.1%. Most women (97.8%) decided to continue taking the medication after completing the study.

Conclusion: The results of the study showed high satisfaction of young Russian women and doctors with the use of E2V/DNG, regardless of the presence or absence of AUB. The medication has a positive effect on the characteristics of bleeding/cycle control and on the quality of sexual function, therefore, the women demonstrated a high adherence to this method of contraception.

Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2024;(3):108-117
pages 108-117 views

Exchange of Experience

Placenta Accreta Spectrum: experience of the surgical treatment

Rymashevsky A., Volkov A., Kantsurova M.


Background: Placenta accreta spectrum (PAS) is the cause of maternal mortality due to massive uterine bleeding. These complications can be reduced by improving the algorithm of surgical treatment of PAS.

Objective: To present the experience of managing patients whose pregnancy is complicated by PAS.

Materials and methods: This is a retrospective analysis of the deliveries of 54 patients with PAS which was diagnosed prenatally.

Results: A 10-year experience in managing 54 patients with PAS is divided into two stages. The first stage is the management of the first six cases (2012–2016). Two laparotomies were performed via Pfannenstiel incision with subsequent cesarean section in the lower uterine segment and metroplasty. Supracervical hysterectomy was performed in one case, and total hysterectomy was performed in three cases. The second stage is the management of 48 cases (2017–2023): corporeal cesarean section was performed in 3/48 (6.25%) cases, and transverse uterine fundal incision with metroplasty was performed in 45/48 (93.75%) cases. After childbirth, ligation of internal iliac and ovarian arteries was performed in 100% of cases. Compression sutures were applied in 5/48 (16.6%) cases. Total hysterectomy was performed in 6/48 (12.5%) cases, and one with vesicoplasty was done in 3/48 (6.25%) cases. Postoperative transfusion was performed in 5/48 (16.7%) patients. Intraoperative blood reinfusion was performed in 100% of cases. Complex antianemic therapy included a high dose of non-dextran iron preparation, ferric carboxymaltose.

Conclusion: The following algorithm is proposed: lower midline laparotomy, transverse uterine fundal incision, exclusion of manual placental separation, ligation of ovarian and internal iliac arteries on both sides after childbirth; in cases of secondary uterine hypotonia, application of compression sutures is possible; intraoperative blood reinfusion; antianemic therapy using iron preparations for parenteral administration in the postoperative period.

Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2024;(3):118-122
pages 118-122 views

Treatment for cyclic mastodynia in patients with benign breast diseases

Kravchenko E., Naboka M., Sosnin M., Tsygankova M.


Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of indole carbinol medication (Indinol Forto) in treating benign breast dysplasia (BBD).

Materials and methods: The study included 274 women aged 29–52 years who presented with complaints of breast pain: group A consisted of 109 women with BBD (BI-RADS 2) who were prescribed complex treatment with indole carbinol-based medication; group B included 79 patients with BBD (BI-RADS 3) who underwent surgery followed by complex treatment with indole carbinol-based medication; group C consisted of 86 women with BBD (BI-RADS 2) who refused to receive medical treatment.

Results: At the end of the six-month course of treatment with indole carbinol, there was a significant improvement in health and a decrease or disappearance of mastalgia: only 8.3% of women in group A (p1<0.001), 12.6% of women in group B (p2<0.001), and 76.7% of women in group C had complaints of mastodynia. Mild mammographic density was noted in 74.3% of patients in group A, in 72.3% of women in group B and in 46.5% of patients in group C (p1<0.001, p2<0.001); moderate density was noted in 20.1%, 19.0% and 32.6% of patients (p1=0.050, p2=0.048), respectively; severe density was noted in 3.7%, 3.8% and 12.8% of women (p1=0.018, p2=0.039), respectively; very severe density was noted in 1.8%, 1.3% and 8.1% of patients (p1=0.038, p2=0.041), respectively.

Conclusion: Indole carbinol medication may be recommended for widespread use as a first-line medication in women with increased breast density.

Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2024;(3):124-131
pages 124-131 views

Comparative assessment of the efficacy of micronized progesterone medications in the IVF programs

Mayasina E., Buev Y., Askerov R., Yamalyeva N., Kichigina E., Kornilova A., Salimov D.


Ovarian stimulation in the in vitro fertilization (IVF) programs is accompanied by a defect in the luteal phase of the cycle, therefore hormonal support after embryo transfer into the uterine cavity is an integral part of the treatment. Vaginal administration is the most common route for the progesterone delivery.

Objective: To compare efficacy and tolerability of two forms of vaginal micronized progesterone, namely capsules (Utrogestan, Besins Healthcare) and gel (Miragel, Vertex JSC), in the IVF programs.

Materials and methods: The study included 309 patients: the patients of the first group (n=154) received micronized progesterone in the form of a vaginal gel at a dose of 90 mg per day, the patients of the second group (n=155) were administered micronized progesterone in capsules 200 mg 3 times a day vaginally. Efficacy was assessed using the following parameters: clinical pregnancy rate, early pregnancy loss rate, live birth rate. The medication tolerability was compared using the assessment of the patients’ questionnaires.

Results: Clinical pregnancy rate in the first group was 59.1%, and it was 55.2% in the second group; early pregnancy loss rate was 14.2% and 15.1%, respectively; live birth rate in the first group was 49.4%, and it was 45.2% in the second group. There were no statistically significant differences between the groups. The rate of premature births in the first group was 0%, and it was 7.1% in the second group. According to the patients’ survey, micronized progesterone in the form of a gel was better tolerated.

Conclusion: The comparative assessment of the vaginal administration of micronized progesterone in the form of gel and capsules demonstrated high efficacy of the medication. The vaginal gel was better tolerated and more convenient for the patients, according to the survey. Miragel can be administered to support the luteal phase in the IVF programs.

Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2024;(3):133-140
pages 133-140 views

Experience of treating patients with abnormal uterine bleeding associated with ovulatory dysfunction

Dikke G., Novichkov D., Zulkarneeva E., Amirova K., Beraya A., Gartleb O., Cherezova Y., Akhmetgaliev A.


Abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB) associated with ovulatory disfunction (OD) is the most common finding among women with chronic AUB, accounting for 57.7% of cases. Oral progestogens are often prescribed for irregular and copious menstruation. However, a course of hormonal rehabilitation after AUB-OD may not be enough. Inositols have been shown to be highly effective in restoring ovulation, normalizing the menstrual cycle, correcting carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, and reducing body weight.

Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of complex treatment consisting of a combination of gestagen, iron medication and complex containing myoinositol, D-chiroinositol (5:1), folic acid and manganese in reproductive-aged patients with abnormal uterine bleeding associated with type I–III ovulatory dysfunction.

Materials and methods: The multicentre study in real clinical practice included 2,042 women with OD. The patients received dydrogesterone or micronized progesterone for 3 cycles (from 14 to 25 days), a medication containing myoinositol 1000 mg, D-chiroinositol 200 mg, folic acid 200 mg, manganese 5 mg (Dikirogen) for 6 cycles, iron sulfate/ascorbic acid for 3–4 months (according to indications). The parameters of the menstrual cycle (MC), hemoglobin, serum ferritin, and body weight were assessed at 3, 6 and 12 months from the start of treatment.

Results: The age of the patients ranged from 18 to 45 years, the average age was 30 (25; 35) years. The number of patients with a normal MC rhythm after 3 and 6 months was observed in 76.5 and 90.9% of patients versus 46.9% before treatment, p<0.001, and with a moderate volume of menstruation in 77.9 and 89.9% versus 45.4%, respectively, p<0.001; iron deficiency anaemia decreased from 39.9% to 18.2% of patients after 3 months, p<0.001, and there were no patients with anaemia by 6 months. Menstrual cyclicity remained at the achieved level, and the volume of blood loss decreased statistically significantly by 12 months. BMI decreased from 26.8 (21.3; 27.3) to 23.4 (21.3; 24.3) kg/m2 by 6 months of treatment, p=0.001, and stabilized at this level until 12 months.

Conclusion: Therapy for OD with progestin/Dikirogen in the first 3 months followed by administration of only Dikirogen for 3 months and symptomatic treatment with iron is effective in achieving regular menstrual cycle and volume of menstrual blood loss, eliminating anaemia and normalizing body weight.

Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2024;(3):142-152
pages 142-152 views

The changes in the landscape of the vaginal microbiome in patients undergoing complex treatment for mixed recurrent vaginal infections

Kutsenko I., Borovikov I., Kravtsova E., Avakimyan A., Borovikova O., Andreeva A.


Recurrent mixed vaginal infections (RMVI) have not only become an epidemiological and clinical problem, but they can also lead to serious social and psychological consequences. In order to develop effective strategies for their diagnosis and treatment, it is necessary to understand the mechanisms of both commensalism and pathogenesis. Despite numerous treatment patterns, patients with mixed vaginal infections experience relapses with high frequency, and repeated prescriptions of antibacterial drugs (both systemic and local) only increase microbial resistance. The paper describes the experience of clinical application of complex therapy, including decontamination with a broad-spectrum antiseptic drug (dequalinium chloride), followed by prolonged use of replacement therapy with a probiotic containing lyophilisate of Lactobacillus acidophilus with low doses of estrogens.

Objective: To analyze the clinical and microbiological effectiveness of complex local decontamination (dequalinium chloride) and contamination (Lactobacillus acidophilus in combination with ultra-low-dose estriol) therapy in the treatment of recurrent mixed vaginal infections.

Materials and methods: The study included 124 patients with mixed recurrent vaginal infections (at least two episodes of clinical manifestations per year). Vaginal microbial communities were assessed using microscopic examination (Hay/Ison criteria) and real-time PCR (Femoflor 16). The identification of Lactobacilli species was carried out using the method of mass spectrometry. The vaginal microbiota was assessed in 14 days, 6 and 12 months after the end of the treatment.

Results: Complex local therapy with a prolonged stage of contamination with estriol-containing vaginal probiotics during clinical and microbiological monitoring for 12 months showed a decrease in the number of recurrent mixed vaginal infections by 2.4 times compared with the standard treatment pattern. The patients undergoing prolonged contamination with lactobacillus microflora with donation of microdoses of estriol showed more effective stabilization of the vaginal secretion pH, vaginal microbiocenosis (Hay/Ison criteria) and normalization of the ratio of competitive and weakly competitive lactobacilli, which prevented the development of dysbiotic disorders in the vagina.

Conclusion: The long-term course of contamination therapy with a combination of lactobacilli with ultra-low-dose estriol that promotes the adhesion of lactobacilli to the vaginal epithelium together with local empirical treatment with dequalinium chloride (Fluomizin) is preferable for patients with recurrent vaginal infections.

Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2024;(3):153-162
pages 153-162 views

Guidelines for the Practitioner

Algorithm for diagnosis and treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease in pregnant women

Tyutyunnik V., Kan N., Mikhailova O., Mirzabekova D.


Gastroesophageal reflux disease is a chronic recurrent disorder caused by an impairment of the motor-evacuation function of the organs of the gastroesophageal zone and characterized by regularly repeated reflux of the stomach contents into the esophagus, and sometimes the duodenum. This disease leads to the appearance of clinical symptoms that worsen the quality of life of patients: damage to the mucous membrane of the distal part of the esophagus, dystrophic changes in non-keratinized stratified squamous epithelium, catarrhal or erosive/ulcerative esophagitis (reflux esophagitis), and columnar cell metaplasia in some patients. The article presents the modern data on epidemiology, etiology, pathogenesis, risk factors, clinical picture, diagnosis, and management of pregnant women with gastroesophageal reflux disease in the outpatient and inpatient environment. Particular attention is paid to the principles, methods and choice of medications for the treatment and prevention of this pathology.

Conclusion: The effectiveness of the treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease with Gaviscon Forte has been found to reach 80–90%. The prognosis for pregnancy and childbirth with timely treatment is favorable. The algorithm for the management of pregnant women with gastroesophageal reflux disease is presented.

Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2024;(3):165-171
pages 165-171 views

Analogues of gonadotropin-releasing hormone in the treatment of women with uterine fibroids

Dovletkhanova E., Abakarova P., Mezhevitinova E.


Uterine fibroids are a common gynecological disease in women of reproductive age which can cause significant clinical problems. The development and growth of uterine fibroids involve a number of pathogenetic factors including genetic and epigenetic factors, an imbalance of steroid hormones, cell proliferation and apoptosis, etc. Uterine fibroids can develop due to a number of factors directly related to the activity of the ovaries. Estradiol and progesterone play a significant role. Various tactics for managing patients with uterine fibroids include not only surgical, but also conservative treatment methods. Therefore, it is possible to make treatment individualized taking into account the symptoms, the size and location of fibroids, as well as the age, needs and desires of the patient to preserve fertility and achieve motherhood. Gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists (aGnRH) were among the first medications recommended for the treatment of fibroids. AGnRH is a number of effective drugs that affect not only the symptoms caused by uterine fibroids, but also impact the size of myomatous nodes. The representative of aGnRH is buserelin, a synthetic analogue of gonadotropin-releasing hormone. The effectiveness of conservative therapy of uterine fibroids using buserelin has been evaluated in a number of studies.

Conclusion: The use of aGnRH allows one to control the symptoms of uterine fibroids, such as bleeding and pain syndrome, reduce the volume of the myomatous node, which may lead to a subsequent reduction in the volume of surgical intervention. Buserelin, as the form of aGnRH, is effectively used not only in the treatment of symptomatic uterine fibroids before subsequent surgical intervention, but it can be used in complex therapy before pregnancy planning by ART methods in women with uterine fibroids and infertility.

Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2024;(3):172-178
pages 172-178 views

Clinical Notes

Early diagnosis of abnormally deep invasion of the chorion as a predictor of invasive placentation

Volkov A., Solonchenko A., Rymashevsky A., Voloshin V., Khloponina A., Kantsurova M.


Background: Placenta accreta spectrum (PAS) is an advanced invasive placentation, which is a serious condition associated with high maternal mortality due to massive uterine hemorrhages. These complications can be reduced by early diagnosis of PAS.

Case report: A 35-year-old multiparous patient with a burdened obstetric and gynecological history had indirect signs of abnormally deep invasion of the chorion which were revealed during ultrasound examination at 7+1 weeks gestation. The ultrasound scan showed a heterogeneous structure with the expansion of lacunar spaces and areas of hypervascularization of the myometrium of the anterior uterine wall. The diagnosis of abnormal placental attachment was confirmed by dynamic echography with stereoscopic blood flow imaging (LumiFlow). A planned cesarean section by transverse uterine fundal incision was performed at 37+2 weeks. Metroplasty was performed on both sides after ligation of the internal iliac and ovarian arteries. The diagnosis of PAS was confirmed by a pathology study, and placenta increta (PAS 3a) was verified.

Conclusion: The presented clinical observation clearly demonstrates the real possibility of early ultrasound diagnosis of advanced invasive placentation. The detection of signs of advanced invasive placentation at the earliest possible time of gestation suggests that patients can be referred to a high-risk PAS group for the subsequent search for specific signs of this placental pathology and optimal planning of organ-preserving methods of delivery in these patients.

Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2024;(3):180-186
pages 180-186 views