
Hematological indicators as predictors of atrial fibrillation after cardiac surgery
Tatarintseva Z., Kosmacheva E., Shyk A., Batchaeva A.
Triggering factors for the development of infection areas of surgical intervention
Morozov А., Askerov E., Aloyan S., Butnaru А., Morozova А.
Immediate and long-term results of two eversion carotid endarterectomy techniques
Yarikov A., Smirnov I., Mukhin A., Kletskin A., Lyutikov V., Sergeev V., Fraerman A., Lipatov K., Ostapyuk M., Stolyarov S., Muravina E., Khasyanov M., Ponomareva A., Komkova E., Teleshova T., Nesterenko S., Shigorina A., Zaletova I., Levshakov V., Abramychev N.
Clinical rationale for the use of autologous platelet-rich plasma during cesarean section
Mazhidova Z., Yashchuk A., Musin I.
Principles of diagnosis and treatment of primary extramedullary spinal cord tumors
Yarikov A., Dubskikh A., Smirnov I., Fraerman A., Perlmutter O., Tsybusov S., Kalinkin A., Simonov A., Istrelov A., Pavlinov S.
Prevention of airborne infection in operating rooms and dental offices: modern approaches and technologies
Brudyan G., Yarikov А., Tsybusov S., Sosnin A., Garcia А.
Modernization of surgical technique using a novel flexible aspirator-irrigator nozzle in robot-assisted surgery in a patient with a single kidney
Mosoyan M., Shelipanov D., Gilev E., Vasilyev A., Simonyan A.
Morozov A., Sergeev A., Zhukov S., Morozova A., Muravlyantseva M., Sobol E.
Problems of organization of bariatric service in medical institutions of the Russian Federation.m
Ivanov Y., Sharobaro V., Stankevich V., Zlobin A., Smirnov A.
The results of the use of a sterile gauze bandage Proteox-TM in the complex treatment of abscessing facial furuncle
Petrova T., Borodulina I., Chernegov V.
A case of surgical treatment for gastrointestinal tract disease in myelomic disease
Sadkeev A.
Liver venous pathology as cause of mechanical jaundice and liver vein injury in percutaneous transhepatic drainage
Prozorov S., Ivanov P., Tarabarin S.
Experimental modeling of mandibular defect and analysis of the functional efficiency of the jaw exoskeleton
Loktionova M., Gabbasova I., Sletova V., Magomedova H., Uzdenov E., Zakharyan V., Sletov A., Admakin O.
Prevention of infections in the area of surgical intervention in the aspect of preparation of the surgical field
Morozov A., Sergeev A., Askerov E., Kadykov V., Pototskaya L., Belyak M.
Breast reconstruction using autologous flaps during complex/combination treatment in patients with breast cancer
Duadze I., Kaprin A., Zikirjahodzhaev A., Reshetov I., Usov F., Rasskazova E., Sukhotko A., Starkova M., Bagdasarova D., Dzhabrailova D., Balayan E.
Successful case of treating a patient with associated trauma with rupture of the thoracic esophagus
Yurov S., Vinnik Y., Serova E., Bolshakov V., Dudarev A., Saverchenko A., Kovrigin V., Nesterov V., Zima A.
Surgical treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus. Analysis of long-term remission
Neimark A., Danilov I., Shulyakovskaya A., Lapshina S., Kornyushin O., Salov M.
The use of zirconium dioxide in surgery: advantages and disadvantages of the material, evaluation of the effect of zirconium dioxide on osteosynthesis
Sarkisyan N., Astryukhina P., Shamrai V.
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