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Vol 34, No 1 (2023)

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Breast reconstruction using autologous flaps during complex/combination treatment in patients with breast cancer

Duadze I.S., Kaprin A.D., Zikirjahodzhaev A.D., Reshetov I.V., Usov F.N., Rasskazova E.A., Sukhotko A.S., Starkova M.V., Bagdasarova D.V., Dzhabrailova D.S., Balayan E.O.


Breast reconstruction using autologous flaps is the gold standard in breast reconstruction plastic surgery. The use of anterior abdominal wall flaps in reconstruction surgery makes it possible to achieve the most natural aesthetic result, since tissue consistency in the anterior abdominal wall is similar to that in the breast. When choosing a reconstruction technique, account is taken of a number of factors, such as age, body mass index, concomitant diseases, the anatomical features of blood supply to the donor and recipient regions, a history of abdominal surgery, and cicatricial deformity of the anterior abdominal wall.

Particular emphasis is placed on the impact of postoperative radiotherapy (RT) on autologous breast reconstruction. Studies are currently made to reduce the incidence of complications during autologous breast reconstruction, to shorten the rehabilitation period, and to establish the most optimal timing of autologous reconstruction in patients with breast cancer during complex/combination treatment. A literary analysis has shown the comparable rates of complications and reoperations in the groups of patients with and without postoperative RT.

Vrach. 2023;34(1):5-9
pages 5-9 views

Methods of assessing the quality of life in women with malignant neoplasms of the reproductive system

Solopova A.G., Blinov D.V., Achkasov E.E., Sandzhieva L.N., Korabelnikov D.I., Bykovshchenko G.K., Petrenko D.A.


The growth of malignant neoplasms of the female reproductive system in recent years has acquired a tendency to "rejuvenation" – more frequent appearance in women of reproductive age. Radical methods of treating pathologies of the oncogynecological spectrum leave severe consequences in the form of genitourinary syndrome, disorders of endocrine-metabolic processes, sexual function, unstable psychological state, social maladaptation and a decrease in the quality of life. To restore the effects of antitumor treatment, a comprehensive rehabilitation is required, developed by a multidisciplinary team of specialists, including questionnaires on the quality of life. Numerous studies have shown the effectiveness of questionnaires FACT-G, FACT-En, EORTC, FSFI, HADS, the health, activity, mood questionnaire, modified Kupperman–Uvarova menopausal index, MDQ, magnesium deficiency assessment test, stress tolerance self-assessment test. These questionnaires allow us to assess the patient's condition in a timely manner, his perception of his own quality of life and the presence of comorbid diseases and conditions. The introduction of questionnaires into routine clinical practice will make it possible to more effectively carry out rehabilitation measures in oncogynecological patients.

Vrach. 2023;34(1):10-19
pages 10-19 views


Measurement of amniotic fluid volume

Trusov Y.V., Kramarsky V.A., Fayzullina N.I.


The qualitative or semi-quantitative assessment of amniotic fluid volume (AFV) is a standard component of every ultrasound in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy. AFV abnormalities are associated with various pregnancy complications. In clinical practice, ultrasound (US) assessment of AFV is used in conjunction with other clinical and sonographic parameters (biophysical profile, non-stress test, estimated fetal weight on ultrasound, clinical examination) to make effective medical decisions to maintain fetal well-being in the management of pregnancies with obstetric complications. US is the most common AFV assessment technique, in which AFV is determined on a basis of the opinion of a physician (qualitatively) or on a basis of the value of the maximum vertical pocket (MVP) and amniotic fluid index. These techniques are well suited for detecting fetuses with normal AFV; however, they have insufficient accuracy for diagnosing oligohydramnios and polyhydramnios. Furthermore, ultrasound AFV assessment in twins poorly corresponds with the reference values for oligohydramnios and polyhydramnios. Despite this, it is advisable to use qualitative and semi-quantitative (MVP) methods for AFV assessment. Results for each twin are interpreted using the same MVP criteria as those for single fetuses.

Vrach. 2023;34(1):20-25
pages 20-25 views

The use of mediation in resolving disputes related to medical services

Shmelev I.A., Sergeev V.V., Kupryakhin V.A., Pechegina Y.S.


The article gives the main characteristic of mediation in the field of public health as an experience of the protection of rights, the possibilities of its application are disclosed. In the course of the author's discussions, legislation on mediation and the practice of reconciliation are analyzed. The effectiveness of the use of mediation procedures is compared with the resolution of a dispute in a judicial procedure.

Vrach. 2023;34(1):25-28
pages 25-28 views


The use of Osteomed, Osteomed Forte, and Osteo-Vit D3 in the prevention and therapy of fractures in patients with osteoporosis

Dedov D.V., Brudyan G.S., Zhmakin I.A., Bakanov K.B., Kudrich L.A.


Objective. To analyze the literature data reflecting the medical and social significance of osteoporosis (OP), the prevention of osteoporotic fractures (OPFs), including that with Osteomed, Osteomed Forte, and Osteo-Vit D3 (Parafarm, Russia).

Material and methods. The authors analyzed research articles reflecting the medical and social significance of OP, the prevention of OPFs, including that using Osteomed, Osteomed Forte, and Osteo-Vit D3 (Parafarm, Russia),

Results. The paper presents the results of studying the effect of the new Russian drug Osteomed Forte on the hormonal status of women during the combination treatment of postmenopausal OP. The patients who took Osteomed Forte were observed to have an increase in bone mineral density and a decrease in the sizes of bone cavities, as well as their closure. Osteo-Vit D3 was a highly effective drug in preventing and treating recurrent bone fractures, including in children with OP. The efficacy of Osteo-Vit D3 in preventing recurrent fractures was noted to be highly competitive with that of calcium preparations made in foreign countries.

Conclusion. Thus, Osteomed, Osteomed Forte, and Osteo-Vit D3 (Parafarm, Russia) can be recommended for the prevention of OPFs in patients with OP, by taking into account their age, gender, comorbidity, and a personalized approach when selecting a management strategy for a particular patient.

Vrach. 2023;34(1):28-32
pages 28-32 views

From Practice

Iron deficiency in atopy (own data and literature analysis)

Delyagin V.M., Migacheva N.B.


Due to systemic allergic inflammation, intestinal changes, and malnutrition, atopic diseases can be complicated by iron deficiency conditions.

Objective. To determine the values of hemoglobin (Hb) and the frequency of anemia in children and adolescents with atopic dermatitis (AD) and asthma and to present the possible causes of the disorders.

Results. In 2001, a total of 180 children (mean age 4 years) with AD were examined; their Hb concentration was 109.3±9.8 g/l; of them 77 (43%) children had <110 g/L. In the control group of 210 healthy children (mean age 4 years), their Hb level was 122.4±10.1 g/L (р<0.01). In 2019, a total of 130 children (mean age 4 years) with AD were examined; their Hb concentration was 112.0±9.7 g/L, while 9 (6.9%) children had <110 g/L. In the control group of 129 patients (mean age 4 years), their Hb concentration ran to 123.0±9.5 g/L (p = 0.05). Also in 2019, a total of 110 children (mean age 12 years) with asthma were examined; their Hb concentration was 118.0±5.5 g/L, of them 5 (4.5%) children (including 3 adolescent girls) had a Hb concentration of <110 g/L. In the control group of 98 patients, their Hb concentration was 127.0±4.2 g/L (p = 0.05). In all groups of children with atopic diseases, anemia was associated with iron deficiency.

Conclusion. The frequency of anemia among the examined children with atopy was higher than that in the general population. According to the results of the authors’ own and independent studies, iron deficiency states can result from systemic allergic inflammation with intestinal involvement, metabolic disorders, and nutritional deficiencies. Iron deficiency conditions can contribute to the development of allergy and deteriorate its course.

Vrach. 2023;34(1):33-36
pages 33-36 views

The problem of iodine deficiency in children

Kravtsova O.N., Sagitova E.R., Averyanov V.N.


The authors analyze the prevalence of thyroid diseases associated with iodine deficiency in children under 14 years of age, by using Registration Form No. 12 “Information on the number of diseases registered in patients living within the service area of a healthcare facility” of children’s polyclinics, Orenburg City Clinical Hospital Five, over 2018–2021. They consider diseases, such as subclinical hypothyroidism due to iodine deficiency and other hypothyroidism forms, endemic goiter associated with iodine deficiency, as well as other forms of non-toxic goiter.

Vrach. 2023;34(1):37-39
pages 37-39 views

A phthisiatrician’s report models during pediatric population screening for tuberculosis

Amosova E.A., Borodulin B.E., Khramkova O.A., Ilyina E.A., Kudlay D.A.


For the early detection of tuberculosis infection, children in Russia undergo screening that is based on annual skin tests with tuberculosis allergens (Mantoux test or Diaskintest). To visit children’s educational establishments, one must have an application for admission, which shows the absence of tuberculosis. Alternative methods are used to diagnose tuberculosis infection when people refuse to undergo skin tests. The paper presents various patient models reflected in the clinical practice guidelines to make a phthisiatrician's report and to issue an application for admission, which contains possible recommendations.

Vrach. 2023;34(1):46-49
pages 46-49 views

Lung dysplasia in preterm newborn infants: clinical and diagnostic features in the early neonatal period (a clinical case)

Zavyalov O.V., Ignatko I.V., Pasechnik I.N., Babaev B.D., Marenkov V.V., Titov V.A., Antropova O.A., Lebedeva M.A., Novikov E.M.


The paper presents modern ideas about the clinical and diagnostic features of lung dysplasia in preterm babies in the early neonatal period. Lung dysplasia is shown to be a common and antenatally diagnosed congenital malformation of the respiratory system. The semiotics of lung dysplasia and respiratory distress syndrome in the newborn is compared. The authors consider the characteristics of the main respiratory patterns of traditional and high-frequency oscillatory ventilation, which are often used for respiratory support for premature babies in the neonatal intensive care unit. They discuss the pathogenetic role of hemodynamically significant patent ductus arteriosus in premature babies with respiratory failure. It is emphasized that for the timely detection of chromosomal abnormalities and congenital malformations in a fetus, it is necessary for pregnant and parturient women to regularly attend antenatal care clinics and to undergo prenatal screening. The paper describes a clinical case that considers the capabilities of diagnostic search and the parameters of monitoring the vital functions of a premature baby in the early neonatal period during intensive care in the neonatal intensive care unit.

Vrach. 2023;34(1):40-45
pages 40-45 views

The behavioral characteristics of junior schoolchildren (as assessed by their parents) and the resolution of a question about the need to prescribe therapy

Taranushenko T.E., Tepper E.A., Meshkova A.A.


The paper presents the results of studying the level of school anxiety among primary school juniorpupils (n=70), by using the data of a parent survey. The study showed that 71.4% of the children displayed personality traits that could identify 5 entities of behavioral disorders. It is noteworthy that the predominant types of behavior were irritability (44.5%), maladaptive responses (42.8%), and increased excitability (20.4%).

The parent questionnaire survey could identify a group of children with increased anxiety that had not been previously established and needs to have a closer look due to the high risk of an anxious and neurotic trait type and to the negative impact on the intellectual development of a child and somatic well-being.

Vrach. 2023;34(1):49-52
pages 49-52 views

The role of abnormal vaginal microbiocenosis in increasing the risk of adverse reproductive outcome

Megrabyan A.D., Ignatko I.V., Yakubova D.I., Baibulatova S.S.


Objective. To study vaginal microbiocenosis in pregnant women with poor perinatal outcome to determine the relationship between different types of perinatal infections and stillbirths.

Subjects and methods. A retrospective study was conducted in 154 pregnant women divided into groups: a study group of 114 patients with antenatal fetal death at 22 weeks’ gestation; a control group of 40 patients with physiological pregnancy at the same time.

Results. The patients in both groups were found to have statistically significant abnormal vaginal flora: coagulase-negative Staphylococcus (41.2%), Enterococcus faecalis (29.4%), Escherichia coli (44.1%), Staphylococcus aureus (11.1%), Klebsiella pneumoniae (12.9%), and Candida albicans (28.8%). At the same time, these abnormalities statistically significantly more commonly occurred in the study group.

Conclusion. Of great importance is the determination of vaginal opportunistic pathogens in the prevention of adverse perinatal outcomes.

Vrach. 2023;34(1):53-56
pages 53-56 views

Methods for rehabilitation of cancer patients in gynecology

Petrozhitskaya A.A.


Cancer patients often face serious anatomical, functional, immunological, metabolic, and mental disorders and reduced work and social opportunities resulting from the use of multistage, invasive treatment options. The authors have reviewed literature on various methods for rehabilitation of cancer patients, including gynecological ones, after surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy.

Vrach. 2023;34(1):56-58
pages 56-58 views

Zonulin as a marker of intestinal permeability in patients with acne associated with celiac disease

Ledentsova S.S., Gulyaev N.I., Klyuchereva S.V., Oreshko L.S., Seliverstov P.V.


The intestinal barrier plays an important role in maintaining gut and whole body immune homeostasis. The role of the gastrointestinal microbiota is significant in maintaining intestinal tightness as the latter affects the intestinal barrier. Shifting the balance of the gut microbiota composition towards opportunistic microorganisms is known to lead to increased secretion of the recently discovered protein zonulin. The level of zonulin in patients with various diseases makes it possible to judge the change in intestinal wall permeability during pathological processes or different types of therapy. The present study examined for the first time the effect of a gluten-free diet on the course of acne in patients with and without celiac disease. The given study was the first to investigate the effect of a gluten-free diet on the course of acne in patients with and without celiac disease.

Vrach. 2023;34(1):59-63
pages 59-63 views

The evolution of the use of bacteriophages in the practice of treating infectious diseases

Radzhabova K.S., Dolinnyi S.V., Burgasova O.A.


In an era of multidrug-resistant bacterial infections that are depleting the use of chemical antibiotics, and highly effective types of antibiotics are being developed less and less, modern medicine must look for new therapeutic methods to treat infectious diseases. Potential antibacterial solutions include bacteriophage-based therapeutics, which have very different properties from the broad-spectrum antibiotics that are currently the standard of care and can be used in combination with them, often in synergy. This review traces the evolution of the development of approaches to bacteriophage therapy and outlines ways to introduce phage therapy into the practice of modern medicine.

Vrach. 2023;34(1):64-67
pages 64-67 views

Back pain in young patients

Romanov I.D., Shavlovskaya O.A., Bokova I.A.


Osteoarthritis (OA) of the facet joint (FJ) plays a significant genesis role of chronic lower back pain (cLBP) in 15–41%. OA FJ of lumbar spine occurs in 24–82% of younger people than 40 years. It has been shown that the ingestion of the "back pain" symptom at a young age in the subsequent (after 10–15 years) leads to the formation of cLBP, with a recurrent course, while OA FJ is noted in the overwhelming number of patients studied. An important aspect in the tactics choice of back pain in young patients treatment is the chronization prevention and pain syndrome relapses. In LBP treatment of against the background of OA FJ, it is recommended to use standard scheme therapy: at the first stage – injectable and oral nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), muscle relaxants, B vitamins, as well as injectable Symptomatic Slow-Acting Drugs for Osteoarthritis (SYSADOA) – chondroitin sulfate (CS), glucosamine sulfate (GS), undenatured collagen II type (UC-II), as well as their combinations; at the second stage – oral SYSADOA (CS, GS, UC-II, as well as their combinations) and topical NSAIDs. SYSADOA have symptom- and structural-modifying effects. As a promising direction of OA therapy, the use of drugs with already proven efficacy containing CS, GS, in combination with a new molecule – UC II is considered.

Vrach. 2023;34(1):68-73
pages 68-73 views

Level of stress in adolescents with functional somatic disorders. Correction methods

Kostyuchenko Y.R., Potupchik T.V., Evert L.S., Chudinova O.V.


The article is devoted to the actual problem of modern medicine - the analysis of the association of functional somatic disorders (FSD) in adolescents with the presence and level of stress. A review of data on the prevalence, etiology and clinical manifestations of the main types of FSD (recurrent headaches and abdominal pain, dorsalgia, asthenic syndrome, syncope and panic attacks) in children and adolescents was carried out. The results of our own study are included, which showed that a high level of stress was associated with the presence of asthenic syndrome (AS), chronic tension headache (TH), and frequent abdominal pain. Moderately and significantly increased levels of stress were associated with the presence of arterial hypertension (AH), AS, frequent abdominal pain, frequent pain in the cervical spine (CS), and panic disorders in children. Approaches to the correction of the level of stress tension and the prevention of its negative impact on the development of FSD are highlighted. The need for further scientific research in this direction is emphasized.

Vrach. 2023;34(1):73-81
pages 73-81 views

The use of L-lysine aescinate in patients with novel coronavirus infection and acute cerebrovascular accident

Tokareva E.R., Gorbunov V.N.


The paper presents the results of a study of the effect of L-lysine aescinate on the time course of changes in the clinical and laboratory parameters of patients with acute cerebrovascular accident in the presence of the novel coronavirus infection. L-lysine aescinate enhances the efficiency of the basic therapy, which is confirmed by more pronounced changes in the number of laboratory parameters, including coagulograms, inflammatory markers, and predictors for cardiovascular catastrophes, as well as by an improvement in neurological recovery. The study shows that L-lysine aescinate is well tolerated and there are no adverse reactions. A rationale is provided for the necessity of incorporating L-lysine aescinate in the treatment regimen as an angioprotective, decongestant, and neuroprotective agent.

Vrach. 2023;34(1):82-88
pages 82-88 views

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