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Vol 34, No 12 (2023)

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Outpatient parenteral antibacterial therapy: myths and reality

Pasechnik I.N., Krylov S.V., Martynov D.V.


The article is devoted to a new hospital-replacing technology – outpatient parenteral antibacterial therapy (APAT). The indications, contraindications, techniques and clinical effectiveness of APAT are discussed in detail. The benefits of APAT are realized when time-dependent antimicrobial agents are prescribed. Consistent drug delivery is achieved through the use of elastomeric pumps. The use of APAT increases patients' motivation for treatment and reduces the burden on medical staff. The introduction of APAT, in addition to clinical benefits, contributes to significant savings in the financial resources of a medical institution.

Vrach. 2023;34(12):5-10
pages 5-10 views

Dilated cardiomyopathy as a clinical model of premature aging in humans

Kravchenko K.P., Medvedev D.S., Morozkina S.N., Trotsyuk D.V., Gurko G.I., Podkaura O.V.


The compliance of dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) with the requirements of a clinical model of premature aging in humans is substantiated. The pathogenetic basis of the formation of DCM and their relationship with changes associated with myocardial aging are considered.

The study complements and clarifies the understanding of the pathogenetic mechanisms of premature aging of the human body and its clinical models, and also provides the basis for further research into the problem of premature aging of the body and age-related diseases.

Vrach. 2023;34(12):10-13
pages 10-13 views


Possibilities of occupational therapy in the elderly and senile with cognitive impairments

Maltsev S., Medvedev D., Lapotnikov A., Yushkova I., Stepanov M.


One of the significant modern problems of geriatrics is cognitive impairment. Moderate cognitive deficits are observed in 20% of older age groups. Ergotherapy, a multidisciplinary practice-oriented approach aimed at ensuring daily activity and meeting human needs in conditions of limitations of his psychophysiological capabilities that have arisen as a result of diseases and injuries, occupies an increasing place in geriatric medical and social technologies in our country.

Objective. To assess the possibilities of occupational therapy in the system of providing medical and social assistance to elderly and senile people with cognitive impairments based on the analysis of Russian and foreign practice.

Results. Ergotherapy is recommended in treatment and rehabilitation programs for patients of older age groups and, according to various authors, contributes to improving mood, cognitive abilities, physical condition and quality of life. For further development ergotherapy and the introduction of its approaches into the practice of providing geriatric medical and social care, scientific justification and development of differential diagnostic and therapeutic programs and algorithms, comparison of diagnostic data with other valid methods of assessing the functional status of older age groups; study of the possibility of optimal combination with traditional methods of physical and rehabilitation medicine, development of a methodology for individual satisfaction in the need for work and social activity in general, an assessment of its effectiveness from the standpoint of evidence-based medicine.

Vrach. 2023;34(12):13-17
pages 13-17 views

For Diagnosis

Ultrasound assessment of peripheral nerves in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus of varying duration in childhood and adolescence

Fomina S.V., Zavadovskaya V.D., Samoilova Y.G., Kudlay D.A., Koshmeleva M.V., Kachanov D.A., Trifonova E.I., Zorkaltsev M.A., Yun V.E.


The annual increase in the number of patients with diabetes mellitus (DM) requires additional attention to the issue of improving the quality of life of patients and reducing the risks of developing complications in the long term.

Purpose. To study changes in ultrasound parameters of peripheral nerves in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) of varying duration in childhood and adolescence.

Material and methods. The study included data from 190 children aged 5–18 years, including 139 children with an established diagnosis of T1DM of varying duration and 51 children from the control group. All patients underwent ultrasound of the peripheral nerves of the lower extremities using B-mode, color Doppler mapping, preppler microvascularization, and shear wave elastography mode.

Results. The data obtained indicate the promise of using ultrasound for diagnosis and dynamic monitoring of the condition of peripheral nerves in patients with T1DM in childhood and adolescence. The combination of increased stiffness and increased size of peripheral nerves of the lower extremities is a sign of nerve changes in T1DM in childhood and adolescence.

Vrach. 2023;34(12):17-24
pages 17-24 views


Effect of selenium-containing vitamin and mineral complex on women's health

Khabibulina M.M., Elistratov D.G.


Selenium protects cells and tissues at the cellular level from damage caused by oxidative stress; This is especially true for heart disease, which remains the leading cause of death worldwide.

We examined 77 women with metabolically healthy obesity (MHO) during the menopausal transition (MT), and established a connection between hypoestrogenemia and psychovegetative disorders, hypersympathicotonia, and cardialgia. It has been established that the natural non-hormonal drug SELENBIO for women has a positive effect on the psychovegetative status and episodes of cardialgia during MHO in women with estrogen deficiency during the MT. The drug SELENBIO for women has a complex, versatile effect on the female body, helps normalize hormonal levels and ovarian function, neutralizes clinical manifestations, has a general strengthening and immunomodulatory effect, and, thanks to its antioxidant effect at the cellular level, slows down the aging process. All components of the drug are physiologically close to the human body and do not disrupt the natural processes occurring in it. The drug SELENBIO for women is highly effective with low toxicity, has a wide spectrum of action, and has a complex harmonizing effect on the body.

Vrach. 2023;34(12):24-29
pages 24-29 views

Dapagliflozin in the therapy of chronic heart failure of functional class II–III with moderately reduced ejection fraction

Zaporozhskaya N.V., Kartashova E.A., Zheleznyak E.I.


The authors discuss the treatment of chronic heart failure (CHF) and present the results of our own study on the use of dapagliflozin in combination with standard therapy in patients with CHF. The comparison group consisted of patients receiving standard therapy with angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors/angiotensin receptor blockers, β-adrenoblockers and mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists.

Vrach. 2023;34(12):30-33
pages 30-33 views

Health Care Service

Organization of centers for the prevention of repeated fractures

Yarikov A.V., Makeeva O.A., Pavlinov S.E., Perlmutter O.A., Fraerman A.P., Sosnin A.G., Tzybusov S.N., Pavlova E.A., Volkov I.V., Simonov A.E., Khomchenkov M.V., Pardaev S.N., Khinovker V.V., Pronkina A.A.


Osteoporosis (OP) is one of the important problems of modern medicine. OP significantly increases the risk of bone fractures. This implies the need to organize an integrated system of prevention, diagnosis and treatment of this disease. The main link in the fight against OP should be a comprehensive and systematic program to prevent and inform people about this problem. In most developed countries, various centers for the prevention of repeated fractures are organized and successfully operate. The article describes the principles of the organization of the work of the centers for the prevention of repeated fractures. The creation of these centers will make it possible to detect OP before complications develop, reduce the risk of fractures and improve the quality of life. Innovative Russian developments are discussed, which can be successfully applied in the work of such centers by specialists in various areas of medical activity.

Vrach. 2023;34(12):33-40
pages 33-40 views

From Practice

Indicators of hemostasis and fibrinolysis systems and systemic inflammatory response in patients with newly diagnosed sarcoidosis after COVID-19

Abdullaev R.Y., Shorokhova V.A., Makaryants N.N., Komissarova O.G.


Objective. To study the indicators of hemostasis and fibrinolysis systems, as well as the systemic inflammatory response in patients with newly diagnosed sarcoidosis after infection caused by SARS-CoV-2.

Material and methods. A prospective analysis of the indicators of hemostasis and fibrinolysis systems, as well as the systemic inflammatory response of 20 patients with sarcoidosis, after COVID-19, who were on inpatient treatment in Central TB Research Institute. The patients were divided into 2 groups. The first group included 10 patients with sarcoidosis, who had suffered COVID-19 (the main group). The comparison group consisted of 10 patients with sarcoidosis without a history of COVID-19.

Results. It was found, that in patients with newly diagnosed sarcoidosis, who underwent COVID-19, there is a hypercoagulation shift in the hemostasis and fibrinolysis system. This was evidenced by a significant shortening of the indicators of APTT, PT and an increase in the level of D-dimer compared to both healthy and patients, who had not undergone COVID-19. In addition, laboratory manifestations of systemic inflammation were most pronounced in patients with sarcoidosis who underwent COVID-19. Probably, changes in the hemostasis and fibrinolysis system occurred within the framework of a systemic inflammatory response.

Vrach. 2023;34(12):40-45
pages 40-45 views

Clinical features and effectiveness of treatment of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis who have had COVID-19

Zakharov A.V., Karpina N.L., Chernykh N.A., Amansakhedov R.B., Stepanyan I.E., Romanov V.V., Ergeshov A.E.


In May 2023, WHO officially declared the end of the COVID-19 pandemic. Assessing the consequences of the pandemic remains scientifically and practically relevant. Patients who have recovered from COVID-19 are at risk of developing or relapsing tuberculosis (TB). A comparative retrospective-prospective study was conducted on 88 patients with pulmonary TB, including 45 patients after COVID-19. In 68.9% of those examined, COVID-19 was mild. Tuberculomas and focal pulmonary TB predominated in patients. Tuberculomas and focal pulmonary TB predominated in patients. The most common patterns on CT scans were ground-glass and severe changes. Among laboratory parameters, increases in fibrinogen, D-dimer, and C-reactive protein were more often observed. COVID-19, which was mostly mild, did not have a significant impact on the effectiveness of treatment for TB patients. At the same time, such patients had a more frequent development of adverse reactions during anti-tuberculosis chemotherapy and a complicated course of pulmonary TB.

Vrach. 2023;34(12):45-51
pages 45-51 views

Possibilities of duplex scanning in assessing portal hemodynamics in patients with chronic hepatitis associated with HBV- and HCV-infection

Morozova T.S., Chernikov I.G., Peretolchina T.F.


Objective. To study the features of portal hemodynamics in patients with chronic viral hepatitis (CVH) associated with HBV- (CVHB) and HCV-infection (CVHC).

Material and methods. The study involved 69 patients with CVHB and 71 patients with CVHC. The control group consisted of 50 practically healthy individuals comparable in gender and age to the study groups. All study participants underwent ultrasound of the abdominal organs and pulsed Doppler ultrasound with color Doppler mapping.

Results. It has been established that patients with CVHC have more pronounced changes in blood flow in the veins of the portal system and in the splanchnic arteries compared to patients with CVHB.

Vrach. 2023;34(12):55-58
pages 55-58 views

Clinical and laboratory features of the course of COVID-19-associated ischemic stroke with fatal outcome

Chichanovskaya L.V., Bakhareva O.N., Kosolapova V.S., Burova M.E., Makarova O.V.


Objective. To study clinical and laboratory features of the course of terminal ischemic stroke (IS) associated with COVID-19.

Material and methods. We analyzed 23 protocols of pathological examination of patients with IS who died in 2019 (group 1), and 24 protocols of patients with IS who died in 2020–2021. from complications caused by SARS-CoV-2 (group 2).

Results. In group 2, a change in the pathogenetic structure of cerebral infarction was revealed, with a predominance of its unspecified variant. In addition, in group 2, males predominated. The average hospitalization time in group 2 was significantly longer compared to group 1. In addition to concomitant diseases (arterial hypertension, chronic heart failure), in group 2 there was a significant increase in both thrombosis of various vascular systems, pneumonia of varying localization and severity, as well as anemia. The general infectious syndrome in patients with IS is a criterion for an unfavorable prognosis, especially if the process of acute-phase inflammation is accompanied by suppression of red blood cells, which can be considered as a marker of an unfavorable course of IS.

Conclusion. The combination of IS and COVID-19 forms a new pathogenetic subtype of cerebral infarction with deeper systemic manifestations. It can be assumed that this combination of clinical and laboratory changes is caused not only by massive hypoxia of internal organs, but also by the direct neuropathogenic effect of the virus.

Vrach. 2023;34(12):52-55
pages 52-55 views

The role of interleukin-6 in the development of protein-energy deficiency in patients on program hemodialysis

Yakovenko A.A., Lavrishcheva Y.V., Rumyantsev A.S., Boriskina O.L.


The development of protein-energy malnutrition (PEM) in patients on program hemodialysis is one of the significant problems of modern hemodialysis. Despite the relevance of this problem, there is no single point of view on the mechanisms of development of PEM in this cohort of patients.

Objective. To assess the change in the level of interleukin-6 (IL6) in the blood of patients on program hemodialysis, and also to study the relationship between the level of IL6 in the blood serum and PEM indicators in this group of patients.

Material and methods. The study involved 645 patients receiving treatment with program hemodialysis (300 men and 345 women; mean age – 56.8±12.8 years). All patients underwent a traditional clinical and laboratory examination.

Results. In 66% of patients on hemodialysis, a significant increase in the level of IL6 in the blood was detected. Moreover, in patients with signs of PEM, the level of IL6 in the blood was statistically significantly higher compared to patients without signs of PEM. Also, patients with elevated IL6 levels had statistically significantly lower values of total protein, albumin, prealbumin, total cholesterol, transferrin and blood lymphocyte levels compared to patients with normal IL6 levels.

Also, patients with elevated IL6 levels had statistically significantly lower values of body mass index, skeletal muscle mass and body fat mass compared to patients with normal IL6 levels.

Conclusion. The data obtained suggest that an increase in the level of IL6 in the blood may be an important pathogenetic link in the development of PEM in patients receiving treatment with program hemodialysis.

Vrach. 2023;34(12):59-62
pages 59-62 views

The impact of medical telecommunications on individual oral hygiene in children with end-stage chronic kidney disease

Morozova N.S., Admakin O.I., Morozova O.L., Polukhin N.V., Elovskaya A.A., Maslikova E.A.


Objective. To evaluate the impact of medical telecommunication between pediatric oral surgeons in a hospital setting.

Material and methods. The study involved 20 children with ESKD. Study participants were divided into 2 groups: 1st (n=10) – patients diagnosed according to ICD-10 “N18.0 End-stage chronic kidney disease” undergoing renal replacement therapy in the form of hemo- or peritoneal dialysis; 2nd (n=10) – patients diagnosed according to ICD-10 “T86.1 Kidney transplant dysfunction” who are on immunosuppressive therapy. hildren were given online oral hygiene lessons. To assess the effectiveness of oral hygiene, the Green-Vermillion index (oral hygiene index simplified – OHI-S) was calculated before and after training. In addition, for all study participants, the set of personal oral hygiene products was adjusted, taking into account the characteristics of the underlying disease and therapy.

Results. All patients demonstrated a statistically significant decrease in IGR-U scores after completing distance learning (before training – 2.29±0.37; after training – 1.32±0.35; t=9.720; df=19; p<0.001). A comparison of the study groups showed that after training, IGR-U statistically significantly decreased in group 1 by almost 2 times (from 2.48±0.32 to 1.31±0.38; t=7.967; df=19; p <0.001), in group 2 – 1.5 times (from 2.09±0.31 to 1.33±0.35; t=7.343; df=19; p<0.001).

Conclusion. Medical telecommunication between pediatric dentists, nephrologists, and patients with ESKD significantly improves the quality of individual oral hygiene in a hospital setting.

Vrach. 2023;34(12):63-67
pages 63-67 views

Disorders of the fatty acid spectrum of erythrocytes and blood plasma of adolescents with recurrent cephalgia associated with hypertension: approaches to correction

Evert L.S., Potupchik T.V., Kostyuchenko Y.R., Ignatova I.A., Teslenko V.G.


The spectrum of fatty acids (FA) in erythrocytes and blood plasma reflects the characteristics of lipid metabolism in diseases of vascular origin, including cephalalgia associated with arterial hypertension (AH). Timely diagnosis and correction of violations of this spectrum is important for the prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous system in subsequent age periods of life.

Objective. To study the characteristics of the FA spectrum of erythrocyte membranes and blood plasma in adolescents with recurrent cephalalgia associated with AH.

Material and methods. The composition of FA of erythrocytes and blood plasma was studied in 51 adolescents aged 12–18 years with recurrent cephalgia associated with AH and without AH. Determination of the FA composition of erythrocytes and blood plasma was carried out by gas-liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry with preliminary lipid extraction according to the Folch method. The analysis of FA methyl esters was carried out on a gas chromatograph with a GCD Plus mass spectrometric detector (Hewlett-Packard, USA).

Results. The features of the structural redistribution of individual FA in adolescents with cephalgia and AH in the form of a predominance of saturated and monoenic FA in erythrocytes with a simultaneous decrease in their content in blood plasma, as well as a tendency to a decrease in the concentration of polyunsaturated FA in erythrocytes and their increase in plasma.

Conclusion. Early detection and timely correction of disorders of the FA spectrum of erythrocyte membranes and blood plasma is necessary, starting from childhood and adolescence, in order to subsequently reduce the risk of developing diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous system associated with these disorders.

Vrach. 2023;34(12):67-74
pages 67-74 views

Features of groups of patients with endovascular intervention

Titova A.V., Andreeva E.M., Martynova T.A., Kozyrev O.


Objective. To analyze the clinical and instrumental picture of the disease in patients with endovascular intervention and without indications for it.

Methods. The article presents an analysis of the medical documentation of patients admitted to the Cardiology Department No. 2 of the Clinical Emergency Hospital (Smolensk).

Results. The subjects most often reported unstable angina (56.4%), previous myocardial infarction (37.2%), and aortic atherosclerosis (23.6%). Endovascular intervention was performed in 60% of patients, diagnostic coronary angiography (CAG) – in 29%. When conducting echocardiography, aortic thickening was detected in 92% of patients who subsequently underwent endovascular surgery, in 67% of patients with diagnostic coronary angiography, and in 50% of patients without surgical interventions.

Conclusion. Hospitalization was more often carried out for unstable angina, myocardial infarction in combination with arterial hypertension and cerebral atherosclerosis. Most of the patients underwent surgery. Aortic thickening and left atrial hypertrophy were identified by echocardiography in all groups of patients.

Vrach. 2023;34(12):74-77
pages 74-77 views

Toxic effect of local anesthetics

Morozov A.M., Sergeev A.N., Askerov E.M., Gadzhieva L.A., Kireeva E.V., Piskareva M.E.


In the course of this study, an analysis was made of the current foreign and domestic literature on the problem of the toxic effect of local anesthetics on the human body. Literature search was carried out in such databases as PubMed, eLibrary, CyberLeninka. Local anesthetics are widely used in modern clinical practice to anesthetize the area of surgical intervention, as well as symptomatic treatment of some pathologies that are characterized by severe pain. In today's world, an average of 10% of patients develop adverse reactions when using drugs. The level of toxicity of a particular compound is determined by the level of its toxic dose – the amount of a substance that causes some toxic effect. Thus, the greater the toxicity of a chemical, the lower its toxic dose will be. At present, a wide range of drugs for local anesthesia has been developed that have minimal side effects, despite this, we must not forget about the toxic effect on the body of this group of drugs, and therefore it is necessary to apply a personalized approach to each specific patient when performing local anesthesia, regardless of complexity. performed surgical intervention.

Vrach. 2023;34(12):77-81
pages 77-81 views

Intelligent systems of artificial ventilation in modern medical practice

Sopenko I.V., Semenikhina P.A., Kotlyarov A.A., Maryevskaya D.S.


Currently, respiratory support with the use of artificial lung ventilation (ALV) is the leading method of intensive care for severe respiratory disorders of various origins. Constant technological improvement of ventilators in order to find the most physiological and safe modes opens up new opportunities for the creation of many automated control systems that operate on the feedback principle. This article is devoted to the intelligent ventilation modes presented in medicine, their advantages and disadvantages over other existing modes.

Vrach. 2023;34(12):82-85
pages 82-85 views

Autoimmune gastritis: clinical picture, diagnosis, treatment

Abduragimova L.Z., Khlynov I.B., Khlynova R.I., Moroz G.A.


The review includes the analysis of modern data about prevalence, clinical picture, endoscopic, morphological, immunological diagnosis and treatment of autoimmune gastritis (AIG). The incidence of AIG is 2–12% of all cases of chronic gastritis. The leading factor in pathogenesis is the formation of autoantibodies to parietal cells and intrinsic Castle factor. AIG is a significant risk factor for vitamin C, B12, and D deficiency. The clinical picture of AIG is nonspecific and may include gastroenterologic, hematologic, and neuropsychiatric syndromes. Morphological diagnosis is the most reliable method for assessing atrophic gastritis, allowing the assessment of the three dynamic stages of AIG. Immunological diagnostics include antibodies to parietal cells and are highly specific. There is no etiotropic and pathogenetic therapy for AIG. Cyanocobalamin replacement therapy is approved in clinical practice.

Vrach. 2023;34(12):86-90
pages 86-90 views

Herpesvirus infections and HIV (diagnosis and clinical features)

Vikulov G.K., Oradovskaya I.V., Kolobukhina L.V., Rusanova S.A., Antipyat N.A., Tyurin I.N.


Objective. Epidemiologic analysis of the incidence, prevalence, and structure of various forms of herpesvirus infections (HVI) in patients with and without HIV infection.

Material and Methods. The study included 8729 adult patients with HIV-negative status, as well as 937 HIV-infected patients of both sexes aged over of 18 years, with established diagnoses of manifest HVI in 224 cases. The methods used were epidemiological, clinical, laboratory and statistical methods of data processing (Excel, Statistica 10).

Results. Among the total number of adult patients, herpes zoster (HZ) was detected in 4446 patients without HIV infection. In 218 patients, a combined course of HVI and HIV infection was detected, of which 203 (22.02%) patients were hospitalized with clinically and laboratory confirmed HVI with moderate to severe course. The frequency of combination of HVI+HIV in relation to the entire group of HVI in hospitalized patients was 1.94%.

Among all identified forms of HVI, the most common was HZ – 89.16%, while herpes simplex – 10.71%, Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infection including infectious mononucleosis – 5.80%, and cytomegalovirus infection (CMVI) – 2.68%. In hospitalized patients with HVI and HIV, HZ was diagnosed in 89.16% of cases, herpes simplex in 6.90%, infectious mononucleosis in 2.46%, and CMVI in 1.48%. Among outpatients with HIV infection, the most common forms of HVI were herpes simplex in 47.61%, EBV infection, including infectious mononucleosis, in 38.09%, and CMVI in 14.29%. Among HIV-infected patients, the main reason for hospitalization was HZ (89.16%).

HZ in the presence of HIV infection prevailed among young patients under 40 years of age, and patients over 55 years of age with HZ were significantly more common among patients without HIV infection. Among patients with HZ and HIV infection, severe and generalized forms, cases of meningitis and meningoencephalitis, and damage to 2 dermatomes were significantly more common. The incidence of postherpetic neuralgia and neuropathy among patients with HZ without HIV infection was 14.10% of cases, among patients with HZ and HIV infection in 10.49%. Cases of acute cerebral circulatory failure occurred only among patients of older age groups without HIV infection with the presence of HZ. The most common cause of death among all examined patients with HVI was HZ – 71.43% with complications (encephalitis, pneumonia).

Vrach. 2023;34(12):91-97
pages 91-97 views

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