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卷 35, 编号 1 (2024)



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The philosophy of the himan being

pages 7-8 views

About the Coincidence of the Unclear Essence of Time and Human

Girenok F.


The article substantiates the idea that human lives in time, and animals live in space. Animals evolve, and human hallucinates, because to hallucinate means, according to the author, to live in time. Analyzing the ideas of Parmenides, the author shows that to live in time means to go beyond what is, to what is not. The principle of the difference between truth and apparent things allows the author to come to the conclusion that intelligence is a product of evolution, and consciousness is the product of an explosion of hallucinations that occurred in the Late Paleolithic era. If the psyche is considered as navigation of the movement of living organisms among things, then consciousness is understood as navigation in the world of images, or, what is the same, as navigation in the picture of the world. It follows that consciousness is not a part of the psyche. In this regard, there is a problem of distinguishing between human, organic and artificial intelligence. To do this, the author introduces the concept of hallucenosis, understanding by it the relationship of objects of thoughts and feelings of a person. Organic intelligence is built into the instinct of living organisms, human intelligence is built into consciousness. Artificial intelligence is mathematical navigation in the world of numbers. Organic intelligence needs biogeocenosis, human intelligence needs hallucenosis. Artificial intelligence does not need either. Organic intelligence is used to navigate the world of sounds, colors and smells. Whereas human intelligence works in the field of forms and time. The obscure essence of human and the obscure essence of time, the author concludes, coincide.

Čelovek. 2024;35(1):9-25
pages 9-25 views

F.M. Dostoevsky: About the Gap between Life and Consciousness

Rostova N.


The article provides a philosophical analysis of F.M. Dostoevsky’s late novel “The Dream of a Ridiculous Man”. In contrast to the approach common in scientific literature, in which researchers try to interpret the writer’s work by inscribing his reflections in various traditions, the author of the article aims to analyze the philosophical problem of the relationship between life and consciousness posed by Dostoevsky. The personification of Dostoevsky’s solution to this problem is the antagonists “underground man” and “ridiculous man”. If for an “underground person” consciousness is higher than life and opposes it, then for a “ridiculous person” life is higher than consciousness, and happiness is higher than knowledge of the laws of happiness. The author reveals the semantic structure of the story, according to which the hero from the idea that his consciousness is, but there is no world, comes to the opposite conclusion: the world is, but there is no consciousness. The article consistently explores such questions as: what does it mean to be funny? What is the source of feeling and conscience? How do dreams and reality relate? Why does Dostoevsky talk about the hero’s God-fighting, without talking about God? How do the planetary paradise and consciousness, as well as consciousness and suffering, relate? Answering these questions, the author shows the contradictions contained in the story, and comes to the conclusion that the reason for them is Dostoevsky’s connection of two pictures of the world. According to the first, a human is a planetary being and self-sufficient in his nature. According to the second, a human is burdened with an inner world, which can only be settled by an inner law, which Dostoevsky formulates as a commandment of love.

Čelovek. 2024;35(1):26-43
pages 26-43 views

Apophatic Turn in Anthropology: the Experience of Russian Philosophy

Varava V.


The article notes that after the relatively short “death of human,” there is a noticeable increase in research attention to anthropological issues. With all the variety of different approaches, ideas, concepts, the common thing is the interest in the “inner human”, the “secret of human”, in his innermost spiritual layers. This traditional interest in philosophy today is gaining a new birth, connected, on the one hand, with the need to overcome the anthropological crisis, and on the other, with a deeper development of the heritage of Russian philosophical culture. Modern researchers in the field of philosophical anthropology often use the term “apophatics” in relation to this process. A distinction is made between the theological and strictly philosophical uses of apophatic terminology. It is shown how the tradition of apophatic anthropology is formed in Russian philosophy, which is based around the idea of F.M. Dostoevsky about human as a mystery. This idea has been adopted by many authors. Using the example of some constructions by N.N. Strakhov, V.I. Nesmelov, B.P. Vysheslavtsev, N.A. Berdyaev, V.V. Zenkovsky, L. Shestov, V.V. Rozanov, it is being demonstrated how apophatic anthropology is transformed into moral anthropodicy, which can be called a typological characteristic of Russian philosophy. Particular attention is paid to the anthropology of the “hidden human” of Andrei Platonov, in whose work there is a radicalization of the apophatic nature of human from the “silent mystery of being” to the irresponsibility of the question about the meaning of life. It is concluded that apophatic anthropology makes possible the elusive connection between ethics and metaphysics in Russian philosophy, thereby setting a new research perspective.

Čelovek. 2024;35(1):44-55
pages 44-55 views

Ecological Subjectivity in the Philosophy of Posthumanism

Mednikova A.


The changes in perceptions of subjectivity in posthumanism are analyzed. Considering the differences between a “strong” and a “weak” subject, the author shows that environmental subjectivity in posthumanism implements the project of a weak philosophy. The question of subjectivity in this case is determined not in connection with consciousness, but in connection with the transformation of corporeality. Posthumanism suggests the transformation of a person through hybridization, that is, various manipulations of the body (for example, by adding plant and animal genes to a person). The attitude towards oneself is understood here as a mirror peering into one’s otherness, which is now connected not with the figure of other, but with an animal. The basic opposition of “man-animal” is called into question, since qualitative differences between man and animal disappear. It is shown that the rationale of this posthumanistic idea is based on Aristotle and postmodern philosophy. Similarly, posthumanism redefines the boundary between man and technology, opening up wide opportunities for human modification and transformation into a cyborg. The essence of the philosophical foundations of this position is revealed and it is concluded that procedural philosophy allows not only to eliminate the differences between man and nature, but also to identify the artificial and the natural. Thus, subjectivity is understood as belonging to existence, and a more environmentally friendly subjectivity of a person means the need to incorporate other beings into his world. Eco-friendly subjectivity in this case boils down to ecological physicality, that is, to an attempt to concentrate different entities in the body.

Čelovek. 2024;35(1):56-64
pages 56-64 views

Time in the Works of F.M. Dostoevsky: Ontological and Anthropological Interpretations

Kholodnova K.


The article analyzes the problem of time in the following works by F.M. Dostoevsky: the novel “Demons” and the novella “Notes from the Underground”. The main method of the article is anthropological analysis, which will help achieve the purpose of this study and show the connection between man and time. The author suggests moving away from the already familiar interpretation of time in the works of F.M. Dostoevsky, namely, to stop considering time as an ontological category and talk about eschatological and apocalyptic time or even about overcoming it. The study analyzes the views of N.A. Berdyaev, M.M. Bakhtin and V.A. Podoroga on this problem in the works of F.M. Dostoevsky, their shortcomings are revealed and an alternative, anthropological interpretation of time is proposed. It is, in our opinion, that is the closest to the truth in the space of F.M. Dostoevsky’s philosophical anthropology. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the fact that the author for the first time in the scientific literature substantiates the idea that time in the selected works of F.M. Dostoevsky appears only with a person, becomes a property of his conscious life and is not an ontological, but an anthropological category. A person becomes someone who lives in time because he is “chained to himself, looking inside his self” (F.I. Girenok). But at the same time, a person does not live in space, because he does not turn to what is outside of it. The closeness of a person in himself makes him a temporary, not a spatial being, which, in our opinion, was demonstrated by F.M. Dostoevsky.

Čelovek. 2024;35(1):65-75
pages 65-75 views

Scientific research

The Hard Problem of Informed Consent: Risks and Limits of Personal Autonomy in Biobanks

Belyaletdinov R.


This article explores the connection between biobanks and society through informed consent. An analysis of the risks associated with biobanks and the idea of informed consent in the context of the functioning of biobanks are carried out. The hypothesis of this study is that the concept of informed consent structurally, at the level of risk assessment in relation to oneself and close relatives, does not coincide with the beneficiary model of obtaining scientific knowledge based on justice and the concept of minimal harm. This may argue for the principle of informed consent based on respect for the principle of autonomy. The article makes the assumption that the introduction of an extended informed consent form without the possibility of specifying in which studies biospecimens will be used affects not only individual interests, but also the interests of immediate relatives. Finding such a model of informed consent, where not only the arguments of the beneficiary model and the concept of negligible risk, implemented on the basis of an individual decision, will be taken into account, but also family connections will be taken into account, can be considered the task of adapting informed consent to the work of biobanks.

Čelovek. 2024;35(1):76-93
pages 76-93 views

Ethics of Organ Donation and the Problem of the Sacred

Lavrentyeva S.


The purpose of this article is to analyze the interaction between relatives of potential donors and transplant professionals within the framework of a cultural sociological approach in order to develop valid bioethical recommendations. The key thesis of this article is the assertion that principalist ethical conflicts regarding the problems of organ donation, as well as the tools of narrative ethics, are not sufficient to reveal the motivation of agents. As part of the search for the origins of this, it is proposed to reconstruct the situation of moral choice of family members within the framework of E. Durkheim’s theory of the sacred. The concept of the sacred is revealed with the orientation on the given by P. Smith and D. Alexander. The concept of sacred is revealed with the orientation on the autonomous role of culture given by F. Smith and D. Alexander, oriented to the study of the emotional dimension of social life and the study of cultural structures as a social text. Based on the analysis of the category of the sacred in the context of social circumstances of organ donation in Spain, it is shown that the successful experience of the latter in the field of transplantology is connected with the desacralization of the body undertaken by the Catholic Church in Spain and the subsequent sacralization of the gift of life. The analysis of the narratives of donor relatives and medical professionals shows that the driving force behind the relatives’ motivation is often the sacralization of the deceased’s will, which implies the possibility of a posthumous gift and reinforces the solidarity of the deceased with the society experiencing a shortage of donor organs. Obstacles to successful transplantation are perceived by donor relatives as a possible desecration of the gift of a loved one’s life. Thus, on the way to creating valid bioethical recommendations for interacting with relatives of potential donors, it is recommended to focus on the study of pre-individual cultural and social constructs of the sacred that relate to situations of donation and death. In this case, the sacred is considered as an important constant of social life, not necessarily related directly to religion.

Čelovek. 2024;35(1):94-108
pages 94-108 views

Between Donating and Alienating: Face Transplants and the Problem of Biomedical Objectification of Human Being

Patrakova A.


The paper addresses some philosophical aspects of face transplantation and starts with a brief overview of more or less successful surgeries in international clinical practice. Related discussions about medical and ethical risks are also brought into the picture. The issue of the ethical and axiological grounds and consequences of face allotransplantation is placed into the context of a broader problem of biomedical objectification. The author suggests understanding the biomedical objectification in that the patient is regarded as a clinical body taken out of the psychosocial context of her/his life, considered redundant for diagnostic and therapeutic tasks. This view finds expression in various practices that alienate the patient’s subjectivity, including the alienation of her/his name, face or body from her/his personality. Within the existent donation practices, two types of biomedical objectification can be outlined, such as instrumentalisation and alienation for protective purposes. In terms of face transplant, objectification as instrumentalisation consists in reducing the face to a collection of tissues and turning it into a biomedical artifact endowed with instrumental value. In this context, the distinction between the notions of “somatic face” (facial structures) and “psychosocial face” (subject identity) is introduced. As for alienation for protective purposes, the recipient who has to adjust to her/his new face is required to detach from the donor’s personality. The author concludes that face transplantation, similar to donation practices in general, may cause the tension between the rhetoric of gift-giving, essential for the development of transplantology, and the logic of alienation inherent in biomedicine.

Čelovek. 2024;35(1):109-122
pages 109-122 views

Social practices

Ethnocultural and Ethnopsychological Principles of Working with Foreign Students

Lazutova N.


Ethnocultural and ethnopsychological features of interaction with foreign students require the creation of certain educational technologies and creative trajectories of communication in the learning process. In this case, cognition is based on understanding as a result of cognitive operations, and education is based on “confirmation” of reality as a condition for the formation of a professional’s personality. These are two wings for mastering independent creative flight. The purpose of the work is to demonstrate the principles of information modeling in the educational process with the cooperation of representatives of different ethnic cultures. The teaching of professional disciplines involves, depending on the subject, creative modeling of the structure, the actual algorithm and the compositional solution of effective knowledge transfer. The game principle in such modeling is expressed in the elements of the training that remove linguistic barriers. Each component of such a model is largely correlated with the content of the ethnocultural space and the ethnopsychological field of foreign students at the group and individual levels. The teacher becomes a kind of “guide” not only to the profession, but also to the culture and traditions of the country in which students receive their education. In the classroom, an intellectual atmosphere is created through the disclosure of various cultural codes that manifest themselves in the process of communication and reflect the original perception of reality. The professional worldview is formed as a result of the synthesis of ethnocultural ideas about the world, that is, monocultural concepts are fused into multicultural systems that define the individual author’s handwriting of a professional.

Čelovek. 2024;35(1):123-140
pages 123-140 views

Death and Digital Immortality: Hi-Tech Grief

Khusyainov T., Urusova E.


The study focuses on the issue of commemorative practiсe transformation as a result of digital technology development. The human has been using different means of interaction with the dead in order to receive answers, knowledge, and protection for thousands of years. A modern human needs it as well that leads to the demand for the development of digital technology in commemoration and grief. There is an important aspect related to the commemoration of and respect to the dead that is evidenced by building memorials and preserving their possessions and stories about them. In digitalization, we can see it in the interaction with digital footprints and digital avatars that demonstrate the activity of the human in the virtual space. In spite of increasing demand for interaction with the dead, this contact may bring not only nostalgic feelings or relief but also cause suspiciousness, fear and anxiety, postpone and extend grieving. Detabooing of the subject of death, its more active discussion and availability of information do not always help the human start thinking about their own death leaving the feeling of death anxiety for Another. At the same time, there is a two-way process: information in the virtual space about real deaths, especially detailed one, makes them an unreal narration. A digital avatar of the dead is also awarded with dichotomic features: it is both alive and dead, developing or created with no participation of a certain person (the dead). After death, digital footprints do not belong to them; they become «digital heritage» for the close ones and public that may cause «resurrection» in the virtual space, even if there was no consent to distribute information. As a result, the digital avatar of the dead can be used both to endure grief and manipulate in order to swindle money, involve in destructive communities or lead to suicide.

Čelovek. 2024;35(1):141-157
pages 141-157 views

Times. Morals. Characters

Dynamics of Close Relationships in Psychology and Cultural Discourse

Nartova-Bochaver S., Boronina A., Khodakovskaya E.


The paper is devoted to the conceptualization of the close relationships phenomenon and generalization of ideas about their development throughout the life span. Based on different theoretical approaches, the following six fundamental qualities of close relationships are highlighted: the direction of resource transfer (invest/acquire), remoteness/closeness, passion/reasonableness, responsibility/carelessness, authenticity (sincerity)/pretense, taking the perspective of a partner/egocentrism. In an empirical study (196 Russian-speaking young adults aged 18 to 30 years) using open-ended questions, these qualities were verified. As for the development of close relationships throughout life, it seems heuristic to link the rotation of close people with the content of the crises experienced by a person and the development tasks solved by them. Although the most frequent mechanism of moving away from some people and getting closer to others is separation, it seems that a person rather carries out interpersonal re-centering, changing the subjective significance of different people who do not disappear from the communication but the interaction loses some of the qualities listed above. To date, recentering has been studied in the period of transition from adolescence to adulthood. However, we assume that this is a universal mechanism of rotation of significant others throughout life. The recentering can be reverse when, after a break in the relationship, people again get closer to the reference persons from the past but the pattern of intimacy may be different from the one that was before. This assumption is illustrated by examples from consulting practice and fiction. It is concluded that there are no systematic evidence-based studies of the development of close relationships throughout the life span, which necessitates the justification and conduct of such a study.

Čelovek. 2024;35(1):158-177
pages 158-177 views

Symbols. Values. Ideals.

Nostalgia of Sound: The Social and Cultural Phenomenon of the “Soviet Wave” Music Community

Abramov R., Voinkov A.


Nostalgia for the late Soviet past takes various forms and is intertwined in complex ways with global trends to look to the past for inspiration in creating new examples of mass culture. New generations of those who were born and raised after the collapse of the Soviet system are being introduced to nostalgic reminiscences. The article analyzes the socio-cultural phenomenon of electronic music Soviet Wave, which combines the stylistics of the late Soviet popular culture and contemporary electronic music. This phenomenon can be understood as post-nostalgia for the late Soviet, since it involves members of the younger generation who know about the Soviet from the stories of their parents and the media. In addition, the “Soviet Wave” is also analyzed as part of the general trend of retromania described by S. Reynolds. Reynolds, where there is an endless reference to the musical styles of the past in the creation of new works. The main concept of the phenomenon of the Soviet Wave is the idea of “ersatz-nostalgia” by A. Appadurai, which suggests the contemporary experience of the past without a corresponding life experience and collective historical memory, but based on the popular patterns of mass culture, in the representations of which the past has already undergone profound transformation. Nostalgia for the late Soviet past takes various forms and is intertwined in complex ways with global trends to look to the past for inspiration in creating new examples of mass culture. The article presents a brief history of the formation and evolution of the musical culture of “Soviet Wave” in the Russian subcultural scene, shows the connection of the aesthetics of this trend with the nostalgic mood of the late Soviet period, reveals the elements of ersatz and techno nostalgia (T. Pinch, D. Reyneke), examines the relationship of this phenomenon with the broader trends in contemporary mass culture in the international context. “The Soviet Wave” is also considered as an element of cultural citizenship formation and transformational museumfication of the Soviet. The article is based on the results of the author’s empirical research, which included interviews with musicians working in the “Soviet Wave” genre.

Čelovek. 2024;35(1):178-193
pages 178-193 views


pages 194-199 views