Existential Problems of the Philosophy of Nursing J. Travelby and K. Martinsen in the Perspective of Palliative Care



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This article examines the philosophical theories of nursing by J. Travelby and K. Martinsen. The central object of research is some ways in which both theories explain the existential problems in the medical practice, using the example of the search for existential values, experience of illness, the proximity of death and care. This article also discusses the philosophical foundation of both theories, their advantages and disadvantages, and limitations of application. Travelby's theory of interpersonal relationships is one of the first attempts to integrate philosophical language into nursing. This synthesis can be called successful, but not profound. The main goal of nursing is the search for meaning. K. Martinsen, on the contrary, achieved success in the depth of this philosophical synthesis, but it made this theory more difficult. Inspired by the philosophy of Heidegger, Martinsen chose care as the central concept of her theory. Particular attention in the text is given to the possibility of extrapolating these models to the theory and practice of palliative care for adults and children. The analysis allows us to conclude that the application of the philosophical theories of Travelby and Martinsen can be of value for palliative care, both in a descriptive and exploratory way, and as a model for teaching in specialist-patient interaction.


Grigoriy Chasovskih

Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University

1b Ostrovitianov str., Moscow 117997, Russian Federation


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