The problem of moral heroism in O.G. Drobnitskii’s ethics

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The solution of the problem of moral heroism by the famous Soviet ethicist O.G. Drobnitskii is analyzed. The essence of the problem lies in the fact that the value-normative content of morality is traditionally interpreted as universal, though moral heroism paradoxically implies performing exceptional acts or leading an exceptional way of life (separate heroic deeds or long-term altruistic service). In contemporary ethics, moral heroism is characterized primarily as a form of supererogatory behavior, i.e., having high moral value but not obligatory. The existence of such behavior is explained by the mismatch between the two moral classifications of actions: deontic and axiological. For critics of supererogation, allowing this mismatch is identical with ignoring the obvious good-ought tie-up. Drobnitskii holds a position similar to that of the critics of supererogation. For him, the ought-moment of morality has an absolute priority over the value-moment. It follows that, for him, it is impossible to identify an action as morally positive, promoting the moral good and not consider it a fulfillment of some requirement (an obligatory one). The idea of supererogation is incompatible with Drobnitskii’s strict universalism, objectivism and imperativism. However, he considers moral heroism to be a real phenomenon and a product of the individualization of moral requirements. Drobnitskii understands moral heroism and selfless devotion to a cause as transformations of general moral duty in special, extreme circumstances. A moral hero fulfils some additional obligations and surrenders some of his rights, and he is also able to act in situations where implementing moral principles requires self-sacrifice, but does not entail obvious morally significant results in the short-term perspective.

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About the authors

Andrey V. Prokofyev

RAS Institute of Philosophy

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-5015-8226

DSc in Philosophy, Chief Research Fellow of the Department of Ethics

Russian Federation, 12/1 Goncharnaya Str., Moscow 109240


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* In 2022, included by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation in the register of foreign agents.

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