The Communicative Nature of Sports


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Within the framework of the project of humanitarian expertise of sociocultural phenomena, the concept of sport as a communicative strategy is proposed. To answer the questions of what modern sport is and what are the parameters of its modifications, it is necessary to operate with an understanding of sport in its entirety, since fragmentary studies do not allow subsequent assembly into a single theoretical construct. An attempt was made to develop a sketch of a conceptual apparatus suitable for posing the question of a holistic theoretical reproduction of sports. The most general point of view on the subject is the communicative approach, which, due to its abstractness, sets an adequate level of generalization. Based on it, the structure of the subject of research and the research logic corresponding to it are revealed. Instead of problematic attempts to investigate individual fragments of the whole, in order to put them together later, the author tries to give an elemental analysis of the communicative situation, its structure and components, in order to provide a conceptual apparatus for subsequent specific descriptive and semantic, genetic and philosophical studies.

Sobre autores

Andrey Voronin

RAS Institute of Philosophy

ORCID ID: 0000-0002-8607-2229
12/1 Goncharnaya Str., Moscow 109240, Russian Federation


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