Family in the Face of Social Challenges: Stress and Diadic Coping

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The article analyzes contemporary studies of family, dyadic and financial stress, the influence of family stressors on marital relations and family functioning. The importance of analyzing stress with social consequences is emphasized, which made it possible to consider stress between partners, or spouses, as a dyadic phenomenon. A review of scientific publications has shown that financial stress has a more negative impact on family relationships, including family stability. The analysis of various studies of the influence of dyadic coping showed that the choice of adequate dyadic strategies plays an important role in maintaining long-term relationships between partners. The study of the impact of the structural characteristics of the family on the choice of dyadic strategies showed that the functionality of the family is an indicator of productive coping with difficulties.

About the authors

Elena V. Kuftyak

Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation; Moscow Institute of Psychoanalysis

82, Vernadsky Ave., 119571 Moscow, Russian Federation; 34, bld. 14, Kutuzovsky Ave., 121170 Moscow, Russian Federation


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