The Regularity of Increasing the Wear Resistance of a Modified Radial Slide Bearing

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To increase the resource and the reliability level, this article considers a radial slide bearing with a metal coating on the shaft surface and the bearing bushing support profile adapted to the friction conditions. We conducted a theoretical study engaging the well-known equations of micropolar fluid motion for a “thin layer,” the equation of continuity, and the equation describing the radius of the molten shaft contour, with account for the formula for the mechanical energy dissipation rate. We obtained an exact automodel and asymptotic solution with and without account for the coating melt, as well as with account for the pressure dependence of viscosity of the lubricant and the coating melt having (both) micropolar rheological properties under laminar flow conditions. Within the experiment, we investigated a modified slide bearing using the modernized model II-5018 friction machine II 5018.

About the authors

D. U. Khasyanova

Mechanical Engineering Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 101000, Moscow, Russia

Россия, Москва

M. A. Mukutadze

Rostov State University of Railway Transport, 344038, Rostov-on-Don, Russia

Author for correspondence.
Россия, Ростов-на-Дону


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