Argon Radiation Behind a Strong Shock Wave: Experiment and Direct Simulation by the Monte Carlo Method

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The radiation characteristics of shock-heated argon are measured in the shock-wave velocity range of 4.5 to 7.8 km/s at gas pressures ahead of the shock wave front of 0.25, 1.0, and 5.0 Torr. Time-integrated sweeps of radiation and the time dependences of the radiation intensity of shock-heated argon at the wavelength of 420 nm are obtained in absolute units. The results of direct statistical simulation by the Monte Carlo method of radiation-chemical processes in the argon behind the front of a strong shock wave are presented. The model takes into account the processes of excitation and ionization of an atom by electron impact, emission and absorption for a discrete spectrum, bremsstrahlung, photoionization, and photorecombination, as well as the broadening of atomic lines. The experimental and calculated data are compared.

About the authors

P. V. Kozlov

Institute of Mechanics, Moscow State University

Moscow, Russia

A. L. Kusov

Institute of Mechanics, Moscow State University

Moscow, Russia

N. G. Bykov

Institute of Mechanics, Moscow State University

Moscow, Russia

I. E. Zabelinskii

Institute of Mechanics, Moscow State University

Moscow, Russia

V. Yu. Levashov

Institute of Mechanics, Moscow State University

Moscow, Russia

G. Ya. Gerasimov

Institute of Mechanics, Moscow State University

Author for correspondence.
Moscow, Russia


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Copyright (c) 2023 П.В. Козлов, А.Л. Кусов, Н.Г. Быкова, И.Е. Забелинский, В.Ю. Левашов, Г.Я. Герасимов

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