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编号 1 (2024)



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“Evolutionary economics”: possibilities for forming the policy of growth and technological changes

Sukharev O.


The study is devoted to the consideration of internal methodological limitations of the flow of “evolutionary economics”. The author’s goal is to identify the inherent limitations of the analysis of “evolutionary economics” and limitations in terms of influence on the formation of economic policy. The methodology is based on the theory of evolutionary economics and orthodox approaches in the field of economic analysis, the theory of economic policy and growth. The author comes to the conclusion that “evolutionary economics”, despite the broad mathematical apparatus used, has limited capability for planning and interpreting the implementation of economic policy — in particular, the use of tools for stimulating economic growth at which mainstream economics is still good, although not without certain constraints.

Thus, in order for evolutionary economics as a scientific movement to acquire significant weight among economic theories on the basis of which it is possible to build economic policy, it is necessary to methodologically solve the problem of harmonizing short-term and long-term guidelines and parameters of development, as well as the problem of fast and slow variables, describing the functioning of the economic system. The solution seems to be the so-called neo-Schumpeterian theory of evolution, with the help of which it is possible to model and explain development at various time intervals by analyzing the competition of old and new combinations, affecting not only innovations, technologies, but also institutions, as well as interacting agents — innovators, imitators and conservatives. It is shown how structural dynamics reflects the evolution of the economic system.

Society and Economics. 2024;(1):5-25
pages 5-25 views


Does Russian gas have a future in China?

Kondratov D.


The article presents an analysis of the current state and forecasts for the long-term development of the Chinese natural gas market, as well as prospects for increasing the supply of fossil fuels to this market.

It is expected that by the end of 2030, China can catch up and overtake Europe in gas consumption. By 2030, the total demand for gas in the Middle Kingdom will be 390–560 billion cubic meters. m, which is almost 1.5 times higher than the 2022 level.

During a period of economic slowdown, the imbalance of supply and demand on the global hydrocarbon market leads to destabilization. In order to predict such situations in advance, specialists from international and Russian organizations (International Energy Agency, BP plc, Institute of Energy Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Energy Economics of Japan) and consulting companies (IHS Markit) periodically prepare works on the evolution of global energy markets and the consequences for the largest countries. gas consumers. Almost all studies are not yet ready to name the period of peak gas demand in China in the foreseeable future, which gives grounds to call the 21st century the century of gas transformation.

Society and Economics. 2024;(1):26-46
pages 26-46 views

Current state and prospects for the development of the green economy of Azerbaijan

Atakishiev M.


In recent years, the green economy and sustainable development have become major issues of particular concern to economists. The green economy is considered the most reliable model of sustainable development. The widespread application of the concept of “green” economy from the point of view of improving the standard of living and social well-being of the population is one of the most important tasks of the present and future. In this regard, one of the important issues is the development and implementation of governmental programs containing the concept of a “green” economy. It involves finding the new, environmentally friendly sources of energy to start the economic “engine”. The concept of sustainable development includes the creation of “green” jobs, rational use of natural resources, production of environmentally friendly products, the use of harmless and low-waste fuels, and a sustainable increase in the standard of living and well-being of the population. In the article, the author examines in detail the current situation in the world and in the Republic of Azerbaijan, as well as the efforts made by its government to achieve sustainable development based on a green economy. The main goal of the study is to assess the role of the green economy in sustainable development.

Society and Economics. 2024;(1):47-56
pages 47-56 views


Healthy and active longevity of the population of Russia is an important socio-economic problem

Baranenkova T.


The article, based on statistical material, examines evolutionary changes in life expectancy, as well as the factors and conditions that determine it.

Particular attention is paid to improving health, reducing morbidity and mortality. The need to create conditions for older workers to extend their active, working life for the benefit of society and the people themselves is substantiated.

Society and Economics. 2024;(1):57-70
pages 57-70 views

The level of volunteer activity as an indicator of the effectiveness of management of the non-profit sector of the economy

Morozova I., Dmitriev A., Ocheretyanaya D.


The article analyzes changes in the level of volunteer activity in Russia, which is considered as one of the key indicators of the effectiveness of socially oriented non-profit organizations. The results of the study reveal a significant asymmetry in the level of volunteer activity in the federal districts — thus, recently there has been a nine-fold difference in the number of volunteers per 1000 people between the Central and Southern Federal Districts.

according to the results of the last period, there is a nine-fold difference in the number of volunteers per 1000 people between the Central and Southern Federal Districts. Based on the results of the study, the need to continue intensive work with young people to increase volunteer activity is noted, and the conditions for increasing the volunteer potential of older groups of the population are determined.

Society and Economics. 2024;(1):71-79
pages 71-79 views

Welf-educational in China: features and role of the segment in the development of human capital

Guleva M.


New forms of education are appearing in China in the process of the country’s socio-economic development. As one of the important innovations in the higher education segment, the examination system for part-time students has achieved outstanding results in recent years of its development, resulting in the significant growth of the number of highly qualified specialists. It is obvious that ensuring the implementation of lifelong education and encouraging self-education can be the key to the sustainable development of human capital in China.

Society and Economics. 2024;(1):80-89
pages 80-89 views


On improving value chains by integrated companies

Kohno P., Kohno A., Kohno V.


The article analyzes the development processes of integrated companies taking into account globalization processes. Three trends are shown that are changing the competitive environment of an integrated company, and the need to regularly normalize financial and economic indicators is stated. The driving forces of competition that ensure accelerated industrial production of high-demand military and dual-use products are examined. These forces ensure the attractiveness of the products of the enterprise (company, firm) and the industry as a whole in the domestic and world markets. It is also important to concentrate the firm’s efforts on developing those technologies whose impact on costs or differentiation will be the longest. It is especially advisable to orient the strategy of enterprises of the military-industrial complex (DIC) of Russia towards technological leadership. The choice of a position as a technological follower should also be considered as a conscious and active strategy. When developing a technology strategy, it is critical to evaluate technological trends in your chosen area.

Society and Economics. 2024;(1):90-99
pages 90-99 views

Approaches to optimizing the costs of wholesale trading companies in modern realities

Volkov A.


The article is examines some approaches to optimizing the costs of wholesale trading companies during the period of sanctions and increased external risks. The place and the role of the cost management system in the trade sector are described. The article highlights the importance of cost management in the structure of competitiveness of trading firms, examines key approaches to cost optimization, including: reduction of investment processes; logistics and inventory management; cost planning based on a scenario approach; reduction of accounts receivable; development of private brands; eliminating ineffective/allowable costs, and many others. Each of the approaches with a special perspective can be implemented on the basis of an optimization or collapse strategy, depending on the characteristics of costs and the business processes that form them.

Society and Economics. 2024;(1):100-108
pages 100-108 views


BRICS plus is a natural outcome of cumulative integration in the context of geopolitical fragmentation of the world economy

Kheyfets B.


The article analyzes possible changes in the role of the new BRICS plus format, which will operate from January 1, 2024, in the global economy. In this regard, the stages of development of this block and the main directions of interaction of its participants in the economic and financial spheres are considered. It is noted that the success of the economic rapprochement of the BRICS countries is largely associated with the use of a flexible and pragmatic model of cumulative integration, which is based not on a free trade agreement, but on the implementation of projects and programs of mutual interest, coordination of economic policies, implementation of joint initiatives in the G20, the IMF, WTO and other international organizations. This model is of particular importance in the context of the formation of a new world economic system.

Society and Economics. 2024;(1):109-121
pages 109-121 views


On methodological tools for studying problems of the development of agro-industrial complex

Baskakov S.


The article considers the methodological tools used by domestic and foreign scientists to carry out research and educational activities in the field of studying problems of development of the agro-industrial complex. Within the framework of the study, it was established that, despite the applied and practice-oriented nature of food issues, scientists use theoretical rather than empirical research methods to a greater extent — they predominantly turn to traditional and simplest methods of processing information, without fully using the existing economic –mathematical and economic-statistical apparatus. It has been revealed that scientists, as a rule, use only methods of deterministic factor analysis in relation to clearly dependent quantities and indicators, while methods of stochastic factor analysis are practically not used; the insufficiency and limitation of using the balance method as one of the key ways to determine the substantive aspect of the studied sphere have been established. Based on the results, the author’s approach to the use of methodological tools for the balanced development of food supply for the population is proposed, where at the first stage calculation methods for assessing economic information are used, at the second stage — methods of factor analysis, at the third — theoretical research methods and at the final stage — methods of modeling and optimization of economic indicators. The results of the study can be used to improve the conceptual and fundamental foundations for the development of the domestic agro-industrial complex and future practical transformations in the food sector.

Society and Economics. 2024;(1):122-135
pages 122-135 views