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No 4 (2024)

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To the issue of development of entrepreneurial state activity

Smotritskaya I., Frolova N.


The article deals with theoretical and applied issues of expanding the diversity of forms of state participation in the economy within the framework of a new methodological approach to the development of economic state activity. The main established scientific concepts of state entrepreneurial activity are considered, the content of the concept of “state entrepreneurship” is analysed, its modern forms are highlighted. The special emphasis in the work is made on the study of entrepreneurial activity of the state related to the use of joint-stock property in the market sector of the economy. The tendencies of transformation and development of entrepreneurial state activity in the conditions of new geopolitical and economic reality are shown.

Society and Economics. 2024;(4):5-16
pages 5-16 views

Military economy of modern Russia

Kokhno P.


The article examines the problems of development of the military economy taking into account historical trends. The relationship between the military and civilian sectors is shown. It is assumed, that during a military conflict spending on defense and national security should be a priority, the government controlling the distribution of the resources, goods and services through rationing. When forming a mechanism for managing military-economic activities, special attention should be given to the effective use of resources allocated for defense needs. With that, one should keep in mind the contradiction between the unlimited military needs of the state and the limited resources that can be directed at any given time for defense purposes. Since the existing mechanism for managing Russia’s military economy does not fully meet modern requirements, a radical restructuring and improvement of this mechanism is needed to solve the existing problems.

Society and Economics. 2024;(4):17-25
pages 17-25 views

Formation of a system of sectoral measures and mechanisms of state support for the electronic industry

Ilyina S., Sokolov A.


The restructuring of the world economy based on the achievements of the fourth industrial revolution and the sixth technological structure determines Russia’s course towards building technological sovereignty, and in particular, the need to create an effective system of measures and mechanisms that stimulate the development of the electronics industry.

In this regard, it is necessary to systematize and evaluate the compliance of existing measures and mechanisms with the need for solving the problems facing the industry, and to eliminate their duplication. The article is devoted to the analysis of the existing national system of special measures and mechanisms of state support of electronic industry. The author comes to the conclusion that despite the presence of certain restrictions caused by sanctions and in need to overcome dependence on imports, the system stimulates the implementation of competitive investment projects and is potentially effective.

Society and Economics. 2024;(4):26-43
pages 26-43 views

Towards a standardized circular economy

Kalioujny B.


The purpose of this article is to outline the future development of the circular economy (CE) concept, which is moving towards a standardized model, although it does not yet have a standardized definition. EC has been developing very dynamically over the past 10–15 years around the world: for example, the process of creating a new multilateral environmental agreement to completely stop the use of disposable plastic products, the development of indicators and tools for implementing the concept, and the introduction of a number of new laws are taking place. Research methodology: an analysis of the process of standardization of a low-carbon economy through the integration of environmental parameters into the socio-economic system (anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions and their absorption) is carried out from the point of view of reporting by companies. Results of the study: firstly, the key types of reporting by companies on the low-carbon economy and the typology of standards used have been identified. Secondly, existing types of reporting and standards related to the EC model are identified, and possible ways to make the transition to full EC standardization are explored. Originality and contribution of the author: for the first time in Russia, the work presents a comparative analysis between EC and the low-carbon economy, taking into account such parameters as the volumes and dynamics of these markets, the role, structure and prospects for the development of the EPC standardization process.

Society and Economics. 2024;(4):44-57
pages 44-57 views


Financing infrastructure projects: a review of definitional issues and thematic areas

Abramov E.


The purpose of the article is to identify current problems and thematic areas of financing infrastructure projects. To do this, both a systematization of approaches is carried out on the basis of thematic analysis and a review of Russian and foreign sources is done.

A methodological plurality of definitions of the main categories was discovered. Inductively identified thematic areas of research cover: general trends in the development of types of economic infrastructure, microanalysis of the creation of specific infrastructure facilities and local needs for infrastructure development, local economic impact of individual types of infrastructure, cross-sectoral effects of infrastructure development, integration aspects of the creation of infrastructure facilities, infrastructure in the context of sustainable development, features of instruments and forms of financing infrastructure projects, infrastructure facilities as a separate class of investment assets.

Society and Economics. 2024;(4):58-68
pages 58-68 views


System approach to the formation and management of the educational ecosystem: global trends, threats and directions of development

Dadalko V., Nikolaevsky V., Sidorenko S.


The article shows the significant role of information and communication technologies for socio-economic development in general and for the creation of a continuous education system. It is shown that the education system is built not only on educational technologies, but also on taking into account national and cultural characteristics. A conceptual model is proposed for building an education ecosystem based on digital platforms – unified modules: school, vocational school, college, university. The educational ecosystem is based on the integration of modules into a real digital platform for the support and development of entrepreneurship, into which postgraduate education is also integrated. This approach allows you to stimulate, develop and identify creative abilities at all stages of the life cycle. However, it requires increased attention to the institutional basis of the education system: the skills of teaching staff, funding, cultural environment of the educational process, etc.

Society and Economics. 2024;(4):69-81
pages 69-81 views

Entrepreneurial university in Russia: a reassembling?

Chepurenko A., Sutormina A.


The article analyzes the genesis of the entrepreneurial university model and the experience of its Anglo-Saxon version transfer to the Russian institutional environment in 2010–2020: non-organic character of the entrepreneurial function in Russian universities, in the perception of both administrators and the bulk of the academics; closeness of some leading technical universities to external stakeholders (business angels and venturers) due to the secrecy of the research conducted; unwillingness and/or inability of the academics to invest own time and energy in the creation and conduct of business; failure of the administration to take into account the interests of teams of start-upers, which generates disbelief in the possibility of implementing a business project at the university; the focus of the university administration on supporting student entrepreneurship and underestimating or ignoring the need to create conditions for the development of entrepreneurial activity of academic staff. A new approach (“reassembly”) of a poorly working model based on a different understanding of the possibilities and actors of the “triple helix” is proposed, which may be more adequate under the current conditions.

Society and Economics. 2024;(4):82-107
pages 82-107 views


Rising global public debt as a factor of world monetary system’s enhanced instability

Balyuk I., Balyuk M.


Based on the analysis of statistical data, the article covers the dynamics and changes in the structure of global public debt, which plays an essential role in ensuring and maintaining financial stability. The authors conclude that the problem of sovereign debt is of a deep nature, since it is associated with the dominant model of economic development that encourages the growth of credit dependence that is not backed by real assets. Within the framework of the credit model of economic development, any measures taken to solve debt problems will be cosmetic in nature, therefore, in the coming years, the growth of global public debt will continue, the instability of the global monetary and financial system will increase, the likelihood of crisis situations (up to sovereign defaults) will persist.

Society and Economics. 2024;(4):108-131
pages 108-131 views

Carbon offset funding in developing countries: challenges and rеspects

Yarygina I.


The article reveals the problems, prospects and contemporary mechanisms of carbon financing, the relevance of which is increasing in the face of new challenges associated with the development of reproductive processes in developing countries. At the same time, it is indicated that in some cases there are problems associated with the administration of business processes that ensure measurable emission reductions, which requires careful selection, monitoring and intergovernmental support for multilateral projects that contribute to the implementation of environmental protection and climate change programs. The article contains practical recommendations aimed at ensuring the economic interests of business entities based on the usage of additional financing mechanisms for development programs, including carbon emissions compensation, green bonds, carbon tax, climate funds, environmental certificates, etc. The conclusion is made about the expediency of using carbon financing mechanisms in business process that contribute to the cooperation between partner countries, accumulation of resources for project implementation, reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and sustainable economic growth of developing countries.

Society and Economics. 2024;(4):132-147
pages 132-147 views

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