Analysis of Anthropogenic Influence on Desertification Processes in the Northern Caspian Region According to Satellite Data

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Pasture loads are one of the key anthropogenic factors in the dynamics of the state of vegetation and soil cover of arid landscapes. The purpose of this study is to establish the spatial distribution of pasture loads in the Black Lands region using remote sensing data from space, geoinformation technologies and statistical data. In this work, mapping of livestock farms, sheepfolds and other places of concentration of livestock for 1984–1986 and 2020 was carried out. Both periods are characterized by a surge in desertification processes and a sharp increase in the areas of open sands and deflated lands. The areas of pastures with different loads during cattle grazing are established, the patterns of spatial distribution of mobile sands depending on the soil-forming rocks and distance from livestock farms are also determined. In recent years, compared with 1984–1986, the density of farms on sandy soils has increased, which led to overgrazing, destruction of vegetation and activation of Aeolian processes. Approximately 80% of pastures exceeded the permissible grazing standards, and 90% of pastures are located in a 3 km zone around the places of concentration of livestock. The results obtained can be used to regulate pasture loads in the region to prevent desertification of landscapes.

About the authors

S. S. Shinkarenko

Volgograd State University; Space Research Institute RAS

Author for correspondence.
Russia, Volgograd; Russia, Moscow

A. A. Vypritskiy

Federal Scientific Centre of Agroecology, Complex Melioration and Protective Afforestation of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Russia, Volgograd

A. A. Vasilchenko

Federal Scientific Centre of Agroecology, Complex Melioration and Protective Afforestation of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Russia, Volgograd

A. N. Berdengalieva

Federal Scientific Centre of Agroecology, Complex Melioration and Protective Afforestation of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Russia, Volgograd


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Copyright (c) 2023 С.С. Шинкаренко, А.А. Выприцкий, А.А. Васильченко, А.Н. Берденгалиева

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