Voprosy istorii estestvoznaniia i tekhniki

The peer-review journal Voprosy istorii estestvoznaniia i tekhniki (VIET) ["Studies in the History of Science and Technology"] journal was founded in 1980 on the basis of an irregularly published collection of works by employees of the Institute for the History of Science and Technology of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (IHST of the USSR Academy of Sciences).


  • Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Institute for the History of Science and Technology


  • Russian Academy of Sciences

About the journal

The main block of the journal's materials is formed by original articles presenting research results of qualified specialists in the history and philosophy of science and technology. The scientific level of the results and the compliance of articles with publication standards is ensured by a representative editorial board, which includes two academicians (RAS), one corresponding member of the RAS, doctors and candidates of sciences.

The contents of the journal are divided into main sections reflecting the scope and specifics of the proposed scientific publications:

  • General Problems of the History of Science and Technology
  • From the History of Science
  • Social History of Science
  • From the History of Technology
  • Lessons from History
  • Materials for the Biographies of Scientists and Engineers
  • Institutions and Museums
  • Sources for the History of Science and Technology

The information block contains memoirs, reviews, books reviews, annotations for defended dissertations, as well as information about past conferences and correspondence with readers.

The journal is published quarterly and is included in the "List of peer-reviewed scientific publications" of the Higher Attestation Commission of Russian Federation and the Russian Science Citation Index in Web of Science.

Media registration certificate: № 0110149 от 04.02.1993

Ағымдағы шығарылым

Ашық рұқсат Ашық рұқсат  Рұқсат жабық Рұқсат берілді  Рұқсат жабық Тек жазылушылар үшін

Том 45, № 1 (2024)


Бүкіл шығарылым

Ашық рұқсат Ашық рұқсат
Рұқсат жабық Рұқсат берілді
Рұқсат жабық Тек жазылушылар үшін

From the History of Science

Gelʼmintologicheskie issledovaniia zubrov Belovezhskoi pushchi v kontse XIX – nachale XX v.
Fedotova A., Zharova E.

The helminthofauna of the European bison, the iconic species for nature protection in Europe, is the object of close attention for zoologists because of the threatening changes occurring in this fauna in recent decades. Nowadays, researchers are more or less familiar with the works conducted in the early 20ʰᵗ century, i. e. before the European bison went extinct in the wild (1919), and the specialists involved in the European bison restitution in the Białowieża Primeval Forest and other nature reserves have been also aware of these studies. In addition to the published works on the European bison parasites, however, there exists a wide range of archival documents relating to the helminthoses of the Białowieża bison, including reliable information about parasitic worms as an important cause of death in the European bison, in particular, the trematode Fasciola hepatica. Apart from the literature analysis, our research focuses on the archival documents relating to helminthological studies conducted between the 1880s, when the European bison mortality caused by fascioliasis was reliably documented in the Białowieża Forest for the first time, and the 1910s, when an attending veterinarian was hired by the Białowieża administration to hold a permanent position for the first time. The most significant event in the history of the studies of the European bison helminthofauna before 1919 was the expedition to the Białowieża Primeval Forest, led by professor Nikolay Kulagin (1906–1908). The expedition’s permanent members were the entomologist Alexander Mordvilko and the veterinarian Konrad Wróblewski. They amassed an impressive amount of material that formed the basis for two monographs about the Białowieża bison (1919 and 1927, respectively). This expedition established that the main cause of the bison’s high mortality were the external factors including helminthoses rather than the degeneration of the species caused by the “laws of nature” (as was assumed for most of the 19ʰᵗ century).

Voprosy istorii estestvoznaniia i tekhniki. 2024;45(1):9-40
pages 9-40 views
Dinosaurs from the quarry: a history of the first studies of dinosaurs in the amur region (1949–1951)
Ermatsans I., Bolotsky Y., Bolotsky I.

The article attempts to reconstruct the history of discovery of one the richest Cretaceous dinosaur excavation sites in Russia, situated in the Blagoveschensk locality in the Amur Oblast, based on the materials of the state, personal, and museum archives, and on information from the periodicals. Analysis of the archive materials allowed to identify the individuals involved in this discovery and in the studies of this dinosaur site. These include: Igor Bastrykin, a schoolboy who made the initial discovery; geologists and paleontologists A. Z. Lazarev, A. K. Rozhdestvenskii, N. S. Shevyreva, and V. A. Presnyakov; military man P. I. Bastrykin; museum staff members G. S. Novikov-Daurskii and A. G. Udod; and a teacher at a higher education institution, F. S. Shavrin. The correspondence of G. S. Novikov-Daurskii, a renowned local historian, and the reports prepared by the geologist A. Z. Lazarev and the paleontologist A. K. Rozhdestvenskii helped to reconstruct the historical and cultural environment in which the first paleontological studies were carried out in 1949–1951. The analysis of the sources allowed establishing that the investigation of the region by scientific and local studies’ societies in 1859–1951 paved the way for the successful paleontological research in the Amur Region in the 1980s – 2020s.

Voprosy istorii estestvoznaniia i tekhniki. 2024;45(1):41-57
pages 41-57 views

From the History of Technology

Technology development phases, as exemplified by the evolution of aircraft power plants
Kuzmin Y.

 Several hypotheses concerning technology development patterns were tested on the dataset, prepared by the author. This dataset includes the data regarding dynamics of changes in airplane power plants used both in airplane production in the 20ʰᵗ century and in the development of new airplane models, the design features of 20,250 20th-century airplane models, and 39,000 records describing the production of these models. Five classes of airplanes were selected for analysis: two civil (passenger and general-purpose aircrafts) and three military (fighters, bombers, and attack aircrafts) classes.

According to the first hypothesis, the development of civil technologies goes through two different phases. During the first phase, a succession of technical solutions (in our case, the types of most widely used airplane engines) occurs, indicating a displacing competition. At a certain moment, however, this competition gives way to coexistence, in which each solution that has “survived” up to this moment retains its share in production for a long time. In the military sector, the technological arms race never stops and the stage of coexistence does not occur, which comprises the second hypothesis.

According to the third hypothesis, the development of designs using outdated methodology continues even after the new generation practically displaces the previous one from production. This behavior is typical for the engineering community and repeats time after time in both the civil and military sectors.

Finally, the fourth hypothesis states that, as technology develops, a product usually undergoes two periods: complication, which is accompanied by a rapid increase in quantitative characteristics and followed by simplification of operation and maintenance. This trend manifests, among other things, as a reduction in the number of main units in the product. In our case, this means a reduction in the number of engines installed on heavy airplanes.

It is shown that the collected data confirm the previously stated hypotheses.

Voprosy istorii estestvoznaniia i tekhniki. 2024;45(1):58-78
pages 58-78 views

Historical Reviews

Observations of solar eclipses in russia: between the chronicles and the first scientific expeditions (18ʰᵗ – 19ʰᵗ Centuries)
Maslikov S.

A solar eclipse is a rare and spectacular celestial event that has a powerful emotional impact on people and is often reflected in their writings and communications. The reports of eclipse observations are contained in the 10th–17ʰᵗ century Russian chronicles. Modern observation reports, starting wiʰᵗ the 1887 eclipse, have also been well studied. In the intermediate period, starting from 1706, however, only three eclipses (1748, 1842 and 1851) have been described in publicly available sources despite the fact that 30 total and annular eclipses passed through Russia during this period. Using a computer program, the regions and time intervals were identified to search for the mentions of such eclipses. Possible sources include memoirs, reports and other documents written by educated people – participants in all kinds of campaigns, voyages, and expeditions, not necessarily the astronomical ones. As a result of studying diverse sources, a number of valuable reports of eclipse observations were discovered. Most often, these are the observations of eyewitnesses who had accidentally happened to be in the eclipse path. The firstly discovered materials shed light on the level of astronomical knowledge among various groups of the Russian population as well as equipment available to them, and touch upon the issues of local peoples’ superstitions and prejudices. A periodization of solar eclipse observations is also proposed.

Voprosy istorii estestvoznaniia i tekhniki. 2024;45(1):79-97
pages 79-97 views

Materials for the Biographies of Scientists and Engineers

Towards the history of the Russian-Swedish grade measurement expedition in the Svalbard Archipelago (1899–1901): an analysis of the scientific legacy of academician F. N. Chernyshev
Filippova T.

Based on the topical and chronological analysis of archival sources and publications of a prominent Russian geologist, Academician F. N. Chernyshev (1856–1914), his scientific and organizational activities associated with the exploration of little-known territories of the North and the Arctic in the late 19ʰᵗ – early 20ʰᵗ century are reviewed. In particular, the article analyzes the documents regarding the role of F. N. Chernyshev in the organization of the Russian-Swedish Grade Measurement Expedition in the Svalbard Archipelago in 1899–1901. Chernyshev’s contribution to the preparation and implementation of this international scientific project is pictured, based on the documents from his personal fonds and those of the Academy of Sciences’ Commission for Grade Measurement in the Islands of Svalbard, stored in the St. Petersburg Branch of the RAS Archive. The study focuses on Chernyshev’s expeditionary diaries that are introduced into scientific circulation for the first time. Based on these documents, the Expedition’s route and the course of its scientific research are analyzed and the scientists’ working conditions during the trips to the archipelago are shown. The published works by F. N. Chernyshev and his companions were used as additional sources. It is concluded that Chernyshev’s scientific legacy is an important part of the history of the Russian-Swedish Expedition to the Svalbard Archipelago as well as a valuable source for the studies of Russian exploration of the Arctic territories at the turn of the 20ʰᵗ century.

Voprosy istorii estestvoznaniia i tekhniki. 2024;45(1):98-113
pages 98-113 views
“Received no awards”: from the pages of the biography of a repressed scientist, G. L. Stadnikov (1880–1973)
Simakova S.

Georgy Leontievich Stadnikov (also spelled Stadnikoff and Stadnikow) (1880–1973) was a Russian / Soviet organic chemist, the author of fundamental works in the field of chemistry of fossil fuels, well-known in Russia and abroad. In 1957, he was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Chemistry. In the Soviet era, he was twice subjected to repressions. In 1939–1955, he served in forced labor camps of the Komi Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic.

Based on the publications about Stadnikov, his scientific works, and the memoirs of geological scientists B. L. Afanasyev and L. N. Belyakov, discovered by the author in the collections of the K. G. Voinovsky-Krieger Geological Museum (Vorkuta), Stadnikov’s scientific biography is reconstructed. Georgy Leontievich was a pupil of V. V. Markovnikov and N. D. Zelinsky, the founders of the foremost Russian school of organic chemistry. He conducted research in the field of origin and genetic classification of fossil fuels. During his incarceration, Stadnikov continued with his research work. At the labor camps located in the European North-East of the USSR, he tackled the problems arising in the course of commercial development of coal deposits in the Pechora coal basin. Stadnikov’s research had an important role in the development of fossil fuel chemistry and his work in the harsh conditions of the Arctic facilitated the coal industry formation in the Komi Republic.

Voprosy istorii estestvoznaniia i tekhniki. 2024;45(1):114-130
pages 114-130 views

Sources for the History of Science and Technology

“The works on the renovation of the building has been underway for exactly a year now”: provision of infrastructure for the state institute of public health in 1919–1920
Sliskova V.

The article is devoted to the history of the State Institute of Public Health of the People’s Commissariat of Health (“GINZ”) in the early years of its work (1919–1920). The author reconstructs an episode associated with the organization of work environment at the GINZ institutions during the period under study, based on the materials deposited in the Archive of Russian Academy of Sciences and State Archive of the Russian Federation. The article introduces for scientific use the internal reports, written by the GINZ staff members, engineer G. A. Ostapovich and facilities manager N. A. Kharitonov in 1920. These documents were discovered in the fonds of GINZ director L. A. Tarasevich (RAS Archive, f. 1538) and in the fonds of the Institute of Experimental Biology (f. 570) that was a part of GINZ in the 1920s. Both documents illustrate one of the key issues in the organization of work environment and are valuable sources for history of professional everyday life of the GINZ institutions in 1919–1920.

Voprosy istorii estestvoznaniia i tekhniki. 2024;45(1):131-144
pages 131-144 views

Institutions and Museums

Gornotayozhnaya station of the far eastern branch of the Russian Academy of sciences: the first steps of the Oldest Academy’s institution in Russia’s far east
Kolyada A., Berseneva S., Repsh N., Belov A.

The early 1930s were marked by the organization of regional branches of the USSR Academy of Sciences. The Far Eastern Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences was established in 1932 and V. L. Komarov, a prominent botanist and future president of the USSR Academy of Sciences, had an important role in its creation. The first Academy’s institution in Russia’s Far East, however, was the Gornotayozhnaya Station that was founded under the auspices of the South Ussuri Branch of the Far Eastern Regional Research Institute in 1931 and became part of the Far Eastern Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences in 1932. The article focuses on the first, the most difficult years of existence (1932–1936) of the Station. Despite poor living conditions and research facilities, the scientists had performed a number of studies, primarily on the flora and fauna of the newly established Ussuri Nature Reserve and its phytocenoses, clarified the taxonomy of some arboreal and shrubby species, and conducted phenological observations of the arboreal and herbaceous plants. An important part of their work was associated with botanical resource studies. The researchers studied medicinal plants (including the “root of life”, ginseng) as well as fodder, edible plants (primarily fruit and berries), ornamental plants and weeds. Zoological research focused on the pests of forest plants and crops, mainly Lepidoptera and Coleoptera. The results of scientific work carried out in 1932–1935 are reflected in the first volume of the “Proceedings of the Gornotayozhnaya Station”, published in 1936. A number of the Station’s researchers became prominent representatives of the national science. These include A. I. Kurentsov, G. E. Kurentsova, E. N. Klobukova-Alisova, Z. I. Gutnikova, Z. I. Luchnik and others.

Voprosy istorii estestvoznaniia i tekhniki. 2024;45(1):145-157
pages 145-157 views
“Observations stopped on the occasion of the cession of Alaska”: St. Petersburg academy of sciences’ magnetic and meteorological observatory in sitka (Alaska)
Feklova T.

Based on the new archival materials from the Russian State Archive of the Navy, Russian State Historical Archive, and St. Petersburg Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences Archive, the history of the organization and operations of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences’ Magnetic and Meteorological Observatory in Alaska (the city of Sitka / Sitkha) was analyzed for the first time. This Observatory operated from 1839 until the sale of Alaska in 1867. The themes from the history of the Observatory reviewed in the article are the background for its creation, the participation of the international scientific community (Royal Society of London) in its founding, and the contribution of the Russian-American Company and its leaders, primarily Arvid Adolf Etholén, to its construction and operations. The archival data relating to the observations conducted at the Observatory (mean daily temperature) are provided for the first time. The fact that the Observatory, being officially subordinate to the Mining Department of the Ministry of Finance, was scientifically managed by the Academy of Sciences, helps to better understand the specifics of interagency links and communication in the Russian Empire in the 19ʰᵗ century. The article also sheds light on the personal contribution of Director of the Central Physical Observatory, A. Ya. (Adolph-Theodor) Kupffer, to the formation of the Observatory in Sitka, briefly reviews the instruments and devices employed by the Observatory, and, for the first time, provides the names of its directors and other staff.

Voprosy istorii estestvoznaniia i tekhniki. 2024;45(1):158-174
pages 158-174 views

Book Reviews

pages 175-183 views
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Books in Brief

Books in Brief
Voprosy istorii estestvoznaniia i tekhniki. 2024;45(1):188-190
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Academic Life

Conference “Two Days of History and Epistemology of the Foundations of Quantum Mechanics”
Pechenkin A.
Voprosy istorii estestvoznaniia i tekhniki. 2024;45(1):191-200
pages 191-200 views
An Exhibition in the House of the Russian Historical Society Devoted to the History of Civil Aviation
Eremkin E., Kapustnikova N.
Voprosy istorii estestvoznaniia i tekhniki. 2024;45(1):201-204
pages 201-204 views
9th IHST RAS Scientific School for Young Scientists “Industrial Cities: Scientific and Technical Legacy”
Bilenko N., Zakharchuk P.
Voprosy istorii estestvoznaniia i tekhniki. 2024;45(1):205-209
pages 205-209 views
pages 210-213 views

Events in Brief

Events in Brief
Voprosy istorii estestvoznaniia i tekhniki. 2024;45(1):214-216
pages 214-216 views

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