“The works on the renovation of the building has been underway for exactly a year now”: provision of infrastructure for the state institute of public health in 1919–1920

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The article is devoted to the history of the State Institute of Public Health of the People’s Commissariat of Health (“GINZ”) in the early years of its work (1919–1920). The author reconstructs an episode associated with the organization of work environment at the GINZ institutions during the period under study, based on the materials deposited in the Archive of Russian Academy of Sciences and State Archive of the Russian Federation. The article introduces for scientific use the internal reports, written by the GINZ staff members, engineer G. A. Ostapovich and facilities manager N. A. Kharitonov in 1920. These documents were discovered in the fonds of GINZ director L. A. Tarasevich (RAS Archive, f. 1538) and in the fonds of the Institute of Experimental Biology (f. 570) that was a part of GINZ in the 1920s. Both documents illustrate one of the key issues in the organization of work environment and are valuable sources for history of professional everyday life of the GINZ institutions in 1919–1920.

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About the authors

Valeriya V. Sliskova

Russian State University for the Humanities

Author for correspondence.
Email: vvaleriesss@gmail.com
Russian Federation, Miusskaya ploshchad, 6, Moscow, 125047


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