Development of Chemical Industry in Russia (USSR) in the Context of Its Economic and Social Policies (1900–1927)

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The article analyzes the development of chemical industry in Russia (USSR) in the context of the country’s overall industrial policies from the early 20th century to the prewar five-year plans. Four periods are identified, differing in the driving forces of the industry development, growth rates and product range. Before the outbreak of the First World War, the development of the chemical industry was strongly influenced by the advanced level of the Russian scientific schools. The output of the most important products, however, increased slightly and a number of production facilities were completely absent. Since the First World War, the defense was the most important factor that determined the rates and directions of the industry’s development. The Chemical Committee established under the Main Artillery Directorate was chaired by V. N. Ipatiev. The Committee’s activities concerned with the production of benzene, toluene and other strategically important products are reviewed in detail. In the light of the national policy of industry demobilization that began to be developed in October 1916, we analyze the work of the Central Organ for the Chemical Industry, created to develop a sectoral program for the reconversion to peaceful production. The importance of materials prepared by the Central Organ for the organization of work of the VSNKh’s chemical department and for the preparation of the GOELRO plan is emphasized. The main difficulties in the chemical industry’s recovery in 1921/22 – 1927 are also reviewed. The article is based on the documents and publications in the periodicals from the period under study.            

About the authors

Ekaterina Nikolaevna Budreiko

S. I. Vavilov Institute for the History of Science and Technology, Russian Academy of Sciences

Moscow , Ul. Baltiyskaya, 14


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