E. A. Satel: Scientist, Engineer, Organizer of Industry

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The article is devoted to E. A. Satel, an outstanding organizer of industry and scientist. Based on the memoirs of Satel’s colleagues and associates and on the analysis of his scientific works, the authors reconstruct the stages of the talented engineerʼs life journey: studying at the Imperial Technical School; working on the reconstruction of machine-building plants in and around Moscow in the 1920s; a key role in the launch of the Stalingrad Tractor Plant; selfless labor at the People’s Commissariat of Armaments on the eve of and during The Great Patriotic War; and scientific and pedagogical work in the post-war period.

About the authors

Konstantin Viktorovich Fedorov

Bauman Moscow State Technical University

Russian Federation, Moscow

Tatiana Romanovna Suzdaleva

Bauman Moscow State Technical University

Russian Federation, Moscow


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