Experimental Genetic and Breeding Research at the MSU Botanical Garden from the Second Third of the 20th Century to the Early 21st Century

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From with the second third of the 20th century, studies in experimental morphogenesis, hybridization and breeding become one of the main strands in the research carried out at the MSU Botanical Garden. The article reviews the history of the development of these studies at the BG from the said period to the early 21st century in the context of changes in the BG’s institutional status. It shows the role of L. P. Breslavets-Krestovnikova, cytologist and cytogeneticist, N. A. Bazilevskaya, N. I. Vavilov’s pupil and organizing director of the territory of the MSU Botanical Garden on Lenin Hills (Vorobyovy Gory), and A. A. Sosnovets, ornamental plant breeder and cytogeneticist, in organizing and conducting practice-oriented studies of the effects of various types of radiation and chemical mutagens in different species of economically important and ornamental plants.

About the authors

Kirill Andreevich Golikov

Earth Science Museum of the M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University

Moscow, Leninskie gory, 1


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