The History of the Use of Acoustics in Mechanical Engineering

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The article reviews the history of acoustics and the history of the use of its methods and achievements in mechanical engineering. Acoustic monitoring methods justly hold a significant place among the methods for studying physical objects and industrial processes. These methods are mainly intended for detecting various defects (ultrasound control), monitoring parameters of industrial processes, and determining physical and mechanical properties of products as well as their geometric characteristics. The distinctive feature of the acoustic methods, which helped their spread, is the possibility for non-destructive testing, i. e. causing no damage to the object under study. Another, no less important merit of these methods is a possibility for testing without disrupting industrial processes.

About the authors

Aleksandr Sergeevich Zhukov

South Ural State University

Russian Federation, Chelyabinsk

Dmitrii Valer'evich Ardashev

South Ural State University

Russian Federation, Chelyabinsk


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