X anniversary international conference of young scientists “Psychology — the science of the future”




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On November 16–17, 2023, the X anniversary international conference of young scientists “Psychology — the Science of the Future” was held at the Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow) with the support of the Faculty of Psychology of the State Academic University of Humanities. The event was dedicated to discussing topical issues of psychological science, new methods of research and data processing, and the development of cooperation between young scientists from various universities and scientific institutes. The conference featured presentations by participants from more than 30 cities of Russia, near and far abroad in nine scientific areas, breakout sessions, master classes, a round table and lectures. As a result, an electronic collection of conference materials was released. Also experts highlighted the best reports with the right to publish articles in the twelfth collection of young scientists “Psychological Research”, published by the by the Faculty of Psychology of the State Academic University of Humanities and the Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences.




S. Tarasov

Institute of Psychology, Russian Academy of Sciences

Email: sementarasovvas@gmail.com

Junior Researcher at the Laboratory of Social and Economic Psychology

俄罗斯联邦, 129366, Moscow, Yaroslavskaya str., 13, bldg. 1


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