B.F. Lomov in Modern Interdisciplinary Research



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A number of examples of the development of B.F. Lomov’ ideas in research related to the most popular areas of psychological science and practice are presented. It is shown that many of the ideas are in the general trend of modern works. In particular, the integrative approach, built on the systems idea provides answers to many questions of the integration of qualitative and quantitative methods, which are now being discussed intensively in connection with the practical problems of organizing interdisciplinary research. Meanwhile, the development of the idea of system integration of different approaches and methods ensured the creation of a toolkit developed in detail and tested in many academic and applied research. The cognitive-communicative approach, the impetus for the development of which was the ideas of B.F. Lomov on the relationship between cognition and communication, found its embodiment in the development of the problem of joint activity and formed the basis for the implementation of numerous projects related, in particular, to the management of big technical systems and the procuring of scientific and organizational activities, including the creation of new information and communication technologies. The activity design paradigm continues to be in demand for the problems of interaction between man and modern technology and for solving issues of mismatch between the goals of developing new technologies and their use. Particularly relevant are the claims of the anthropocentric approach that any technology, including artificial intelligence, is a means of achieving the goals set by man. Modern research carried out in the activity design paradigm confirms the fruitfulness of this paradigm for progress in the field of creating promising technologies. These studies received a new perspective of their development in connection with the tasks of preserving and transferring cognitive experience in solving the problems of capitalization of knowledge and the preservation of human capital. By analogy with “activity design”, these tasks are interpreted as “designing the perceived quality” of experience.

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Sobre autores

V. Nosulenko

Institute of Psychology, Russian Academy of Sciences

Autor responsável pela correspondência
Email: psy.journ@yandex.ru

Chief Researcher, Laboratory of Cognitive Processes and Mathematical Psychology

Rússia, Moscow


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