German-Chinese economic relations in the context of current geopolitical challenges




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In July 2023, Germany adopted a long-expected strategy towards China, its most important (along with the United States) non-European partner. One of the main places in the document is dedicated to the economic and political sphere - foreign trade and direct investment. The ruling coalition has set the task of reducing the dependence of the German economic space from the Chinese economy, which coincides with the strategic goal of the European Union. The U.S. administration is also interested in weakening cooperation between Germany and the EU with China. However, this approach of national, European and American politicians contradicts the market interests of German business, which remains focused on comprehensive interaction with companies in China. The author analyzes the current state of German-Chinese economic cooperation and assesses the prospects for its development in the context of current geopolitical challenges.


Vladislav Belov

Institute of Europe Russian Academy of Sciences

Moscow, Russia


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