The Eastern Mediterranean Pipeline (EastMed) as an Element of Supply Diversification



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The article analyses the emergence of a new sub-region within the Wider Mediterranean, called the Eastern Mediterranean. The author emphasises that the key condition for the allocation of a separated sub-region was the discovery of significant gas resources on the regional sea shelf, which led to the intensification of long-standing disputes between local powers, further regional militarisation, making of new groups and alliances. In this regard, the article examines the processes of diversification of energy resources and the project of the Eastern Mediterranean gas pipeline (EastMed). The main purpose is to consider the prospects and difficulties that arose during the EastMed development. The objective of the study includes exploring the positions of the core regional states (Greece, Republic of Cyprus, Italy, Turkey, Israel) and the global powers (the EU, the USA, Russia). A systematic approach and situational analysis were applied to achieve the set objectives. The article reveals that in the current geopolitical conditions the EastMed project has acquired strategic importance for the EU, its member states and partners. For the Republic of Cyprus, Greece, Italy, and Israel the implementation of EastMed will strengthen their own energy security, existing and new interregional ties, and increase their role in the EU’s common energy policy. Turkey is the main opponent, which will do everything to prevent EastMed from taking place. The United States, which was initially interested in the project, due to environmental and financial reasons, stopped supporting it after Joe Biden came to power.

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Sobre autores

K. Vlasova

Vyatka State University

Candidate of Sciences (History), Associate Professor Kirov, Russia


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