New religious movements as an object of scientific study in modern Italy



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The study focuses on the phenomenon of new religious movements (NRM) in Italy. The work aims at identifying and analysing the main research directions of the Italian Center for Studies on New Religions (CESNUR) in order to distinguish its ideas from those of the secular anti-cult movement and the ecclesiastical movement against the sects. The supporters of the antisectarians study tactics of behavior of the NRMs, the movement against the sects explore the doctrinal aspects of the beliefs. The author concludes that the attempt to save adherents from the sect is not conditioned by concerns about their spirituality but aims to bring them into the fold of orthodoxy. There is a desire to criminalise the problem by appealing to the crimes of individual NRMs and extrapolating them to any manifestation of non-traditional religiosity. Since the 90s of the 20th century, the Italian scientific community opposes this practice, as it hypothetically creates a precedent whereby the state can regulate any form of religious life of its citizens, question the law on religious freedom, stigmatise certain groups of society. According to Italian scientists, NRMs should become an object of a scientific rather than criminological interest. It is therefore not recommended to use the criteria of "true/false" in their study and to consider them exclusively from the point of view of deviation from the generally recognised norm. The exploration of such movements provides valuable material for the study of such topics as macro- and micro-identity of society, "temperature" of social spirituality, openness to new religious experiences, fidelity to traditions.

Sobre autores

Veronika Yazkova

Institute of Europe RAS

Moscow, Russia


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