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卷 50, 编号 2 (2024)



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Hybrid antimicrobial coating based on conjugate of hyaluronic acid with peptide LL-37 for PEO-modified titanium implants

Parfenova L., Galimshina Z., Gil’fanova G., Alibaeva E., Pashkova T., Kartashova O., Farrakhov R., Aubakirova V., Parfenov E.


A conjugate of hyaluronic acid and antimicrobial peptide LL-37 was synthesized for the first time. The hybrid compound was tested as an antimicrobial organic coating for titanium samples with an inorganic sublayer obtained by plasma electrolytic oxidation (PEO) of the surface. As a result of in vitro studies, the antibacterial effect of the hybrid molecule within the inorganic PEO coating was established, which consists of a significant (p < 0.05) suppression of the ability of Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Enterococcus faecium and Escherichia coli to form biofilms. The presented approach can be utilized for the subsequent design and development of non-fouling antimicrobial coatings to decrease the risk of infectious diseases caused by bacteria when using implants.

Bioorganičeskaâ himiâ. 2024;50(2):101–110
pages 101–110 views

Nanoparticles based on polyferylic and polygentisic acids as new carriers of anticancer drugs

Smirnov I., Lisov A., Kazakov A., Zvonarev A., Suzina N., Zemskova M.


Lignin polymers and their derivatives are actively used in various fields of biomedicine to create biocompatible materials, as medications, and to form nanoparticles. However, natural polymeric compounds derived from plant materials or monomers are defined as a mixture of compounds having a high heterogeneity in chemical structure, which greatly complicates the determination of their biological activity. This paper describes a new method of controlled synthesis using the enzyme laccase, which can be applied to obtain polymers with a specific structure. Based on enzymatically synthesized lignin-like polymers from ferulic and gentisiс phenolic monomers, nanoparticles with stable properties under physiological conditions were formed. The nanoparticles can differ in morphology from globular to fibrillar structures, depending on monomers used in the enzymatic reaction and the method of their formation. Nanoparticles obtained from lignin-like polymers of ferulic and gentisic acids can be loaded with low molecular weight hydrophobic compounds, including the anticancer drug doxorubicin. It has been shown that polyferulic nanoparticles are actively penetrate in tumor cells growing both in a monolayer culture and as part of spheroids, and, compared with a free compound, doxorubicin in the composition of nanoparticles has a greater cytotoxic effect on breast cancer cells. These data indicate the possibility of effective use of these carriers as passive targeted drug delivery in the treatment of tumors.

Bioorganičeskaâ himiâ. 2024;50(2):111–129
pages 111–129 views

9-chloro-5,9-dienoic and other fatty acids from marine sponge Penares sp.

Santalova Е., Kolesnikova S.


The fatty acids and their ethyl esters from an extract of a sponge Penares sp. (South China Sea) were fractionated by high-performance liquid chromatography and analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry using pyrrolidine, 4,4-dimethyloxazoline, dimethyl disulfide, and hydrogenated derivatives. In some cases, 1Н and 13С NMR spectroscopy was applied for the structural analysis of fatty acids. 71 С12–С28 acids, including 12 new compounds, were found. The new compounds were shown to be (5Z,9Z)-9-chloro-24-methy-5,9-pentacosadienoic, (5Z,9Z)-9-chloro-25-methyl-5,9-hexacosadienoic, (5Z,9Z)-9-chloro-24-methyl-5,9-hexacosadienoic, (5Z,9Z)-9-chloro-25-methyl-5,9-heptacosadienoic, 6-chloro-20-methyl-4-heneicosenoic, 6-chloro-19-methyl-4-heneicosenoic, 6-chloro-20-methyl-4-docosenoic, cis-17,18-methylene-tetracosanoic, 16,21-dimethyldocosanoic, 18,23-dimethyltetracosanoic, 16,18,22-trimethyltricosanoic, and 18,20,24-trimethylpentacosanoic acids. It was shown that the characteristic features of the fatty acid mixture were a high level of constituents with monomethylated chains (over 50%) and the nearly total substitution of common demospongic acids for their chloro-derivatives, previously unknown (5Z,9Z)-9-chloro-5,9-dienoic acids. The presence of analogous structural fragments in the fatty acids from Penares sp. and in some biologically active secondary metabolites from Penares sponges was discussed. The results of this work may be used for the structural, comparative and biosynthetic studies of marine lipids.

Bioorganičeskaâ himiâ. 2024;50(2):130–145
pages 130–145 views

Proteinase resistance of carnosine, pyrrolylcarnosine, and salicylcarnosine

Shevchenko K., Nagaev I., Kulikova O., Stvolinsky S., Shevchenko V., Myasoedov N.


The stability of carnosine, pyrrolylcarnosine (PC) and salicylcarnosine (SC) to the action of leucine aminopeptidase, carboxypeptidases B and Y was evaluated. It was found that proteolysis of carnosine, PC and SC under the action of leucine aminopeptidase does not occur. Carboxypeptidases B and Y, as well as the enzyme system of blood plasma and plasma membranes of rat brain cells, degraded peptides containing β-alanyl, N-pyrrolyl, N-salicylic fragments to varying degrees. In all cases, histidine is formed. The formation of pyrrole or salicylic acid does not occur. It was found that carnosine, PC and SC showed high stability to the action of amino- and carboxypeptidases in in vitro experiments.

Bioorganičeskaâ himiâ. 2024;50(2):146–152
pages 146–152 views

Antimicrobial metabolites from pig nasal microbiota

Baranova A., Zakalyukina Y., Tyurin A., Korshun V., Belozerova O., Biryukov M., Moiseenko A., Terekhov S., Alferova V.


The mammal microbiome is considered an attractive source of bioactive compounds, including antibiotics. In this work, we studied cultivable microorganisms from the nasal microbiota of the Hungarian domestic pig (Sus domesticus). Taxonomy positions of the 20 isolated strains (18 bacteria, 1 yeast, 1 fungus) were determined by phylogenetic analysis, morphological study and a substrate utilization assay. The strains were subjected to antibiotic susceptibility testing and antimicrobial activity screening. Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain SM-11 was found to produce 4 known antibacterial molecules (pyocyanine, pyochelin, pyoluteorin, monorhamnolipid). Production of pyocyanine was induced by cocultivation with test microorganisms Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 27853 and Escherichia coli ATCC 25922. The results suggest that the mammal microbiota might serve as a valuable source of antimicrobial-producing strains, including those of rare taxa. Cocultivation techniques are promising approach to explore antimicrobials from silent biosynthetic gene clusters.

Bioorganičeskaâ himiâ. 2024;50(2):153–174
pages 153–174 views

Synthesis and hypoglycemic activity of new nicotinonitrile-furan molecular hybrids

Tilchenko D., Bibik E., Dotsenko V., Krivokolysko S., Frolov K., Aksenov N., Aksenova I.


New hybrid molecules bearing 4-(2-furyl)-1,4-dihydronicotinonitrile and 4-(2-furyl)-1,4,5,6-tetrahydronico- tinonitrile fragments were prepared starting from cyanothioacetamide and furfural. The hypoglycemic activity in dexamethasone-induced diabetes mellitus was investigated in vivo in senile rats. Some compounds revealed hypoglycemic effects superior to that of the reference drug (metformin).

Bioorganičeskaâ himiâ. 2024;50(2):175–192
pages 175–192 views


Arylidene-imidazolones and their acyclic analogue as fluorescent sensors of metal ions

Krasnova S., Zaitseva E., Rudik D., Ivanov D., Mikhaylov A., Baranov M.


We report about a series of methylene-imidazolones with complexing groups. The fluorescent properties of these compounds were studied in various solvents as well as in the presence of different salts. We discovered that two of the synthesized substances – hydroxyquinolinidene-imidazolone and difluorobenzimidazolidene-imidazolone – can be used as selective fluorescent sensors for cadmium and zinc ions and potentially as markers for monitoring intracellular processes.

Bioorganičeskaâ himiâ. 2024;50(2):193–200
pages 193–200 views